Steamy Stories

North Pole Naughtiness - PART 2

December 04, 2023 JC Calciano Season 6 Episode 44
North Pole Naughtiness - PART 2
Steamy Stories
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Steamy Stories
North Pole Naughtiness - PART 2
Dec 04, 2023 Season 6 Episode 44
JC Calciano



Season 6  - Episode #44 PART 2

Welcome to a special holiday episode of STEAMY STORIES where we bring you a heartwarming and magical gay Christmas story like no other! In this festive TWO PART episode, we dive into the enchanting tale of two young men who embark on an unexpected journey to the North Pole. 

North Pole Naughtiness follows a couple as they return home for the holidays, only to discover a family secret that's as magical as Christmas itself - one of the partner's parents are none other than Santa and Mrs. Claus! But there's trouble brewing at the North Pole, and Christmas is in jeopardy. Join us as we take you on their adventurous quest to help save Christmas from being cancelled. 

 *  Steamy Stories Official Website:
Steamy Stories podcast is a mm romance fiction podcast. Each episode is a sexy, short gay story told playfully. Steamy Stories is the podcast where bromance becomes bromosexual. A new story monthly!
 STEAMY STORIES is written by JC Calciano and narrated by Mark Montgomery.


#podcast #lgbtq #gaystories #gayshorts #gaykiss #mmromance #mm fiction #gayromance #shortstories #short gay stories #gayChristmas #christmas #cancelchristmas #santaclaus 

REVENGE OF THE BROBOT is a hilariously sexy, silly male-male romance novel. If you love campy sci-fi romance novels, then don't miss this sweet, sultry story about a rogue robot named R.O.B.
It's available on and our website

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Season 6  - Episode #44 PART 2

Welcome to a special holiday episode of STEAMY STORIES where we bring you a heartwarming and magical gay Christmas story like no other! In this festive TWO PART episode, we dive into the enchanting tale of two young men who embark on an unexpected journey to the North Pole. 

North Pole Naughtiness follows a couple as they return home for the holidays, only to discover a family secret that's as magical as Christmas itself - one of the partner's parents are none other than Santa and Mrs. Claus! But there's trouble brewing at the North Pole, and Christmas is in jeopardy. Join us as we take you on their adventurous quest to help save Christmas from being cancelled. 

 *  Steamy Stories Official Website:
Steamy Stories podcast is a mm romance fiction podcast. Each episode is a sexy, short gay story told playfully. Steamy Stories is the podcast where bromance becomes bromosexual. A new story monthly!
 STEAMY STORIES is written by JC Calciano and narrated by Mark Montgomery.


#podcast #lgbtq #gaystories #gayshorts #gaykiss #mmromance #mm fiction #gayromance #shortstories #short gay stories #gayChristmas #christmas #cancelchristmas #santaclaus 

REVENGE OF THE BROBOT is a hilariously sexy, silly male-male romance novel. If you love campy sci-fi romance novels, then don't miss this sweet, sultry story about a rogue robot named R.O.B.
It's available on and our website

