Steamy Stories

North Pole Naughtiness - PART 1

November 29, 2023 JC Calciano Season 6 Episode 44
North Pole Naughtiness - PART 1
Steamy Stories
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Steamy Stories
North Pole Naughtiness - PART 1
Nov 29, 2023 Season 6 Episode 44
JC Calciano



Season 6  - Episode #44 PART 1

Welcome to a special holiday episode of STEAMY STORIES where we bring you a heartwarming and magical gay Christmas story like no other! In this festive TWO PART episode, we dive into the enchanting tale of two young men who embark on an unexpected journey to the North Pole. 

North Pole Naughtiness follows a couple as they return home for the holidays, only to discover a family secret that's as magical as Christmas itself - one of the partner's parents are none other than Santa and Mrs. Claus! But there's trouble brewing at the North Pole, and Christmas is in jeopardy. Join us as we take you on their adventurous quest to help save Christmas from being cancelled. 

 *  Steamy Stories Official Website:
Steamy Stories podcast is a mm romance fiction podcast. Each episode is a sexy, short gay story told playfully. Steamy Stories is the podcast where bromance becomes bromosexual. A new story monthly!
 STEAMY STORIES is written by JC Calciano and narrated by Mark Montgomery.


#podcast #lgbtq #gaystories #gayshorts #gaykiss #mmromance #mm fiction #gayromance #shortstories #short gay stories #gayChristmas #christmas #cancelchristmas #santaclaus 

REVENGE OF THE BROBOT is a hilariously sexy, silly male-male romance novel. If you love campy sci-fi romance novels, then don't miss this sweet, sultry story about a rogue robot named R.O.B.
It's available on and our website

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Season 6  - Episode #44 PART 1

Welcome to a special holiday episode of STEAMY STORIES where we bring you a heartwarming and magical gay Christmas story like no other! In this festive TWO PART episode, we dive into the enchanting tale of two young men who embark on an unexpected journey to the North Pole. 

North Pole Naughtiness follows a couple as they return home for the holidays, only to discover a family secret that's as magical as Christmas itself - one of the partner's parents are none other than Santa and Mrs. Claus! But there's trouble brewing at the North Pole, and Christmas is in jeopardy. Join us as we take you on their adventurous quest to help save Christmas from being cancelled. 

 *  Steamy Stories Official Website:
Steamy Stories podcast is a mm romance fiction podcast. Each episode is a sexy, short gay story told playfully. Steamy Stories is the podcast where bromance becomes bromosexual. A new story monthly!
 STEAMY STORIES is written by JC Calciano and narrated by Mark Montgomery.


#podcast #lgbtq #gaystories #gayshorts #gaykiss #mmromance #mm fiction #gayromance #shortstories #short gay stories #gayChristmas #christmas #cancelchristmas #santaclaus 

REVENGE OF THE BROBOT is a hilariously sexy, silly male-male romance novel. If you love campy sci-fi romance novels, then don't miss this sweet, sultry story about a rogue robot named R.O.B.
It's available on and our website

Support the Show.

