Steamy Stories


October 12, 2023 JC Calciano Season 6 Episode 42
Steamy Stories
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Steamy Stories
Oct 12, 2023 Season 6 Episode 42
JC Calciano

Season 6  - Episode #42

Beneath the shadow of adolescent memories, Ethan's heart has always throbbed for the school's irresistible star quarterback, a friendship once deep, now lost in the winds of time. Having relocated to his late grandmother's enchanting manor, Ethan's spirit retreats, his vivacity cloaked by shyness. Yet, in the dimly lit corners of a dusty basement, destiny unfurls as Ethan discovers an ancient tome filled with love spells. Dare he harness its magic to captivate his long-held desire? Can mere words of enchantment make the heart of the gridiron god beat for him? Fate is set to reveal its design... and the stage? Tomorrow's gym class.

*  Steamy Stories Official Website:

Steamy Stories podcast is a mm romance fiction podcast. Each episode is a sexy, short gay story told playfully. Steamy Stories is the podcast where bromance becomes bromosexual. A new story monthly!

STEAMY STORIES is written by JC Calciano and narrated by Mark Montgomery.

REVENGE OF THE BROBOT is a hilariously sexy, silly male-male romance novel. If you love campy sci-fi romance novels, then don't miss this sweet, sultry story about a rogue robot named R.O.B.
It's available on and our website

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Season 6  - Episode #42

Beneath the shadow of adolescent memories, Ethan's heart has always throbbed for the school's irresistible star quarterback, a friendship once deep, now lost in the winds of time. Having relocated to his late grandmother's enchanting manor, Ethan's spirit retreats, his vivacity cloaked by shyness. Yet, in the dimly lit corners of a dusty basement, destiny unfurls as Ethan discovers an ancient tome filled with love spells. Dare he harness its magic to captivate his long-held desire? Can mere words of enchantment make the heart of the gridiron god beat for him? Fate is set to reveal its design... and the stage? Tomorrow's gym class.

*  Steamy Stories Official Website:

Steamy Stories podcast is a mm romance fiction podcast. Each episode is a sexy, short gay story told playfully. Steamy Stories is the podcast where bromance becomes bromosexual. A new story monthly!

STEAMY STORIES is written by JC Calciano and narrated by Mark Montgomery.

REVENGE OF THE BROBOT is a hilariously sexy, silly male-male romance novel. If you love campy sci-fi romance novels, then don't miss this sweet, sultry story about a rogue robot named R.O.B.
It's available on and our website

