Steamy Stories

College Crush

JC Calciano Season 6 Episode 46

College Crush

Season 6  - Episode #46


Landon’s life was spiced up by the weekly crescendo of his neighbor Julie's intimate escapades. It was a stark contrast to his own solitary existence. But when his vicarious Thursday night thrills suddenly end, Landon wonders not only the reason why but also who was the man motivating the moaning from downstairs. Landon’s investigations turn up some fascinating facts. It turns out that the rowdy romantic responsible for rustling his Neighbor’s sheets is someone quite surprising indeed!

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Steamy Stories podcast is a mm romance fiction podcast. Each episode is a sexy, short gay story told playfully. Steamy Stories is the podcast where bromance becomes bromosexual. A new story monthly!
 STEAMY STORIES is written by JC Calciano and narrated by Mark Montgomery.

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Landon's life was spiced up by the weekly Crescendo of his neighbor Julie's intimate escapades it was a STK contrast to his own solitary existence but when his vicarious Thursday night Thrills suddenly end Landon wonders not only the reason why but also who was the man motivating the moaning from downstairs Landon's investigations turn up some fascinating facts it turns out that the Rowdy romantic respons for rustling his neighbor sheets is someone quite surprising indeed hey everyone it's me your host Mark Montgomery and welcome back to another episode steamy stories where romance turns Romos seexual written by JC calciano and narrated by me today's tale is a mostly true story as I understand understand it it's a sexy story about a hunky college baseball player his girlfriend and an old apartment whose floor sorely lacked sound absorption sounds definitely carry in this little apartment but don't worry though it's not all bad in fact it's kind of hot and it turns definitely steamy so stick around as we discover what happens to the downstairs neighbor in this month's episode titled College Crush Landon was tall with a sculpted physique that spoke of disciplined mornings spent at the gym his hair a rich Chestnut always seemed effortlessly tossled catching the light as if kissed by the sun itself his eyes a striking blue were the sort that you'd find yourself lost in not just for their color but but for the intense thoughtful gaze that hinted at depths yet to be explored Landon had the rare kind of smile that would surface unexpectedly but when it did it was genuine a rarity that made it all the more captivating Landon's routine was as precise as the lines of the cars he designed his passion for his work was evident and the way his eyes lit up whenever he spoke of his latest project his hands sketching mechanical shapes in the air as if the automobile was right there for you to see he lived in a modest apartment with the view of the city skyline that he seldom noticed since he was often engrossed in his Craft on this particular Thursday Landon glanced at the clock more often than usual it was as if the minutes were tugging at his attention each Whispering of the impending nocturnal Symphony from the apartment below Julie his downstairs neighbor was as much a fixture of the apartment building as the oak tree majestically standing beside to the front walk she was the sort of person who'd often offer a smile when you ran into her at the mailbox or if you would catch her by the recycling bins a pleasant conversation would frequently ensue she was always Pleasant polite and perky while being remarkably pretty but Thursday nights unveiled a different side to Julie at 10 p.m. sharp her apartment would erupt with an outburst of grunts gasps ooze AZ size and moans that permeated not only Landon's apartment but the entire complex as well these sounds made Landon chuckle and both bemusement and curiosity yes Thursday was a night he looked forward to all week week since it brought on quite an amusing collection of sounds the evening started early with her dog barking when it greeted the arriving guest soon it was followed by the quiet of dinner and light conversation but then by 10 p.m. sharp the evening took a turn towards the passionate Julie and her male guest engaged in quite intense and loud love making the session lasted precisely 4 5 minutes before subsiding into a brief intermission only to resume with renewed Vigor until midnight when it would cease entirely and one could only assume ended in a much-deserved slumber ever the gentlemen Landon had no intention of prying or lodging complaints about the sounds good for her he would Muse with a chuckle his imagination Conjuring the acrobatic scenes that Julie and her Bo must have engaged in to Warrant such extreme sounds but what could be going on down there he wondered at least someone's having sex Landon often thought on Thursday nights a rise smile tugging at the corner of his mouth it had been ages since