Steamy Stories

A Revved-Up Romance

November 14, 2023 JC Calciano Season 6 Episode 43
A Revved-Up Romance
Steamy Stories
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Steamy Stories
A Revved-Up Romance
Nov 14, 2023 Season 6 Episode 43
JC Calciano


A Revved-Up Romance

Season 6  - Episode #43


Beckett's mornings come with a steamy side of intrigue. With every sip of coffee, he was treated to the sight of the building's enigmatic heartthrob cutting through the courtyard. The man next door had a chiseled physique that was only outdone by the mystery of the face beneath his motorcycle helmet. Who was the magnificent mystery man? One morning, when the rumble of his motorcycle’s engine falters, Beckett is given a chance to meet his neighbor and delve deeper into his fiery fantasies. Will the unmasked man next door live up to Beckett's dirty daydreams? The answer is hell yeah!

 *  Steamy Stories Official Website:
 Steamy Stories podcast is a mm romance fiction podcast. Each episode is a sexy, short gay story told playfully. Steamy Stories is the podcast where bromance becomes bromosexual. A new story monthly!
 STEAMY STORIES is written by JC Calciano and narrated by Mark Montgomery.

#podcast #lgbtq #gaystories #gayshorts #gaykiss #mmromance #mm fiction #gayromance #shortstories #short gay stories 

Steam Room Confidential is a collection of all the stories you love from your favorite podcast. STEAMY STORIES. Steam Room Confidential comes in several volumes and you can find them on - collect them all. Your support goes to help us make more stories and podcast episodes for you!

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A Revved-Up Romance

Season 6  - Episode #43


Beckett's mornings come with a steamy side of intrigue. With every sip of coffee, he was treated to the sight of the building's enigmatic heartthrob cutting through the courtyard. The man next door had a chiseled physique that was only outdone by the mystery of the face beneath his motorcycle helmet. Who was the magnificent mystery man? One morning, when the rumble of his motorcycle’s engine falters, Beckett is given a chance to meet his neighbor and delve deeper into his fiery fantasies. Will the unmasked man next door live up to Beckett's dirty daydreams? The answer is hell yeah!

 *  Steamy Stories Official Website:
 Steamy Stories podcast is a mm romance fiction podcast. Each episode is a sexy, short gay story told playfully. Steamy Stories is the podcast where bromance becomes bromosexual. A new story monthly!
 STEAMY STORIES is written by JC Calciano and narrated by Mark Montgomery.

#podcast #lgbtq #gaystories #gayshorts #gaykiss #mmromance #mm fiction #gayromance #shortstories #short gay stories 

Steam Room Confidential is a collection of all the stories you love from your favorite podcast. STEAMY STORIES. Steam Room Confidential comes in several volumes and you can find them on - collect them all. Your support goes to help us make more stories and podcast episodes for you!