season's greetings steamy stories is here to help with your holiday gifts may we suggest you delve into our adult coloring books titled romantic Bliss or turn up the heat even more with our steam room confidential noela collection they fit perfectly in a stocking or under a tree all our steamy books and movies can be found at steamy so check them out and pick them all up now and have a happy holiday Matthew is passionate about Christmas but his boyfriend Christopher didn't share the same enthusiasm after 5 years together Matthew delivered a clear ultimatum either we spend the holidays with your family or we need to reconsider our relationship Christopher understood Matthew's frustration about not having met his parents and revealed that he comes from an unconventional family Matthew thought he was prepared for any family member Christopher might introduce but he was completely blindsided by the revelation of who Christopher's parents really[Music][Applause] were welcome my little elves to my winter wonderland settle by the fire while I prepare a toasty cup of cocoa for you I'm your host Mark Montgomery and I've got a hunky holiday tale bound to warm more than just your cookies our brilliant scribe JC calciano has crafted a two-part holiday story for you that's sure to ignite the festive spirit in your heart and maybe even spark your Ule log so snuggle under a cozy blanket position yourself beneath the mistletoe and get ready for part one of a sizzling Christmas Tale North Pole whole[Music][Applause] naughtiness Matthew the epitome of a Hallmark heartthrob with chiseled facial features and a physique that could make any movie poster smolder glanced up from the script strewn across the kitchen table known for captivating audiences in high-profile romance films his magnetic charisma extended beyond the screen yet as desirable as his rugged good looks were Matthew wore them with a disarming humility rather than flaunting his Aesthetics he viewed them as a familial Legacy which he had adeptly leveraged to carve a comfortable life for himself and his partner Chris the afternoon sun danced through their West Hollywood living room window its Rays kissing the wooden floors imparting a golden hue that lit up their Treasure Trove of memories framed pictures chronicled the couple's Myriad escapades candid moments of laughter intimate Embraces and stolen glances exchanged amidst exotic vacations Festive Celebrations and jubilant Gatherings yet there was a notable absence the joyous charm of Christmas remained conspicuously missing from their photo collection especially at this this time of year a soft Creek underfoot signaled Chris's entrance returning from a demanding day at the weather station where he worked Matthew raised an eyebrow pleasantly surprised to see Chris home at such an early hour given Chris's pension for immersing himself in late night experiments and intricate engineering challenges at his lab his early arrival was a rare delight and as Matthew's eyes fell upon on Chris a soft chuckle escaped his lips illuminated by the Setting Sun Chris's disheveled Brown locks and slightly crumpled coat only added to his Allure those striking features the chisled jawline intense gaze and the tossled richness of his hair combined with the athletic build his lab coat barely concealed never ceased to amaze Matthew there was an undeniable charm and Chris's blend of intellectual prowess and rugged handsomeness it was this captivating Duality that had initially drawn Matthew to Chris flashing a playful smirk Chris quipped daydreaming about our next trip are we his gaze darted toward the vacation photos Matthew shook his head Amusement lacing his voice Summer's away away handsome I've been pondering something else why haven't we celebrated Christmas with your family I haven't even met them yet a hint of anase replaced Chris's teasing grin well between our own holiday festivities and commitments things just well they never aligned Matthew gently interjected Chris I've never been introduced to them in all our years together I can't help but wonder if there's a problem Chris exhaled as he hunkered down for what was about to come next it's not a matter of introducing you man it's just it's a complicated relationship I have with him and sadly to say I must add to that complication by leaving you and returning to my folks's house for the holidays an unexpected situation has come up I got to leave tomorrow so I won't be here for Christmas with you Matthew's hold on his coffee mug grew firmer you're leaving on Christmas is everyone okay Chris paused searching for the right words yes I believe so I'm not sure what it is I just received a text from my mom asking me to return immediately it's a Family Matter quite urgent I believe setting his mug aside Matthew tenderly took Chris's hands intertwining their fingers we've weathered so many storms together let me by your side for this one too please let me come with you Chris's cheeks flushed his emotions evident I wish it were that simple Matthew leaned in his voice determined all the more reason for me to accompany you if we're envisioning a shared future it's about time I got to know your family problems and all a hint of a smile danced on Chris's lips well if you think you're up for the challenge then by all means come along Matthew's eyes twinkled with mischief and affection as laughter bubbled between them Chris leaned forward sealing their playful exchange with a fervent kiss gently breaking away Matthew looked deep into Chris's eyes whatever lies ahead Eccentric Family or pressing matters we'll tackle it as a team Chris exhaled visibly relieved all right but remember I did warn you Matthew grew quiet now deep in thought his head cocked to one side as he wondered out loud I hope we don't need to fly somewhere it's December 21st already there's no way we'll find flights out of Los Angeles at this late date Chris put a comforting hand on Matt's shoulder as he explained don't worry about it it's all taken care of my dad set up our travel it's all done he's texting me the details this evening Matt stopped dead in his tracks wait what do you mean your father arranged transportation Matthew questioned his eyebrows furrowing in confusion he already envisioned the nightmare of overpriced last minute airfare and the stress of packed airports the Holiday Rush was no joke Chris trying to suppress a smirk said my father well let's just say he has certain abilities that fateful night as the clock hands inched towards midnight Matthew found himself pressed against Chris's chest lulled into a light Slumber by the soft mumblings of the television the slow rhythm of his partner's breathing offered him a comforting cuddle buddy just as the evening Serenity threatened to pull him into a deeper sleep a gentle tap on his shoulder brought him back to the edge of Consciousness Matthew Chris whispered tenderly his lips brushed ing the edge