Steamy Stories

Straight Seduction

JC Calciano Season 6 Episode 45

Straight Seduction

Season 6  - Episode #45


Michael was sure that his silly prank was harmless. Tricking the hot straight stud from the park to go out with him on a date. What could go wrong? Sure, the hunk was muscular, masculine, and macho as hell. Asking a hulking stud to have a beer with him was innocent enough, but Michael didn’t expect what came next when this ripped gym shark found out that he was on a date with a gay man who had the hots for him!

 *  Steamy Stories Official Website:
 Steamy Stories podcast is a mm romance fiction podcast. Each episode is a sexy, short gay story told playfully. Steamy Stories is the podcast where bromance becomes bromosexual. A new story monthly!
 STEAMY STORIES is written by JC Calciano and narrated by Mark Montgomery.

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Michael was sure that his silly prank was harmless tricking the hot straight stud from the park to go out with him on a date what could go wrong sure the hunk was muscular masculine and Macho as hell asking a hulking stud to have a beer with him was innocent enough but Michael didn't expect what came next when this ripped JY shark found out that he was on a date with a gay man who had the hots for[Music][Applause][Music] him hey everyone it's me your humble host Mark Montgomery and welcome back to another episode steamy stories where romance turns bromosexual written by JC calciano and narrated by me today we go on a date with Michael a serial single man who makes a wager of the heart with his buddy a silly ruse turns into a date with a straight stud from the park Michael suddenly realizes he may not be as clever as he initially thought is he quickly falling for this hunky straight Adonis his head is yelling danger run but his heart is saying don't go stick around as we discover what happens next and this month's episode of straet[Music][Applause] Seduction the sun was high in the sky casting gentle rays of warmth upon the Serene Park in the Heart of the City Birds Sang children laughed and the aroma of freshly baked pastries wafted in from a nearby cafe amid this scene beneath a canopy of tall Whispering trees two young men sat on a well-worn picnic blanket enjoying their daily ritual Casey and Michael two strikingly handsome young men were the very picture of Health they were both blessed with the physique that was the result of countless hours spent working out Casey and Michael weren't just patrons of the local gym they were its dedicated employees Michael's muscular frame and broad shoulders set him apart from the other guys at the gym his dark hair a striking contrast to the rugged handsomeness of his Square jawline his smoldering Bedroom Eyes framed by thick lashes were a deep chocolate brown that promised mystery and Allure he possessed an effortless charm that could make anyone Swoon with just a glance the two friends lunch breaks in the park had become a sacred routine for them between bites of grilled chicken salad and sips of protein shakes they would chat joke and often vent about their day training their local clients and talk about the hot men who shared the facilities I can't believe I have to pull a double shift today Casey grumbled spearing a cherry tomato with his Fork Bob should hire more people working nights is the worst Michael chuckled taking a sip from his water bottle that's what you get for being Dependable Bob knows he can always count on you to cover for others Casey shot him a mock glare not all of us have the luxury of declining extra shifts this boy has rent to pay and night shifts pay extra Michael nodded there is no argument there well Michael added it's days only for this dude I'll leave the night shift for you and Bob I cherish my evenings too much a little self-pampering a good book and an early night in bed that's my Mantra the two laughed the easy camaraderie between them was apparent their bond was not just based on their shared workplace or Mutual love of Fitness over the years they had become best friends always there for each other covering shifts sharing personal dilemas or just enjoying a quiet lunch in the park though there was a perk for them like clockwork a tall athletically built man would emerge daily from the Park's Western entrance his sun-kissed skin sharp jawline and casual attire were were enough to turn many heads but what truly captured Casey and Michael's attention was the playful golden retriever puppy that accompanied him the man and his dog seemed Inseparable playing fetch rolling in the grass and often just sitting and enjoying the day the two gym buddies often glanced his way making casual conversation look how he plays catch with his dog you could tell that he's an athlete Casey Would often comment Michael usually replied with a light tease or silly pun well he definitely knows his way around a stick there speculations about the man grew they began constructing a story for him in their minds a narrative that painted him as single and straight it was a harmless assumption based on casual observations and like light-hearted gests one sunny afternoon as they watched The Man play tug-of-war with his puppy Casey leaned into Michael with a mischievous glint in his eyes hey Mike I've got a challenge for you Michael raised an eyebrow intrigued Casey smirked you've been UGL him for weeks it's obvious he's your type I bet you can't get get him to go out with you Michael chuckled taken aback by The Audacity Of The dare case Are you seriously trying to get me