Steamy Stories

Treasure Trail

JC Calciano Season 7 Episode 49

Season 7  - Episode #49

Jason doubted Luke would want to go for a hike in the intense summer heat as a first date, but he happily proved him wrong. He was both excited and nervous to invite this hunky stud out on a Saturday afternoon hike in the uncharted woods. At the mountain's peak, the sweltering sun forced them to shed their shirts, revealing toned, tight muscles. Jason's insecurity got the best of him. "Was this man out of my league?" he wondered.
Lost, their only guide was an old treasure map they found in the woods. The ancient artifact promised an escape, riches, or another unexpected twist. The only way to discover its secrets was to plunge ahead and find out their fate!

*  Steamy Stories Official Website: https://www.SteamyStoriesPodcast.comThe Steamy Stories podcast is a mm romance fiction podcast. Each episode is a sexy, short gay story told playfully. Steamy Stories is the podcast where bromance becomes bromosexual. A new story is told monthly! STEAMY STORIES is written by JC Calciano and narrated by Nate T.

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Jason doubted Luke would Brave a hike in the intense summer heat but he happily proved him wrong at the mountains Peak the sweltering Sun forced them to shed their shirts revealing toned tight muscles lost their only guide was an old treasure map they found in the woods the ancient artifact promised an escape riches or another unexpected twist the only way to discover its Secrets was to plunge ahead and find out their[Music][Applause] fate well hello again I'm glad you're back for another episode of steamy Stories the podcast where romance turns bromosexual I'm Nate your host for steamy stories today's tale is a special treat it's not only a steamy story for the podcast but also a short film lovingly crafted and posted on YouTube for you to enjoy so if you like what you hear here then check out the movie on YouTube on our Channel steam room stories please let us know what you think we love your comments and as always encourage you to share our stories with your friends that said enough talking about the episode let's Batten the hatches and set sail for an adventure in today's steamy Stories episode Treasure Trail the sun was high in the California sky as Luke sat in the passenger seat of Jason's car on a remote Road flanked by fields of green a gentle breeze wafted through the half openen window carrying a scent of wild flowers and freedom that only a day unplanned could offer I'm glad you called Luke said as he looked up watching the wispy clouds drift by the sapphire sky above I didn't have anything planned today and I was looking for something to do Jason turned to him a half smile playing on his lips I know we've been talking about hanging out together since we met at Keith's party I figured what better way to get to know each other than on a hike you figured right Luke replied with a nod as his eyes twinkled at the prospect of Adventure the car engin stopped with the Press of a button in preparation for their exit the door hinges creaked faintly as they swung open freeing them into the vastness of the Wilderness before them both Luke and Jason were statuette Silhouettes against the afternoon sun two trim muscular young men forging their path along the winding Trail Jason was lean and fit and moved with the natural Grace of an athlete his Bright Eyes contrasted with his dark wavy hair as he headed towards the overgrown path leading up the St Angeles mountains he quickly began to rethink his wardrobe choices on this unusually warm day his black casual cotton shirt that hugged The Contours of his muscular arms and tight denim jeans that sat effortlessly on his hips completing the image of masculine Beauty seemed like in Practical wardrobe choices for a hike in the woods his date Luke Stood Beside him with a Poise that spoke of quiet confidence his toned frame a testament to his disciplined strength his skin was the smooth color of polished teak unblemished and glowing with the Vitality of Youth Sleek jet black hair swept from his forehead a few rebellious strands defying order his face carried the soft line of refined Elegance high cheekbones a straight nose and full lips that often curled into a knowing smile his eyes were dark and expressive like pools of onx reflecting a depth of intelligence and warmth he wore simple attire a fitted t-shirt that accentuated the lean muscles of his arms and torso and tailored pants that complimented his slender build the heat was more oppressive than Jason had had anticipated and he lamented his choice of days to invite Luke to go on a hike with him I probably could have picked a cooler day to trudge up a mountain Jason sigh wiping the sweat off of his brow the sun unrelenting in its Blaze but then again I guess a good sweat never hurt anyone Luke chuckled a sound that seemed to dance on the warm air simultaneously peeling off his shirt revealing a chest sculpted by disciplined days