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We wish you a Merry Christmas we wish you a merry Christmas we oh you're back just in time for my carolling what you'd rather hear the rest of the steamy story rather than my singing well I don't blame you one bit I was a little bit flat anyway all right let's get to it then as you know by now I'm your host Mark Montgomery and this is steamie stories written by JC calciano and I'm back to tell you part two of our steamy story north whole[Music] naughtiness last we left off Chris Kringle Jr and his hunky actor boyfriend Matthew had just arrived at Santa's Castle to meet his parents upon meeting Santa and Mrs Claus they were informed that Christmas was in trouble and that their help saving the holiday was essential now what happens next well I'm about to tell you so Throw Another Log on the Fire and settle in with your favorite elf on a shelf while I tell you what happens next in part two of this month's steamy stories North Pole[Music] naughtiness the startling Revelation that Christmas might be cancelled set a frigid shock through Chris's veins being a cringle meant upholding the joy and magic of the season and the thought of children worldwide waking up to an empty Christmas morning was agonizing the Heartbreak his father Santa Claus would experience was another blow Chris was determined to set things right Downing the last of his coffee with Newfound resolution he excused himself from breakfast and sped to his room gearing up for the task ahead as he was collecting his tools Matthew you strolled in an encouraging glint in his eyes I can see you're gearing up to tackle this headon anything I can do to help Chris paused placing his equipment on the table his gaze met Matthews raw and vulnerable honestly I'm overwhelmed this is Way Beyond anything I faced but I can't just stand idle there's this place a few miles North the True North Pole where I set up a research station as a teenager that's where my passion for meteorology first ignited I was obsessed with studying the Aurora Borealis back then though I couldn't crack its Secrets as a kid perhaps with the knowledge I've gained over the years I might find clues in my old journals the two Sat on Chris's childhood bed lost in a comforting silence I won't be long just a few hours in the meantime could you help lift my parents Spirits Chris added chuckling softly the task of cheering up the legendary Santa and Mrs Claus the world's most cheerful Duo I think your mission may be more difficult than mine Matthew's laughter echoed Chris's your parents might radiate endless Joy but I'm sure they're also deeply empathetic the looming cancellation of Christmas is bound to be a wait on their hearts I think you're right I should stay here and cheer them up while you venture out and work your magic gratitude shining in his eyes Chris nodded eager to help Matthew made his way back to the kitchen ready to assist Mrs Claus while Chris journeyed to the remote research cabin hoping to save save Christmas as the hours ticked by Mrs Claus grew increasingly concerned about Chris that boy is always so absorbed in his work he probably forgot to pack himself a meal he must be starving she lamented Matthew nodded the worry evident in his eyes I didn't see him take any food either and he's been out almost the entire day Mrs Claus ever the doting mother was insistent Matthew you should take some food to him I'm sure seeing you will cheer him up amidst all this stress she quickly began packing a lunch basket here you are dear a wholesome meal for both of you and she added with a knowing wink a thermos of candy cane cocoa it's Chris's favorite perhaps a warm meal together will coax him to take a break from his Relentless research as she was speaking the sound of jingling Bells announced the arrival of Rodney he appeared in a whirlwind eager to assist clutching the lunch Basket in his tiny hands Matthew tried to maintain a straight face as he took in the comical sight the contrast was undeniable Rodney in his green on Ensemble was barely 3 ft while Matthew with his robust physique towered over him at a staggering 6' 3 Ines Mrs Claus may I use the snow Rover Rodney chirped his eyes darting up to Matthew it's the only transport spacious enough for Mr Matthew Mrs Claus chuckled melodiously of course dear just ensure Matthew reaches Chris safely he's very special special to us you know with a twinkle in her eye she added he's Precious Cargo after all the journey to Chris's workstation took a Brisk 15 minutes given that it was the North Pole where the sun rarely appeared even at 300 p.m. in the afternoon the land was bathed In Perpetual Twilight Rodney expertly maneuvered the Rover through the snowy Windswept landscape finally Drawing Near The secluded lab are you certain you don't want me to wait Mr Matthew Rodney inquired politely I'd happily escort you back to Santa's Abode once you finished Matthew gently looked at the diminutive fellow replying don't fret about me I'll be with Chris and perhaps if he knows he's my ride home he might be persuaded to finish his research early thanks though grateful for the Assurance Rodney nodded as Matthew exited the Rover and entered the lab inside Chris's workstation was an unexpected sight instead of the rudimentary Hut Matthew had imagined he found himself in a sprawling meteorological Center teeming with what seemed to be cuttingedge equipment Chris hearing the door Creak open turned to see Matthew enter quite something isn't it the elves constructed it for me during my teen years and my dad has ensured its maintenance ever since Chris beamed clearly proud not too shabby right inspecting the lab with an appraising eye Matthew remarked it's beyond what I ever could have imagined frankly it's more spacious than our West Hollywood flat Color Me impressed however he sensed Chris's subtle change in demeanor hinting that not all was well with his research venturing to change the subject Matthew added your mother is simply delightful she sent over lunch insisting you needed it oh and