he'd been on a date let alone had a boyfriend Julie's Thursday night love making was a poignant reminder that life wasn't just about work and the occasional vicarious thrill I really need to get out more and definitely need to find myself a man he giggled allowing his thoughts to again playfully wander to the kind of bedroom Antics that might be unfolding beneath his floorboards for several months Thursday nights had become an auditory adventure for Landon with each visit seeming to increase in volume and abandon Julie's partner was a man of few words communicating instead in a language of Primal sounds that spoke to something raw and Primal in Landon her lovers grunts were a stark contrast to her more vocal screams and size sounds that Lon could only categorize as sheer Delight then quite unexpectedly the Thursday night's Symphony ceased The Silence from Julie's apartment was conspicuous and Landon found himself listening intently for any sign of life he speculated about the sudden change perhaps they went to dinner or maybe they're enjoying a long weekend away he pondered the silence lying heavily in his apartment Landon was surprised at the void that the absence of noise left in him he had had become an unwitting audience to their private escapades and felt a part of it in some odd unspoken way if he wasn't having sex himself at least he had been enjoying the Echoes of theirs as he settled in for what promised to be a quiet and uneventful evening he couldn't help but feel a twinge of anticipation for next week curious about what new chapters Julie's Adventures would bring then if they would resume 7 Days Later the calm of the morning was punctuated by the distant rumbles and metallic clangs of a moving truck outside Landon cappuccino in hand peered out of his front window am I getting a new neighbor he wondered the thought mingling with the rich Aroma of his morning Brew the building had been fully occupied for for as long as he could remember its residence a familiar ensemble in the daily rhythm of his apartment living but the sight of the moving truck parked out front was a jolt to the routine was someone leaving the building he wondered the movers a team of Burly figures worked with an almost mechanical efficiency fing boxes and Furniture into the truck with the Relentless energy of a colony of ants Landon's gaze followed each movement which of my neighbors is moving away he pondered silently the thought was tinged with a peculiar sadness while the prospect of meeting someone knew was always an adventure the bonds formed over shared walls and Brief Encounters had woven a fabric of familiarity in the building that he wasn't ready to part with as the moving truck began to SW swallow the last of the belongings Landon took a final sip of his cappuccino he couldn't help but wonder if the departure had anything to do with the absence of Julie's passionate whimpers The Mystery of the silent apartment below lingered in an unsolved puzzle that added a layer of intrigue to the morning's unfolding drama an additional 7 Days had elaps since the departure of the moving truck from the front of the building by a twist of fate or perhaps a nudge from the universe's sense of timing it was Thursday again the day that had until recently been marked by the anticipation of Julie's nocturnal revelries as Landon made his way to the mailboxes he couldn't shake the nagging thought that Julie might have been the one to vacate the premises a week prior The Silence of the previous week lingered heavily an unsolved riddle in the air there he stood key in hand a wistful sigh escaping him as he reflected on the end of an era Julie's Thursday escapades may now just be a memory and the enigmatic man who had been her partner in pleasure was a mystery doomed to remain unsolved in this moment of quiet reflection a voice deep resonant and oddly familiar pierced the Stillness Landon is that you the voice yanked Landon from his thoughts his eyes darting to the side to meet the source in an almost laughable twist of fate stood Brian not 3 feet away Landon's heart skipped a beat and he felt himself make a series of almost comical blinks and gave a bewildered Shake of his head these were his only defenses against the sheer absurdity of the moment could it be his college Crush standing before him the sexy baseball player from the dormatory who starred in countless dirty Daydreams Landon enjoyed over the last decade without warning this sultry stud now stood within Arms Reach of Landon this was the last place Landon would have expected to see him Brian looked the same as he did at the University but dramatically different as well the young athlete had matured into a vision that would fit perfectly on a Sports Illustrated cover his physique once that of a promising athlete now bore the marks of a man who had honed his body to Perfection Brian's shoulders broadened from what Landon remembered they now seemed to frame him like the pillars of a Grecian