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the sun's first Rays splashed across the sky painting it in shades of Amber and Rose Birds started their daily Symphony a background score to the Awakening City below within this city lay a Charming apartment complex A Relic from a Time Gone by and within it on the third floor a striking young man named Becket enjoying his morning rituals Becket a muscular nurse with broad shoulders and exceptional good looks had a gentle touch that contradicted his powerful build his deep set eyes the color of stormy seas hid his emotions beneath a quiet demeanor yet those who looked Closer saw a heart as big as his biceps and a genuine care that endeared him to his patience away from the hospital becket's wild imagination and love for cooking came alive in his kitchen he crafted dishes with the same gentle Precision he showed his patience creating culinary masterpieces that were an extension of his nurturing Soul inside his modest Tastefully decorated apartment the scent of brewing coffee mingled with the gentle hum of the old refrigerator his apartment was a mix of modern Aesthetics and vintage charm from the Retro clock on the wall to the Sleek minimalist Furniture framed photos and souvenirs from his travels adorned the room hinting at a man of taste and Adventure but for all the beauty inside becket's favorite view was the one outside his kitchen window this was where he stationed himself every morning a cup of steaming coffee in hand eyes peeled for one particular site the apartment next to his was a bit of a riddle unlike his own dwelling which often echoed with the sounds of jazz or the latest Netflix series that apartment was always quiet it had a single occupant a man who had become the sub subject of becket's daily musings every morning without fail the man would emerge from his doorway dressed in the same attire black jeans a snug t-shirt and a helmet that concealed his face the attire left little to the imagination showcasing an undeniably muscular physique his gate was confident yet there was an air of mystery about him that was intoxicating the most defining aspect of this enigmatic man was his mode of transport a gleaming Harley motorcycle that roared to life each morning Becket would often find himself lost in the Symphony of its engine admiring the way the sunlight would reflect off its polished chrome it was like clockwork this routine of theirs the man's departure synchronized perfectly with becket's coffee time although becket's dad repaired motorcycles he had never been one for owning one himself he was a camper and Outdoors person his passion was utility vehicles but still there was something about this one or perhaps its writer that piqued his interest he would often find himself wondering about the man's destination his occupation and most importantly the face that remained hidden behind the visor today as Becket sipped on his coffee enjoying its warmth and richness he couldn't help but get lost in these thoughts once again the birds chirping the distant hum of city life and the intoxicating anticipation of the motorcycles Roar were all part of becket's morning routine little did did he know this routine was about to take an unexpected turn the soft ambient sounds of the morning were interrupted by a sudden and unexpected noise from outside Becket cradling his coffee mug perked up he had grown accustomed to the distinct Roar of the Harley motorcycle but today it sounded different instead of the usual rev and go the engine hesitated coughed then choked out a series of discordant sputters becket's pulse quickened for months he had anticipated an opportunity any chance to get a closer look at The Man Behind the helmet the bike's struggles seemed to have presented that very occasion trying to subdue the eagerness in his stride Becket set his mug down sneaking glances out of the window the sun's Rays made the motorcycle Shimmer its Chrome reflecting the Myriad colors of the morning Sky standing beside it was its owner evidently agitated Becket could see him lean over trying to identify the problem the helmet which had always been a barrier to his identity now rested casually on the bike's seat Becket hesitated for just a moment Gathering himself he decided on a plan he would head down as sensibly to fetch something from his car it would appear casual unplanned mustering all the nonchalant he could and inquire what was happening with his neighbor's motorcycle Becket made his way downstairs his heart drumming a rhythmic dance of anticipation as he entered the garage the air thick with the scent of gasoline permeated the air becket's gaze settled on the sexy biker bent over without the shield of his helmet the man was even more striking than Becket had imagined his broad shoulders and chiseled chest strained against a black figure hugging tea revealing the powerful physique beneath the seny muscles in his arms ripped As He adjusted his grip on the engine's carburetor his square jaw was dusted with a day worth of stubble adding a rugged appeal to his undeniably handsome face a leather jacket hung nonchalantly off the motorcycle's handlebars while his worn and distressed jeans clung to his thighs like a second skin emphasizing his perfectly sculpted ass his eyes however were his most captivating feature a shade of Hazel so deep it rivaled the ocean as he looked up from behind the vehicle a strand of dark hair fell rebelliously across his forehead brushing against the dark arched eyebrows that framed his intense gaze his lips full and inviting curled into a slow confident smile revealing a hint of white teeth and a spark of Mischief Becket couldn't help but let out a gasp at the sight of the boy next door he was indeed the embodiment of passion rebellion and Untamed desire amid the man's evident distress becket's own past experiences began to resonate growing up Becket had spent countless hours in his father's automotive shop amidst the entire intoxicating Aroma of