she didn't forget the candy cane cocoa at that Chris's face lit up like a Christmas tree oh that drink was my childhood favorite Chris exclaimed pouring The Fragrant steaming liquid into two mugs after taking a nostalgic sip he sighed in contentment it tastes even better than I remember intrigued Matthew tried his own only to concur it was without a doubt a cup of pure Heavenly Delight Matthew was hesitant about broaching the topic of Chris's research so he chose to remain silent offering his quiet company they were both engrossed in their thoughts unaware of the mysterious glow that had started to emanate from the outside lost in his contemplation about cheering up Chris Matthew finally broke the silence I hope I'm not interrupting your work just thought you could use a breather he mentioned a hint of concern in his voice Chris paused putting down his sandwich his face brightened with a smile you have no idea how glad I am to see you I've been trying for hours and the puzzle of why and how the Northern Lights illuminate still eludes me sensing an opening Matthew wheeled his chair closer brushing Chris's knee with his own well want to talk it out often hashing things through can sometimes shed new light on them Chris chuckled softly appreciating the concern why not he took a deliberate sip of the Coco the steam wafting upwards before delving into the intricacies the Aurora Borealis has always been an enigma the common belief is that it's the interplay of positive ions with Earth's magnetic fields but its absence in the South Pole that remains a mystery and the origin of these ions still an unsolved riddle during Chris's Exposition Matthew's eyes shimmered with a playful gleam making Chris curious why the grin he asked slightly bemused Matthew leaned in closer because I can't help but Marvel at how intelligent captivating and irresistibly alluring you are he whispered his voice dripping with Mischief the atmosphere in the lab was palpable with tension the underlying current of their bond evident recognizing the charged moment and inappropriate timing Matthew added with a teasing Edge perhaps right now isn't the most opportune moment for this but seeing you so deep in thought well it's rather enticing Chris met his gaze a mixture of amusement and desire evident in his eyes distracting a clause in his Workshop quite the audacious move he remarked with a Sly grin the two shared a playful in intimate moment reminding them that sometimes amidst all the complexities it's the simple Joys that matter the most Matthew knew now wasn't the time or the place for what was about to happen next but he didn't care he knew Chris needed a break and he was just too turned on to stop himself Matthew slowly slid back his chair with a mischievous wink as he unbuckled Chris's jeans you could get back to your work a little later but for the next 20 minutes you're mine Matthew playfully teased Chris didn't answer but his silence gave Matthew all the consent he needed Chris's belt was quick to be unfastened followed by Matthew slowly lowering Chris's zipper you're so bad Chris laughed Matthew looked up at him something tells me that as bad as I may be I'm still going to make the nice list this Christmas especially after this Matthew reached into Chris's jeans and took his candy cane in his hand it was rock hard as with most Confections and Matthew found it just as sweet mind if I take a lick Mr Claus he taunted Chris was quick in his reply as he leaned back and opened his legs they both chuckled an impish laugh in unison before Matthew occupied himself by treating his boyfriend to an enjoyable and well-deserved break as Chris's eyes rolled back in his head Matthew focused solely on his partner's pleasure neither of the men noticed that the Delights being served in the lab were affecting the atmosphere outside now Matthew was skilled in his talents as a boyfriend and Chris's tensions were in dire need of discharge the moment the two men found themselves at the Pinnacle of pleasure was when they noticed the brightly colored Hues streaming in the sky outside Chris finally let out a mighty moan at the respite of his frustrations he smiled as his pulse lowered and leaned over to kiss Matthew appreciating the selfless gift he had just just received Chris pulled up his pants and buckled his jeans as he grabbed Matthew and squeezed him tight in appreciation Chris's reaction caught him off guard while always affectionate Chris had never peaked with such fervor before Chris exclaimed that's it that's the answer his excitement Shone in his eyes as he stared outside wonder struck you with your hot dirty distraction solved the problem now it's as clear as day to me what to do now with you and the El's assistance we can set the heavens a light a puzzled Matthew inquired as his brow furrowed in concern wait are you suggesting I have oral sex with all 100 elves Chris burst into boisterous laughter that echoed through the lab and made one think of Santa Claus himself no not that you naughty minded stud it's the joy the Elation the unbridled positivity that's the magic behind the Aurora Borealis that's what's unique to the North Pole it's because the magnetic field is awakened up here by the happiness radiating from Santa's Castle Chris took a second to catch his breath the excitement was too much for him think about it the lights began fading when I left the void I created rippled through my parents dimming the elves' spirits their declining Joy took a toll on the Northern Lights all we need to do now is reignite the merry Spirit of Christmas and the skies will glow once more laughing Matthew replied thank heavens I wasn't exactly sure I could take on all those elves he teased relief evident in his tone with a mischievous glint in his eye and an even more playful smirk Chris leaned in stealing a quick kiss from Matthew let's not waste another second we need to share the Breakthrough with my dad hand in hand the two set out to find Santa ready to bring back the magic of Christmas Chris and Matthew buzzing with the energy of their