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before we begin I want to offer a few words of gratitude we appreciate you listening we certainly love our fans we also appreciate when you comment and rate US on platforms like YouTube Apple podcasts and Spotify spreading your love about steamy stories not only helps others discover the show but it also helps us grow and produce more episodes for you so a big broish bear hug to all of you for promoting steamy stories on social media and telling your friends about us sharing means caring so keep it up and thank you now on with the show since childhood Ethan has secretly admired the school's hunky star football player with whom he was once close friends however after recently moving into his late grandmother's home he became more reserved and shy one day while rummaging through the basement Ethan stumbles upon an old book of love spell he can't help but wonder if one of these enchantments will work on his sexy dreamman can a simple incantation make the Star Quarterback fall in love with him it seems that he'll find out tomorrow in gym[Applause] class it's October and Halloween soon upon us that means goblins Ghouls and the dark arts are around the corner what better way to celebrate this month with a bit of Witchcraft if you're up for casting a hot hex with me then I say let's whip out our magic wands and prepare to go all in this Halloween they'll have lots of tricks and even more treats in this month's steamy stories I'm Mark Montgomery and this is steamy stories written by JC calciano the podcast where bromance turns[Applause][Music] bromosexual Ethan a young man of quiet curiosity resided in the quaint town of Maplewood now 18 his tall toned physique stood out distinctly his chestnut hair wild and Untamed hinted at his quirky nature but it was his deep azour eyes a light with Mischief yet profound that truly captivated his infectious laughter and endearing smile promised both adventure and warmth more than just handsome Ethan was an irresistible blend of charm and mystery being the introvert he was Ethan found soulless in the comfort of his home rather than the athletic fields of his high school his Fascination lay in the hidden corners of the Antiquated house his grandparents previously inhabited recently he and his family moved across town to occupy his late grandmother's estate Ethan always found her wonderfully odd mystical and enigmatic her home was no different now that it was his family's domicile he was intrigued to investigate all the strange and wondrous items that filled it basement and attic one rainy Saturday afternoon Ethan ventured into the basement of the house it was a Labyrinth of Forgotten objects and dust Laden shelves the day was perfect for such an adventure with the rain providing a rhythmic backdrop to his exploration as he moved around his attention was drawn to an old wooden chest tucked away in a neglected Corner partially concealed by a wornout sheet intrigued Ethan dusted it off and struggled to open the creaky lid revealing a pile of assorted items trinkets old photographs journals and at the very bottom he discovered an old peculiar book was this a family heirloom perhaps this manuscript belonged to a long lost relative from years ago as soon as Ethan laid his eyes on the book he could sense an unusual charm about it its leather cover was faded with time the pages yellowed and the words written in an elegant looping script the title read mystical Muses love spells from the ages the book peaked Ethan's curiosity and he began leafing through the delicate pages that claimed to contain spells for everything from finding lost items to altering human emotions Ethan though not a believer in Magic found the concept intriguing and decided to give it a try amidst the Spells about attracting good fortune and fostering friendships he discovered one that particularly caught his eye an incantation to make some someone find you attractive Ethan thought of Maddox the handsome and charismatic jock from school who was seemingly out of his League Maddox was every bit the charmer adored by all for his striking face and muscular athletic body he decided half in justest to cast the spell before him he followed the instructions meticulously ly Whispering the Arcane words into the silent expectant air of the basement over and over while laying a photo of Maddox from the local sports Gazette in a circle of salt as instructed luminar ethra vantus sarin cith as he finished the chant for the last time a slight breeze stirred and the sing light bulb that dangled from the ceiling flickered Ethan felt A peculiar sense of exhilaration and a dash of Hope but also he couldn't shake off a sense of silliness it was just a ridiculous old book wasn't it nonetheless Ethan decided to take it to his room for further exploration the basement's adventure had ignited a spark within him and he couldn't help but wonder what tomorrow might bring for both him and Maddox Ethan was consumed by a mix of emotions as he arrived at school each step through the corridors was shadowed by thoughts of the incantation he'd cast the day earlier it wasn't long before he ran into Maddox in the hallway as usual Maddox was at his locker garnering the attention of the less popular students it was no surprise to Ethan that with his flowing Golden Hair bright eyes and toned physique he looked beyond spectacular but today as Ethan neared Maddox and his Pals on the way to class something shifted the two young men's eyes locked and a shared smile warmed the space between them time seemed to pause for Ethan when Maddox waved and winked at Ethan his friendly glance hinting at more than the fond memory of a friendship in their youth to Ethan's surprise minutes later Maddox graciously excused himself from his group and walked over to Ethan hey Dune Maddox said an inviting smile gracing his face his voice was warmer than Ethan had ever heard his gaze more focused Ethan felt a strange sort of energy in the air one that was charged with an Indescribable tension Maddox Ethan responded in his best casual bro voice trying to keep his voice