engine oil the cacophony of clinging tools and the soft hum of radios his father's prized possession had been a Harley-Davidson similar to the one now sputtering in front of him memories flooded back lessons about engine mechanics the distinct sounds they made and the issues they signaled to becket's trained Ear The Irregular Rhythm of the engine's cranks suggested a familiar problem he recalled one evening under the dim lights of his father's Workshop learning about distributor caps and their vital role in the engine's ignition system the memory was clear a cracked cap often led to the very symptoms this Harley was exhibiting as the past melded with the present an amalgamation of curiosity Nostalgia and opportunity that Becka took a deep breath preparing to bridge the gap between him and the Mystery next door clearing his throat slightly to announce his presence Becket ventured uh trouble with the motorcycle the stranger's head snapped up surprise evident in his hazel eyes framed by long lashes yes he replied his voice betraying a mix of irrit a and concern I need to get to work I'm an EMT and I can't be late for my shift his gaze dropped back to the motorcycle a silent plea for it to miraculously start I guess I'm going to have to either bother a friend or call an Uber he sighed deeply the weight of his predicament sinking in now I'm seriously in trouble it's my ass if I'm late Beck it took a moment absorbing the gravity of the situation as a nurse he understood their profession's critical nature and punctuality importance an idea blossomed uh you're welcome to take my car he offered earnestly nodding towards his vintage Jeep parked a few spaces away the stranger looked taken aback his eyebrows shooting up in Surprise Ah that's incredibly kind of you but I can't impose like that it's too much he protested a tinge of disbelief in his tone continuing but rad right I've admired that jeep ever since I moved in I wondered who drove it Becket held up a reassuring hand stepping closer yep that'd be me I restored it myself but enough about my ride please take it get to work it's my day off so I don't need it trust me it's no imposition at all besides he added with a playful wink I'd feel much better knowing anmt didn't miss his shift because of a pesky distributor cap there was a pause the two of them standing in the semi shadow of the garage the fluorescent lights overhead cast a soft glow creating a bubble of intim Y in that vast space a soft chuckle from The Stranger broke the silence you know your bikes he remarked with a smile a dimple appearing on his left cheek I had a good teacher Becket replied recalling fond memories of his father so what do you say my car's at your service The Stranger seemed to contemplate the offer for a few more seconds clearly battling his pride and necessity finally nodding he said I can't thank you enough it's unexpected and I genuinely appreciate it my name's Luca I live in unit 11 Becket smiled sheepishly as he answered I'm 10 right next door nice to formerly meet you neighbor Becka did think twice before handing over the keys to his trusty Jeep the Biker's eyes had glinted with unspoken gratitude as he headed out on his urgent errand as Becket watched Luca leave with his vehicle he couldn't shake the feeling that he should do more to help this hunky stranger with a decisive nod he returned to his apartment laced up his worn leather boots and older knockabout clothes and set out on foot towards the nearby parts dealership his strides were purposeful echoing his determination he moved through the Isles of the automotive store his experienced eyes quickly spotting the distributor cap he needed with the small but vital part in hand Becket paid and headed back home his mind already tracing the steps of the repair back in the garage he rolled up his sleeves and set to work losing himself in the familiar rhythm of tools and Machinery it was not even noon as the last bolt was tightened and the job was complete as Becket wiped his greasy hands on a rag he could almost see his father's approving smile at all the knowledge that his dad had passed on to him Becket had spent most of the day dwelling on the morning's events after all it wasn't every day you lent your card to a handsome stranger the warmth of the afternoon sun in the apartment seemed a sharp contrast to the cool Detachment of the garage where their interaction had taken place earlier he found himself constantly glancing at the clock half expecting half hoping Luca would return soon every distant engine roar or muffled hallway noise sent a flutter through his heart was he returning home earlier than usual perhaps he could stay for supper he was both anxious and excited about their next encounter while the generous Act of lending his car had been spontaneous he couldn't help but wonder what Luca's impression of him was would he see it merely as a neighborly gesture or would he sense the undertones of intrigue and attraction Becket felt Becket decided to cook dinner to distract himself from thinking about about his new studly neighbor cooking always had a calming effect on him with each step and ingredient acting as a meditative process tonight he opted for spaghetti ago YOLO a simple dish but one of his favorites as the aroma of garlic and chili flakes sizzling in olive oil filled his apartment he felt a sense of contentment he reasoned that no matter how the day ended he'd at least have a delicious meal to enjoy just as he set the dining table for one there was a gentle knock on his door his heart skipped a beat taking a deep breath to calm his sudden nerves Becket approached the door his fingers grazing the cool metal handle he turned it anticipation and hope surging through him what awaited on the other side was a continuation of the morning's Unexpected Journey upon opening the door he was met with a welcome face it was indeed Luca the mysterious and handsome stranger now standing before him holding the keys to his Jeep in one hand and in