of Matthew's ear our rid's here time to get moving blinking away the haze of sleep Matthew tried to process Chris's words his mind was Heavy with the remnants of dreams and the idea of leaving the warmth of their cozy living room at such an ungodly hour was disorienting sensing Matthew's confusion Chris swiftly and silently gathered their backs which had been meticulously packed earlier his voice brimming with a touch of urgency reassured Matthew don't worry everything's in place while Matthew's head struggled with the details of leaving their home for the holidays the calming sight of Chris's reassuring smile grounded him he rose unsteadily to his feet and followed Chris's lead expecting to see The Familiar sight of a waiting Uber outside their house house Matthew was taken aback when Chris led him around to the backyard instead a sturdy ladder was propped up against the house its top rungs disappearing over the roof's Edge Chris turned to Matthew his eyes shimmering with anticipation listen I need you to trust me take a deep breath keep cool and don't freak out all right Matthew gulped his gaze flitting between the ladder and Chris's Earnest expression I trust you he replied even as a flutter of une danced in his chest but what's going on without answering CFT deftly began climbing the ladder the two overnight bags slung over his shoulder seemingly not hindering his Ascent Matthew quickly followed Chris as he neared the rooftop doubts about his boyfriend's sanity overwhelmed him has he gone mad how can I coax him back down safely but as he hoisted himself up the last few rungs a sight stopped him dead in his tracks causing him to gasp audibly his legs wobbled dangerously a foot slipping from its hold he felt a terrifying sensation of weightlessness as he was sure to plummet two stories to the ground below but in a Flash Chris's strong hand latched onto his wrist saving him steady Chris murmured his voice thick with concern I've got you just be careful Matthew managed to regain his balance and Stood Beside Chris on the roof yet his mind struggled to comprehend the scene before him Chris placed a reassuring hand on Matthew's shoulder offering a comforting smile but it did little to Shield him from the sheer amazement of seeing eight reindeer and a vacant sleigh on their rooftop I guess it's clear now who my dad is Chris said his laughter filling the night air it was that peculiar wonderful laugh that Matthew had found so enchanting over the Last 5 Years not just any laugh but distinctly unique ho ho ho that suddenly made all the sense in the world realization dawned on Matthew's face as he neared the Magnificent animals their eyes lighting up at Chris's approach your dad is Santa Claus the actual Santa Claus and you kept it a secret with a gentle affection Chris stroked the underside of Donner's neck before replying I said it was complicated and if you think this is crazy just wait until we reach our destination Matthew's fingers touched the grand red sleigh admiring the emerald green inlays that perfectly offset the Aged red paint this is the real deal isn't it with a mix of awe and trepidation ation he stepped into the legendary sleigh holding tightly aware of the magical journey ahead Chris flashed a mischievous wink you always said you loved roller coasters trust me this ride will Top them all ready grasping the reins with confidence Chris called out with fervor now Dasher now dancer now Prancer and Vixen on comet on Cupid on Doner and Blitzen to the top of the porch to the top of the wall now dash away Dash away Dash away all Matthew captivated by The Surreal moment laughed heartily it's just like in the movies this is unreal with another echoing ho ho ho Chris urged the reindeer forward the sleigh jolted forward and soared whisking them through the midnight sky on a direct course for the North Pole the ride took little time at all it seemed like the sleigh no sooner took off then it arrived at its destination Matthew noted that the northern sky was unusually dark he expected a night such as this without a cloud in the sky and not an ounce of pollution would be bright but instead it was dank and murky Chris glanced around slightly puzzled at the sight of the sky as well typically the pole was illuminated by the magical Dance of the Aurora Borealis or at least by the glint of Moonlight on the pristine snow but tonight the North Pole was bathed in an uncanny velvety Darkness below them Santa's Castle however was an entirely different different spectacle Matthew gave himself a playful pinch to ensure this wasn't some Whimsical midnight fantasy though enveloped in Shadow the Towering Majestic Manor radiated a warm welcoming glow from its Windows Chris shot Matthew a flirtatious glance embrace yourself for our Landing I might be a tad Rusty with this sleigh Landings can be an adventure as they neared the grandio structure two massive doors swung open inviting them inside sensing their homecoming the reindeer gracefully glided in delivering a surprisingly silky and Flawless touchdown as the gigantic hanger doors clanked closed protecting them from the chilly Embrace of the outside another set of entryways from the opposite side creaked open and in an exhilarating burst of energy they were greeted by two of history's most beloved figures and a bustling troop of elves their faces lit up with excitement especially eager to get a closer look at Chris and the handsome man by his side welcome home boomed Santa Claus whose attire was a curious mix of what could only be dubbed as the most garish Christmas sweat in existence worn out jeans and bright red Crocs he embraced Chris and a hearty bearhug their resemblance was undeniable Mrs Claus with a twinkle in her eyes that reminded Matthew of Angela Lansbury made a beine for him wrapping him in a tight Embrace she smothered his forehead with rapid affectionate kisses oh we're so thrilled to meet you can't wait to have you join our merry festivities she half sang her enthusiasm infectious sensing Matthew's slightly overwhelmed demeanor amidst the Claus family fervor Chris quickly chimed in okay okay everyone give Matt a minute this is a lot he cast a protective glance toward Matthew their connection evident Mrs Claus nodded her understanding instructing Rodney the chief elf to ensure Matthew felt at home and at ease in the grand manner she attempted to be discreet with her stealthy instructions to Rodney but Matthew could hear her instructions quite clearly as she whispered be extra nice to Matthew he's a big star in Hollywood you know I've seen all his romance movies he's quite talented Matthew felt pleased upon hearing her private correspondence to the worker and he was proud to know he had discovered that Chris's mom a celebrity herself was a fan of his work Santa ever the Taskmaster cleared his throat no as joyous as this reunion is we've pressing business come da let's not forget it's now December 22nd