steady and remain cool he then watched as maddox's gaze grew more intense in an exchange that starkly contrasted their usual brief casual exchanges prior to that day Maddox engaged Ethan in an energetic conversation asking about his weekend talking about school and laughing in a manner that was both refreshing and unexpected their talk was filled with animated energy a Charged undercurrent hinting at something more than friendship even after Maddox returned to his friends minutes later he would glance back at Ethan giving a small wave Ethan was stunned his heart raced as he replayed the encounter in his mind over and over maddox's attention vibrant smile and Lively conversation were all new exciting and completely unexpected had the spell really worked worked did Maddox genuinely find him attractive now despite his initial skepticism Ethan couldn't shake off the feeling that the book of spells might indeed be genuine emboldened by this success Ethan was already thinking about the next spell he would cast from his book the spark of hope within him blazed into a flame as the school day ended Ethan rushed home with a new spell in mind one that could potentially make Maddox fall in love with him as the reality of his plan set in Ethan was overcome with a thrilling mix of nervousness and Elation this newfound power was intoxicating and Ethan found himself getting lost in the promise of a magical future with Maddox Ethan spent that night consumed by a mix of anticipation and uncertainty he poured over his book mystical Muses love spells from the ages finally landing on a page that held the answer to his hopes a spell to make someone fall in love despite the nagging doubt in his mind if it was ethical he decided to cast it anyway Ethan carefully recited the incantation repeatedly the words hanging heavy in the still night air a promise of a future he desperately yearned for Lumina ventis terara ignis Nexus the next morning the energy in Maplewood High School seemed different for Ethan it was charged with possibility and hope he kept kept an eye out for Maddox who was once again surrounded by his usual group of friends his laughter echoing down the hallway but amidst the chatter and laughter maddox's eyes found Ethan's he immediately broke away from his group and approached Ethan with a confident smile Maddox usually so collected appeared slightly nervous he rubbed the back of his neck and looked down Gathering his thoughts then looking up at Ethan with a warm and sincere smile he asked hey Ethan this may sound silly but would you like to go to the prom with me Ethan was stunned into silence his heart pounded in his chest disbelief joy and apprehension battling within him this was what he had hoped for but heing it made it all the more surreal sure Maddox I'd love to he managed to say his voice barely a whisper oh it worked the prom no one asks anyone to the prom unless they have feelings for them could it be that Maddox is now mine did I in fact make this sexy studly hunk my love slave as if it were magic and maybe it was Ethan and Maddox began to spend more time together the connection between them growing stronger with each passing day it was clear that the spell had woven a magic thread pulling them closer to each other every afternoon without fail the two young men would sit together at lunch talk about their classes and even walk home home after school Ethan was in a state of constant disbelief and joy unable to shake off the feeling that he was living in a dream despite his happiness there was a tiny voice in Ethan's mind a nagging thought he couldn't entirely ignore was this wrong was it fair to cast a spell to force Maddox to love him it was a question that would haunt him even as he reveled in the newfound connection with the man of his dreams the long- awaited prom night finally arrived it was a starry evening filled with the promise of Dreams fulfilled and memories made the school gymnasium was transformed into a magical realm of twinkling lights and flowing Fabrics amidst the laughter and the excited chatter Ethan Stood Beside Maddox near the Dance Floor his handsome date radiant in a stylish tuxedo the night was just as Ethan had imagined it perfect in every way as the evening progressed they shared laughs swayed to the soft music and even stole a few intimate moments away from the crowd however beneath the veneer of joy and normaly Ethan wrestled with an increasing feeling of gnawing guilt it was the spell he kept thinking maddox's feelings weren't genuine they were merely the product of his manipulation and he was wrong to force someone to feel something that wasn't genuine after a particularly romantic slow dance Ethan LED Maddox away from the crowd the pulsating music faded into a distant hum as they entered the quiet School Courtyard Moonlight bathed the scene in a soft glow as Ethan took a deep breath Gathering his thoughts and assembling what to say Maddox he began his voice trembling slightly there's something I need to tell you he paused glancing at maddox's Sweet expectantly waiting face I know we've known each other since grade school and to be honest I've liked you ever since we were kids as we got older you became well hotter and more popular than anyone in the school while me well not so much anyway as you know we drifted apart from each other Ethan swallowed deeply as he bared his soul throwing caution to the wind with his confession I didn't think you'd ever notice me again so last month I cast a spell a spell to make you find me attractive and when that worked I did another one to make you fall in love with me Maddox blinked seemingly taken back as Ethan reached into his pocket and pulled out his book of spells he turned to the pages containing the two love charms he had cast his finger tracing the Arcane words as he showed them to Maddox and pleaded please don't hate me I just I didn't want to keep the truth from you I'm sorry I manipulated your feelings in the hushed silence that followed Ethan could hear his heart pounding in his chest the admission was out in the open now a secret exposed to the chilling night air he waited