the other a bottle of wine I wanted to thank you Luca began his voice a rich baritone that seemed even more appealing up close for Lending me your Jeep this morning it really saved me Becket waved off the Gratitude with a modest chuckle it was nothing really just being neighborly Luca's gaze remained fixed on Becket a hint of something deeper in his eyes as he continued uh it was very kind an awkward pause followed Becket fully expected Luca to hand over the wine which he assumed was a gift for his generosity the moment however took another unexpected turn Luca shifted slightly almost hesitantly before venturing oh I was hoping to hang out and open the bottle with you now if you didn't have plans this evening I don't know anyone in the building and getting to know you better would be nice Becket taken aback processed the proposition a myriad of thoughts raced through his mind but above all excitement prevailed before he could reply Luca's glance shifted towards the kitchen where the unmistakable Aroma of an Italian home-cooked meal r at oh wow that smells amazing I don't want to disturb your dinner maybe another night then Becket was quick to interject there was no way he was letting this stud get away nonsense I haven't even put the pasta in the water yet I've got plenty of food for two plus you can't leave yet I haven't told you the best part I took the liberty of fixing your motorcycle this afternoon Luca was astounded speechless he could barely utter the words really you fixed my bike he quickly yelled bro that's freaking awesome you're quite the stud aren't you Becket sheepishly answered I don't know about that I just learned a thing or two from my dad when I was younger honestly it's not a big deal it was just a fun thing to do plus how would you get to work tomorrow Luca laughed that's true I hadn't thought about it he answered with a modest smirk he quickly resumed the invitation to dinner extended by Becket well since you offered I'm not fool enough to pass up an amazing home-cooked meal like the one you're preparing how about you toss the pasta in the water and I'll open the Veno Luca Uncorked the wine the soft pop signaling the start of their evening the Ambiance seemed to transform as the Deep Red liquid flowed into their glasses the barriers of unfamiliarity and formality slowly began to fade replaced by the beginnings of camaraderie they toasted to New Beginnings the glasses clinking melodiously Luca began to share more about himself his recent move to the city the pressures of being in EMT and the loneliness that sometimes accompanied such a demanding job he spoke of past relationships adventures and Misadventures with every story Becket found himself more and more intrigued in turn Becket opened up about his life as a nurse the joys and Sorrows of caring for patients and the escapism he found in Books and Music he talked about his family his father's garage and the lessons he learned there as the night wore on the conversation between Becket and Luca grew more intimate the dim Lighting in the room painted a warm golden hue on their faces the wine had had done its job and lubricated the conversation and slightly lowered their guards Luca's compassionate eyes glinted with Mischief every now and then especially when they'd lock on to beckets there were moments of heavy silence where words weren't needed and both men seemed to speak a language of longing through mere glances your cooking is exceptional Luca complimented as he swirled the wine from a recently Uncorked second bottle in his glass its deep red reflecting in his eyes your touch must be as delicate in the hospital as it is in the kitchen Becket smirked catching on to the underlying flirtation well hands like these have multiple uses he raised an eyebrow challenging Luca leaning in closer Luca's voice lowered is that an offer or a promise their proximity had decreased substantially the distance between their faces was close enough to feel the warmth of each other's breaths Lucas's fingers brushed against beckets as they both reached simultaneously for the last of the bottle contents neither pulled away immediately allowing the touch to linger savoring the electricity it sparked clearing his throat Becket said a bit of both Luca grinned clearly enjoying the playful banter I could get used to evenings like these he said taking a final sip of wine and letting his gaze drop to becket's lips for a brief moment good company amazing food and a hot man who knows how to fix a Harley who's luckier than me Becket teased I'd say me he was quick to alter his flirtatious response to sincere gratitude before their exchange became even more heated than it was this was nice I enjoyed having you by for dinner it was very kind of you to bring me the bottle of wine as a thank you Luca slid closer to Becket as he slipped his hand on his thigh he tightly squeezed his formidable leg muscle as he looked deeply into his eyes and said the bottle of wine was merely an excuse to come by tonight the thank you is still to come here take my keys borrow my car as long as you'd like I have to admit I wouldn't mind a little gratitude from Luca right now oh what I wouldn't do to have a hot biker stud living next to me honestly I'd never get any work done I'd be too busy polishing his exhaust pipe every morning and in the afternoon I loosen his lug nuts what I enjoy working on this is stey Stories the podcast of todrey romantic tales and bad sexual puns next month we get all the holiday feels happening as we prepare for a visit from everyone's favorite fat senior citizen St Nick but a word of caution this Christmas you may want to prepare for a lump of coal in your stocking because when I'm done with next month's steamy stories there is no way you're making the Nic list so put your pen away no need to write to Santa and tell him what you want because we are about to be bad boys and girls and next months steamy stories later bro

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