breakfast is at a sharp 6:

00 a.m. and work must be done Chris groaned exaggeratedly his eyes rolling with feigned annoyance 6 a.m. we'll need until at least 11 to surface Santa laid a gentle hand on Chris's shoulder eyes twinkling with mischief and

love I understand but 6:

00 a.m. it must be we're in a bind and even that's cutting it close eager to play his part Matthew interjected we'll be ready at 6 sir whatever's needed we're on it Santa's piercing blue gaze settled on Matthew I'm grateful to meet you finally Matthew Santa began warmly we've waited 5 years for Chris to bring you home Mrs Claus and I have been eager to meet the man who's captured our boy's heart stifling a mighty yawn Chris interjected with a playful smirk well if breakfast is in a mere 5 hours bedtime better be ASAP Matthew tossed and turned struggling to sleep amidst the Whirlwind of excitement after all it wasn't every day you found yourself at Santa Claus's castle in the North Pole for Christmas despite snuggling close to Chris enveloping himself in the warmth of his lover sleep remained elusive for about 20 minutes suddenly his Apple watch buzzed waking them both by signaling the ungodly hour they were meant to meet Santa for breakfast was upon them ready for breakfast with the parents Chris teased his eyes sparkling with Mischief Matthew groaned dramatically struggling to grasp the situation seriously Chris how did you casually forget to mention that your dad is the Santa Claus Chris's playful demeanor faded replaced by a more introspective look dad and I we've had our disagreements that's why I never told anyone before can you imagine the pressure of being Santa's son especially being his gay son I just wanted freedom to pursue science and well find love how was that going to happen at a polar ice cap was I being unreasonable was that too much to ask pulling Chris closer Matthew whispered I'm so proud of you for forging your own path if you hadn't taken that leap and moved to Los Angeles I would have never met the love of my life touched Chris's eyes gleamed with gratitude yet Matthew's watch reminder chimed in again nudging them about their imminent breakfast appointment I suppose we shouldn't keep dear old dad waiting especially when he thinks the Situation's dire enough to drag me all the way here to the North Pole walking to the breakfast room Matthew's awe grew with every step the Castle's hallways boasted opulent designs reminiscent of Renaissance masterpieces noticing Matthew's astonishment Chris quipped a tad over the top right mom has uh unique taste I've suggested a remodel but good luck getting an interior designer to the North Pole Matthew chuckled appreciating both the humor and the truth in Chris's words as they entered the grand breakfast Hall a smorgas borg beckoned Santa was already piling more peppermint Pancakes on his plate while Mrs Claus delicately spooned a fruit and yogurt parfait come on boys dive into breakfast Santa boomed jovy but make it quick we've got some serious Christmas business to tackle during breakfast the mood was pleasant and friendly Chris's Joy at the reunion with his parents and the elves was undeniable however he couldn't shake the feeling that the Castle's atmosphere had shifted since he left 5 years ago while everyone was their usual amiable self the enchanting Melodies and festive spirit that once resonated through the workshop were conspicuously absent in his earlier moments the castle was alive with mirth and merrymaking now all he could perceive was a hive of hardworking elves their joyful spontaneity replaced by determined industry Chris reasoned that maybe as grown man he was seeing Christmas for what it truly was not just festive magic but the result of the Relentless effort of many dedicated hands Santa his beard dusted with sugar from the plums he just devoured turned the conversation serious directing his gaze at Matthew he said I wish our introduction could have been under more festive circumstances Matthew ideally we take the time to get to know the man who's captured Chris's heart better but two days from Christmas we in the midst of a dire crisis that's why I had to summon my son urgently Mrs Claus her usually radiant face mirroring her husband's gravitas took over Chris my dear we're at our Wit's End we hope your scientific expertise and Engineering Acumen can unravel this mystery concerning the Aurora Borealis Chris's brow furrowed in concern a realization Dawning on him without thinking he expressed his inner thoughts out loud that explains the unusually Dark Skies when we arrived the Northern Lights have disappeared not even a trace left what on Earth could have caused this Santa sighed heavily that's exactly what we're trying to decipher Chris without the Northern Lights I'm left with no way to guide my sleigh delivering gifts worldwide becomes an impossible task if we don't figure out the reason behind this Darkness then he paused swallowing hard his eyes filled with sorrow Christmas might just be cancelled this year Christmas cancelled oh no this can't be who's going to come down my chimney tonight who am I kidding I've got a list of eligible bachelors standing by you're listening to steamy Stories the podcast where Bromance turns bromosexual written by JC calciano I hope you've enjoyed part one of North Pole naughtiness and are planning to join me for part two of the story things get pretty hot and wild at the Claus's Christmas Eve party trust me so you don't want to miss when Chris shows Matthew his North Pole bro

Story Begins
End of part 1