to hit on Mr Golden Retriever besides what makes you think he's into guys even if he's single look at that dude he screams hot straight frat bro casy leaned back enjoying the moment ah you don't know what he's into come on the challenge will be fun think of it as expanding your horizons Michael hesitated he wasn't one for games especially when feelings were involved I don't know man seems a bit childish don't you think Casey rolled his eyes come on just a friendly dare between Buddies if nothing else you can make a new friend plus we both know you're dying to play with that puppy Michael took a deep breath considering the Dare the challenge intrigued a part of him but another part felt apprehensive after a long pause he sighed fine I'll give it a shot but remember I'm doing this for the dog both men chuckled Michael gathered his courage and began walking towards the man as he approached the golden retriever's tail wagged furiously almost as if it was aware of the impending introduction Hey There Michael began his voice friendly and open as the playful puppy began jumping on him I came to tell you how adorable you are with your dog the dog hastily jumped up to greet Michael eager to be pet and better acquainted he laughed as he sunk his hands into the deep lush hair on the dog's head your dog seems to have taken a liking to me what's his name the man looked up his large inviting blue eyes meeting Michaels seems like it he's a good judge of character he replied with a smile his name is sunny and I'm Adam the two chatted discussing their love for the park workout routines and mutual appreciation for dogs as their conversation flowed effortlessly Michael began to appreciate Adam's charm and genuine sweet nature feeling confident Michael decided to take the plunge hey Adam this might be a bit forward but would you like to grab a beer tonight there's a place downtown called McGinty's Tavern that I've wanted to try for a while and drinking alone is no fun Adam seemed pleasantly surprised sure why not it's been a while since I've been out caring for a puppy is like being a new dad with an infant a night out sounds awesome sounds like a plan as Michael returned to Casey he couldn't help but wear a triumphant grin Casey in return greeted him with a playful salute the BET was on the soft hum of conversation punctuated by the clinking of glasses filled the Cozy Downtown Tavern its dim lighting rustic wooden interiors and occasional live music provided an Ambiance perfect for an evening's Meetup Michael arrived early securing a quiet cornered table overlooking the main entrance he glanced at his watch feeling a mix of nervous anticipation and guilt although it had started as a dare he found himself genuinely eager to spend time with Adam and get to know him this was no longer about the bet with Casey he genuinely wanted to get to know this dreamy hunk better as the minutes ticked by he wondered if Adam might have changed his mind or perhaps changed his mind and decided that it was best to stay home and care for his puppy just as he was about to pull out his phone and inquire what's up the door swung open and Adam walked in slightly out of breath his fitted dress shirt clinging to his torso hinted that a last minute workout had been more intense than he had planned the still damp shirt and hastily towel dried hair gave him the look of a casual night out and fresh from the gym it was endearing and so so sexy Michael had to suppress the urge to jump his bones in the middle of the bar Adam spotted Michael in the dim Nook of the pub and walked over apologizing ah sorry I'm late I got carried away at the gym and lost track of time Michael waved off the apology it's all right I totally get it you made it and that's what matters noting Adam's swo and adrenaline pumped appearance he added looks like you had quite the workout Adam laughed a hearty infectious sound yeah it got a bit competitive with a friend we tried to outdo each other on the treadmill then I might have showered too quickly in my haste to get here they both laughed at the admission setting the tone for a relaxed and genuine evening as they settled into their seats the server approached approached and they placed their order for beers as Sam Adams they requested in perfect Unison from the waiter then smiling at the Kismet throughout the night their conversation flowed seamlessly from General topics like movies and music to personal anecdotes about their families childhoods and dreams yet beneath Michael's jovial exterior guilt weighed heavily on him he found himself increasingly attracted to Adam's charm and candid nature the initial intention behind their meeting a playful dare to bed the sexy stud in the park seemed wrong now he grappled with the idea of coming clean about the BET still he worried about ruining what was turning into a welcomed friendship finally deciding against any form of Seduction or deceit Michael mentally committed to enjoying the evening for what it was two people connecting hours seemed to pass like minutes and soon the bar thinned out as patrons trickled home sensing the night drawing to an end Adam leaned in his eyes warm and sincere hey I've had a fantastic time to tonight would you like to continue our chat at my place I've got a six-pack of Sam Adams in the fridge and we can check on my dog it's been quite a while since I've left him alone and it's probably a good idea to ensure he hasn't eaten the couch Michael's face lit up at the invitation as he blurred it out without thinking that sounds great knowing that he wanted