Temple his college crushes face once boyishly adorable now carried a rugged handsomeness that was highlighted by a few days worth of stubble adding a rogus charm to his chiseled masculine features Landon discreetly took in the sight of Brian trying to maintain a casual air the years had been more than kind to him Gathering his wits Landon articulated a relaxed and informal greeting his voice a mixture of delight and disbelief dude good to see you it's been a while Landon stated flatly his composure a seemingly well practiced veneer what are you doing in California when did you leave NY the questions hung in his mind carrying the weight of a decade's worth of curiosity Brian's voice was quick to answer in its deep sexy tone equal parts stud and grownup frat boy yeah New York really wasn't for me I moved out here a few months ago to pursue acting when I met Julie in class we dated for a few months she was hot and fun to hang out with but it sucks because last week she moved away back to Ohio it's over now but we're still going to be friends I'm here picking up her mail for her that is until the post office starts forwarding her mail to her Landon just stood in quiet shock as his mind processed his thoughts Brian is the stud who rocked his neighbor's world all those nights wow makes total sense now but just geez I knew Julie was a lucky girl but I had no idea of just how lucky she was Landon quickly quieted his inner monologue as he attempted to carry on the conversation with his old friend as he innocently replied I had no idea you were in La now let alone dating my neighbor Brian was equally surprised to see Landon and a bit amused as he confessed dude we'd come back to her place every Thursday after class we must have kept you up all night she was stupid hot and a crazy moaner am I right there was an ease to his admission a camaraderie between two old College friends Landon felt the heat flush in his cheeks a blush he fought to control not wanting to betray the full extent of his thoughts yeah I could ear a bit but it was fine he said managing a casual shrug good for you dude Brian's laughter filled the space between them rich and uninhibited after a brief moment he continued yeah she mentioned that a cool gay guy lived upstairs she would say he could probably hear us but he won't mind he confessed his eyes twinkling with the humor of the situation Landon was a bit embarrassed at the thought that both Julie and Brian were aware that he was not only able to hear but possibly listening to their lovemaking again Landon was lost in his thoughts when Brian suddenly snapped him out by saying hey bud I didn't know you were into guys all those years across from you in the dorm and nobody knew you were gay Landon initially felt felt a Sting from the statement but quickly recovered and stood a little straighter and more confident the years of self-acceptance lend him a quiet Assurance yeah I came out after graduation it's all good he affirmed his voice steady then with a look that seemed to reassess Landon in a new light Brian said that's school with me I didn't tell anyone at school I was by either so I totally get it the words were simple but they struck Landon like a bolt of lightning his heart thudding erratically against his ribs as he blurred it out really Brian's only responses were a sweet affirming smile and a casual nod for a quick moment they simply stood there the air charged with the electricity of new possibilities regaining his composure Landon casually extended an offer it was Hospitality mingled with a tinge of playfulness where are my manners what are you up to would you want to hang out it's Thursday night care to come up for a cold beer his voice was an invitation to more than just a drink the broadness of br 's smile was all the answer Landon needed it was ladened with an understanding that went beyond words Brian instantly answered absolutely nothing's better than a cold beer after a Thursday night full of hot sex Landon smirked as he winked at Brian well I've got an icy six-pack right upstairs with your name on it Brian laughed and pleased y replied suddenly I'm thirsty as he casually trotted up the stairs toward Landon's apartment gee I wonder if the new downstairs neighbor isn't being kept up by Brian's Thursday night visits to Landon I can only imagine the racket they get up to you're listening to steamy Stories the podcast where romance turns bromosexual I hope you enjoyed today's todrey tale next month I'll be sharing the story that inspired our short film super surprise oh you didn't hear that we turned a few of our stories into short films yes it's true and very exciting you can see them now on our steam room stories YouTube channel give them a watch and let us know what you think in the comments below the videos more of them are coming your way on the steam room St YouTube channel so visit often enjoy and until next month later bro

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