at the gym he quickly tucked his tea into the back of his jeans with expert Precision without effort or thought he swung his backpack off and took an icy thermos of water out of it with a wink and a rise smile he took a hearty sip of water from his thermos half of it spilling down his bare defined chest the cool stream glistened as it trickled through his pectoral muscles and down over his abs the water caught both the light as well as Jason's gaze the day suddenly got oh so much hotter for Jason but he was determined to stay cool as he diverted his eyes from Luke's ripped abs and back up to his face Luke coily chuckled at Jason's awkwardness as he politely offered him a refreshing drink accepting it he drank deeply the icy water was a welcome refreshing treat on such a hot day thanks I should have come better prepared Jason gasped handing him back the beverage with gratitude well that black T-shirt isn't helping you keep cool you may want to lose it otherwise you'll get overheated and dehydrated Luke suggested his concern genuine taking the advice Jason shed his shirt and unveiled his own toned and muscular physique he undeniably caught Luke's approving glance sending a warm flutter through his stomach Luke rummaged through his backpack and pulled out a tube of sunscreen it pays to have been a Boy Scout he quipped as he made a hand gesture identifying himself as a former Eagle Scout always be prepared is their motto now come here let me get your back before you get burned Jason stepped closer feeling A tingle of anticipation as Luke's hands rubbed against his warm glistening skin the lotion was cool as he glided it across his back with concerned Precision Jason did his best to remain unfazed not wanting his Sudden Rush of excitement to be as visible as the sheen of lotion on his back here Do Me Now Luke requested once he finished a casual invitation Laden with unintended inuendo Jason complied his hands steady despite the racing of his heart they were quiet for a moment as the two men took in the Gentle Touch of the other the only sound was the rustle of leaves and their sinked heavy breathing ready to keep going Luke asked knowingly breaking the moment as he shouldered his backpack again Jason reluctantly nodded sure as they continued down the treelined path the afternoon soon became dust as Jason's glances lingered on Luke more than they did on the beautiful surrounding scenery the attraction undeniable he often wanted to say something to break the barrier of mere acquaintanceship but he wasn't sure how to begin finally he cleared his throat and popped a lifesaver into his mouth aiming for nonchalant so what's the deal with you and Keith you guys tight dating he inquired hoping his voice didn't betray the pounding of his heart Luke laughed the sound bright and clear me and Keith no but he's been trying to get in my pants for months he comes into my coffee shop every day asking me out I've never gone on a date with him I just agreed to go to his party to shut him up and that's when I met you but other than that no I've I've never spent any time with him relief swept through Jason but it was quickly replaced by a twin of self-doubt was his invitation to hike too forward regarding his interests and intentions Luke could easily read Jason's concerns with an easy smile he assured him you may not believe me but I'm a romantic the way to get me interested is by making a grand gesture something sweet straight out of a romance novel but sadly those kind of guys don't exist in real life Luke continued glancing sideways at Jason I I don't know about that Jason mumbled with a note of relief and mystery in his voice they are rare though they continued their hike in companionable silence each deep in thought as the sun lowered in the sky it Shadows lengthened and the light softened Luke stopped suddenly his brow furrowed looking around at the increasingly wild desolate terrain dude this is the most remote hike I've ever been on are you are you sure we aren't lost Luke's voice was edged with a hint of concern Jason pulled out his phone tapping it with a frown well my phone's Compass isn't working but I'm sure we're fine I I've been up these parts a thousand times he said though a second later he added but I will admit this part does look a bit uh unfamiliar so we lost Luke's voice pitched higher his usual composure slipping oh we're not lost we're just off the path Jason assured him though his confidence waned just a bit they continued on their designated path the light through the trees playing tricks on their eyes until Luke spotted something on the ground it was a worn out map edges frayed and color faded he snatched it up with excitement replacing his worry hold it dude a map Luke's voice was vibrant with the thrill of the find well that's fortunate Jason sigh with a practiced casualness that didn't quite reach his ears Luke unfolded the map studying it closely actually it's more than a map it's super old someone must have dropped it he mused the gears in his mind