to spend more time with this gor gorgeous stud and his adorable puppy Adam's Loft reflected his personality a mix of chic modernity and nostalgic vintage charm The Loft was located in a revamped Warehouse downtown that boasted soaring ceilings expansive windows that framed the city's Skyline and exposed brick walls a large metal door reminiscent of the building's industrial past opened to an old school elevator with a sliding gate it had its quirks like the occasional need to manually adjust the gate to ensure it aligned correctly but to Adam these idiosyncrasies were part of the loft's charm Michael was visibly impressed as he stepped inside Adam's Golden Retriever puppy yelping happily to see them both this place is incredible he remarked eyes darting around trying to take in every detail of his hunk's man cave Adam chuckled thanks I've been collecting bits and pieces for years everything has a story as the evening wore on they moved from exploring Adam's music collection to sharing stories behind the various items in The Loft all the while the young golden retriever was The Unofficial star of the evening playfully demanding their attention with his Antics at one point Adam brought out a set of old board games and they indulged in a nostalgic game of Scrabble amidst the playful challenges and attempts to outdo each other with word scores there were moments of unspoken connection sometimes times it was a shared chuckle over a joke these moments were punctuated by lingering glances where their eyes would meet and hold a silent acknowledgment of their growing Bond however as the evening grew later Michael felt a Pang of guilt the weight of the bet he'd made with Casey loomed over him tainting the genuine connection he felt with Adam he took a deep breath knowing he couldn't keep it a secret any longer Adam Michael began hesitantly the playful tone from earlier replaced by a more somber one there's something I need to tell you Adam looked up from pouring yet another glass of wine his brow furrowing slightly sensing the shift in mood uhoh what is it clearing his throat Michael said first I need to tell you that I'm gay he paused searching Adam's face for any sign of discomfort I hope that's not an issue for you Adam seemed momentarily taken aback but quickly responded with a soft smile Michael that's fine everyone should be who they are relieved by Adam's reaction Michael sighed and continued thank you that means a lot he paused debating if he should reveal the bet but honesty had always been important to him there's more he confessed you remember Casey my friend from the gym Adam nodded a quizzical look on his face of course the one from the park Michael chuckled that's him well we made this silly bet he bet me that I couldn't win you over you know seduce you it was juvenile I know I truly regret it especially since getting to know you has been wonderful Adam looked surprised and then his expression turned contemplative he took a sip from his glass processing what Michael had just shared after a few moments he replied it's quite ironic actually Michael raised an eyebrow curious how so with a smirk Adam leaned in and whispered because Casey made the same bet with me several weeks ago at the gym Michael stopped petting sunny and stared in shock hold it a you're gay and B you're trying to seduce me Adam could see Michael's dumbfounded look as he smirked looks like we are both victims of Casey's silly games which it looks like turns out for the best but yes he dared me to go out with you Michael needed Clarity since the whole charade seemed uncanny you know Casey from the gym Michael wondered to himself as he said the words out loud Adam knew it was partially a rhetorical question but answered it anyway yes I go at night sometimes Casey fills in for Bob as a trainer Adam continued sensing Michael's desire for the full story two weeks ago Casey said he recognized me from the park I asked him about his cute friend who has lunch with him every day he told me your name and challenged me with the bet that I couldn't get a date with you when you showed up the next day and came by to say hello and invite me out for a beer I thought it was an excellent opportunity to know you better and sort of take his bet for a moment Michael looked perplexed then burst into laughter seriously Casey really is a piece of work Adam joined in the laughter seems he tricked both of us wow that's both ridiculous and awesome we're both guilty of playing the same ridiculous game Michael replied adding oh my God we have to get back at him for what he's done to us Adam whispered I think the best revenge for Michael is for us to have amazing sex with each other tonight he wasted no time in slipping his shirt off revealing his hot gym body and a smattering of chest hair he slowly and seductively leaned forward so his body pressed gently against Michael his hand now resting high on the inside of his thigh Michael tore off his T-shirt as his heart raced and the front of his jeans tightened as he wholeheartedly agreed yes great idea that'll teach him a[Music][Applause] lesson who hasn't fallen for a sexy straight stud once or twice okay maybe four five 6 7 8 nine times what can I say I have a type I hope you enjoyed today's story and we'll join me next time when I share a mostly true story about a college baseball player who is known in the dorm room for more than his fast ball I wouldn't miss it if I were you till next time when I tell you another steamy[Music] story later bro

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