for maddox's response the second stretching into an eternity Maddox was silent his brow furrowed as he processed Ethan's confession he took the book from Ethan and flipped through its worn Pages carefully he looked at the two spells Ethan had cast on him his eyes scanning The Faded script the quiet Court yard just outside earre from the music of the prom previously a comfort now seemed to press in around them with its heavy silence after a long moment maddox's eyes found a particular page towards the end of the book he studied it his expression unreadable Ethan watched him a knot of dread in his stomach He was unaware that Maddox had discovered a page he had previously missed it was a forward that explained the book's true nature explaining that this was not a book of spells but rather a compilation of old folklore and myths intended for entertainment only Maddox finally looked up at Ethan his expression was calm almost relieved you see Ethan he began his voice steady I had liked you even before you cast these spells actually every since we met when we were much younger it was only when we became seniors in high school that I was able to muster the courage to talk to you and eventually ask you out a small smile forming on his lips Ethan blinked in surprise he hadn't expected this Revelation Maddox added I always admired your kindness intelligence and you were uniqueness I never got a chance to express it I was afraid you thought of me as a dumb jock it was only when you started paying me more attention in the hall it felt like it may be the right time to finally talk to you again and see if you'd possibly date me as the shock started to wear off Ethan felt a warmth spreading through him he wasn't alone in his feelings of affection Maddox had felt the same way about him it wasn't the spell he had cast after all but perhaps This Book Is Magic and if in fact it is Maddox chuckled as he closed the book gently I'm more than happy to be under your spell Ethan his words hung in the air sweet and sincere Ethan was overwhelmed by his mixed feelings of relief joy and surprise this wasn't a dream it was reality a reality even better than his most fanciful Daydreams still overcome by the weight of maddox's Revelation Ethan watched as Maddox flipped through the pages of the book once again a playful glint in his eye as he paused at a particular page reading the spell aloud his voice filled with Amusement how about I cast a spell Ethan Maddox proposed a cheeky grin adorning his face one that invites a special intimate night together this evening Ethan quickly cuddled close to Maddox as he cradled the other half of the book in his hands asking I'm up for trying something new if you are Ethan eagerly nodded his head Maddox laughed how about this one it sounds well really hot and naughty I say we do it are you ready Ethan almost too eagerly responded oh yes Maddox winked signaling he was ready inviting Ethan to chant and Unison Lumina verto Nexa flux inth Maddox beamed as his face lit up as he said I don't know about you but I can already feel it working Ethan laughed as he replied it's working big time for me too Maddox didn't waste a second suggesting they leave the prom early and head to the old barn behind his parents house Maddox confessed I took the liberty to set up a little Someplace Special for us to hang out tonight Ethan didn't hesitate and leading the way as they slipped out the side door of the building and into maddox's Ford Bronco upon entering the the rickety abandoned Barn a string of subdued colored lights hung over a soft bed of blankets discreetly tucked in the corner it was a simple yet romantic spot a speaker nearby sprung to life as Maddox summoned Siri to play my prom music playlist it was clear that this Amorous encounter was well planned and Maddox was well prepared for what was to come next next as the two men stood tux to Tux in the barn the glowing lights above revealed a selfish Assurance in Ethan that was lacking before he had found the book of spells was his Newfound self assurance due to the ancient manuscript of incantations he discovered or was it just good old-fashioned confidence whatever it was both Ethan and Maddox were enjoying it Ethan was the first to lean forward and kiss Maddox the mood was perfect and Ethan couldn't wait another second to feel his mouth pressed against this ripped stud's face maddox's tender soft lips felt moist and warm on Ethan's mouth perfect and just what he had dreamt of for so many years he smirked as he thought this is just what I had fantasized about ever since I first laid eyes on him years ago actually no it's much much better than that maddox's eyes twinkled Under The Lights as he simply stated that was really nice I've wanted to kiss you for a long time finally tonight you're mine Maddox wasted no time slipping Ethan's bow tie off and tossed it to the side of the makeshift bed before them Maddox admitted to Ethan you may have recently recited an incantation from a book but when we were 10 years old I made a birthday wish that you'd be my boyfriend one day perhaps it was me that cast the Spell on You Ethan smiled thinking h all this time I was the one Enchanted by maddox's wish well I'm good with that Ethan quickly unbuckled maddox's tuxedo pants and smirked as he teasingly leaned into maddox's ear and whispered well if that's the case please allow me to make the final wish for the evening he continued I wish both of us would stop talking and just make love already Maddox was about to make Ethan's wish come[Music] true well it seems that magic is no match for good old self-confidence I'm thrilled that Ethan Found the courage to ask Maddox out who knows what would have or wouldn't have happened if he never made the first move I wonder how many steamy stories can be contributed to the simple Act of just going for it I know it's worked for me in the past now as [ __ ] Shore as we all are presently sadly I must bid you ad do yep our time has come to an end today but fear not next month I shall be back to tell you more steaming stories later bro

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