Discovery zoomed back to Santa's Abode in their Sleek ski Rover as quickly as the vehicle would carry them as the castle door swung open Mrs Claus's voice filled with Jubilation met their ears did you both see that brilliant display the Northern Lights flared brighter than I've witnessed in many years you achieved it she enveloped her son in a warm embrace peppering his forehead with ecstatic kisses with a twinkle in his eye Chris modestly deflected in truth it was Matthew's Magic Touch that brought the solution to light Mrs Claus immediately roped Matthew into her loving Embrace her laughter infectious whatever secret trick you two have up your sleeves promise you'll keep it up as Chris exchanged an affectionate slightly mischievous glance with Matthew his cheeks flushed pink that's the plan we intend to keep the magic alive for as long as possible Matthew trying to stifle his laughter and maintain some semblance of decorum let out an endearing giggle that slight sound let Mrs Claus in on their playful secret santa his presence always Larger than Life joined them just then was that remarkable burst of light you're doing he boomed with a twinkle in his eye Chris took a deep breath and began explaining their Newfound understanding of the Aurora Borealis it was the tangible manifestation of the sheer Joy love and excitement emanating from Santa's Workshop then it's settled Santa declared his eyes sparkling with anticipation tonight we throw a celebration yes Christmas Eve is upon us but a few hours of song dance and joy is precisely what's needed to keep the skies a glow he nodded firmly his decision was made besides the El have been eager to meet the man who's captured Chris's heart let's make this evening truly Unforgettable If It Means A few fewer gifts delivered this year so be it the list of good children seems to be dwindling each year so I reckon we're well on schedule and so with hearts full of excitement and a mission to spread Joy they prepared for an evening that promised to be nothing short of of magical that evening the Claus family pulled out all the stops for the grand Suare in honor of Chris and Matthew with their Nimble fingers and inherent festive Spirit the elves transformed the already resplendant Ballroom into a fairy tale setting Delicacies from every corner of the world adorned the tables and wine flowed like water music echoed through the hallways of the grand Castle as Chris enthusiastically introduced Matthew to his elf and friends from childhood sharing Tales of their shared Adventures pure joy radiated from the palace the North Pole thrummed with an invigorating positivity in response the Northern Lights surged with renewed Brilliance the heavens were streaked with vibrant streaks of green Rosy pink and a deep mesmerizing Violet swept up in the festivities Matthew and Chris danced tirelessly each moment crystallizing into memories they cherish forever as the Towering Bell struck 9 p.m. Santa signaled the band for a brief respite taking Center Stage his commanding voice requiring no amplification booming through the hall beloved friends cherished family and esteemed guests of the North Pole he began today is not just any day we have revitalized the celestial Beacon that will guide my journey tonight and warmly Embrace a dear addition to our family Matthew his eyes twinkling Santa continued it fills my heart with joy to invite you into the claws lineage Matthew you are now a son to me and kin to everyone here moreover this is a moment of renewal marking the beginning of mending my bond with Chris it's my hope and I believe I Echo the sentiments of everyone here that Chris knows how deeply he is loved and welcomed here always barely waiting for Santa's speech to end Chris called out jubilantly what about next Sunday dinner you dispatch the sleigh we'll bring the wine the room erupted in cheers but the excitement was playfully tempered by Santa's gentle reminder of his impending midnight departure for his annual Mission the music resumed but not before Mrs Claus took a moment to reiterate their heartfelt invitation to the couple Chris deeply moved expressed his genuine Longing To return especially given the warmth they had extended to Matthew Matthew his eyes shimmering with gratitude voiced his eagerness to be more involved in their festive life labeling this as one of the most magical Christmases he'd ever witnessed Mrs Claus her eyes twinkling teased you think tonight was something just wait for tomorrow's festivities when Santa returns things tend to get mental around here the group chuckled as Matthew spied out the corner of his eye Chris's exaggerated yawn he knew exactly what his partner was up to and followed his lead by politely inquiring if they could turn in for the night with a knowing smile Mrs Claus assured them it would be fine adding that she understood if they were exhausted from all the commotion she also emphasized her gratitude to Matthew for his role in rejuvenating the spirit of Christmas and familial bonds as the two retreated upstairs to Chris's bdis so they could get lost in their own world of love and intimacy Mrs Claus beckoned Rudolph for a whispered message for Santa if Chris and Matthew are going to be regular guests here at the North Pole perhaps some sunglasses and sunscreen to the locals might be in order for this year's gifts wow who could ever have imagined that a little holiday Hummer could save Christmas a the power of love speaking of holiday giving don't forget our adult coloring books romantic Bliss on Amazon as well as our books movies and novels they're all located at our website steamy not only will those who receive those wonderful presents be pleased but you'll also be supporting this podcast with your purchase it's a holiday win-win we thank you for sharing your holiday season with us and everyone at steami stories wishes you a happy healthy and joyous holiday see you in a month as we flip the calendar once more when we bring you another steamy[Music] story oh H ho bro

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