turning Jason leaned in peering over Luke's shoulder oh I bet it's a treasure map he teased chuckling at the sight of it well it definitely looks like it I guess there's only one way to find out if it is let's follow it Luke declared with infectious enthusiasm they hastily navigated through the thick brush the map guiding their steps looking for Clues on the ancient map that may lead them closer to the treasure as Luke pointed out a Direction Jason spotted a marking on a tree that matched a symbol on the map A Rush of excitement was evident in both young men the symbol LED them to a pile of rocks with an old sign sticking out the weather torn claque simply read hoist and had an old hemp rope attached Jason chuckled at the obvious next steps involved well then hoist away Luke gleefully exclaimed well now we're getting somewhere this is Captain Jack Sparrow type pirate stuff Happening Here his face aight with the joy of being on an adventure Luke hoisted the old sign and raised the Rope revealing a SC skeleton key dangling from The Frayed End they looked at each other with an excited Glee both thinking the same thing as they studied the key well this Key's got to unlock something maybe the treasure Jason played along his heart pounding not from the hike but from what was to come yes Luke laughed as he hurriedly searched for the next clue as dusk approached they reviewed the map again the excitement was palpable as they neared the spot marked with a large blood red X Luke snatched the map tightly with delight as he pointed in the distance and read the last clue it revealed the map reads you found the location of the X on the map but the treasure lies 50 Paces beyond the Twisted oak tree Jason's stomach nodded as Luke looked at him his expression a mixture of exhilaration and unease well hold it we don't know what we'll find on the other side of this clearing Jason cautioned trying to prepare Luke for what may come well there's only one way to find out Luke responded determined and excited to move toward the next destination what if you find something you don't want Jason prodded gently nothing ventured nothing gained and with that Luke stroe ahead Jason trailing the behind with a mix of nerves and hope Luke emerged into the meadow bathed in the Golden Light of sunset first he saw a quaint red and white checkered picnic blanket in the middle of the clearing beneath a dappled shade of grand old oak its leaves shimmering like emeralds against the Azure Sky the blanket was adorned with not only a wicker basket and pillows but an array of delightful treats Two Fine Crystal wine glasses glinting in the sunlight as well as plates of delicate sandwiches clusters of ripe strawberries glistening with Dew and a soft creamy Bree cheese resting beside a pile of rustic baguette slices Luke gasped at the sight and halted dead in his tracks he waited and turned to Jason who trailed close behind him neither spoke a word to mention their surprise at the Bounty that lay before them instead they took a moment to enjoy the impressive and beautiful picnic that someone lovingly assembled and waited to be enjoyed Jason coily smiled at Luke who was obviously impressed with what he had discovered the setting was indeed gorgeous and the picnic was remarkable still the most curious of items on the blanket was a modest silver and gold treasure chest that stood solitary among the delightful Confections and refreshing beverages what's this Luke wondered aloud clearly taken aack the treasure Jason offered his voice quivering with nerves at the center of the blanket at top the treasure chest was a note wrapped in a gold ribbon Luke did not pause to reach for it he picked it up and unfurled it as his hand hands trembled softly he read aloud Luke I planted this map on the trail to this location not for you to discover gold or Jewels but so you may have a nice romantic evening with a guy who thinks you're special maybe we can discover if we can be more than friends Jason dude you did all this this is all set up to get me here to hang with you Luke's voice was a mix of amazement and curiosity I know I'm a weirdo I'm sorry I just thought it was um Jason trailed off afraid to hear Luke's reaction to his Grand gesture Luke interrupted finishing Jason's sentence for him the most romantic damn thing in the world his eyes gleamed with a subtle swelling of joy-filled Tears as he continued I'm so flattered and I I love it I I thought you were adorable when we met at the party and excited to hang with you today but now I know you're a crazy hopeless romantic just like me Jason and Luke sat at the edge of the blanket eager to indulge in the lavish spread of goodies before them but first Jason had other plans for Luke's mouth as he leaned in for a soft kiss Luke was eager to partake in the affection Jason proposed as he placed his hand inside Jason's thighs and leaned forward kissing him in return the kiss lingered a wonderfully long time but soon gave way to Jason's eagerness for Luke to investigate the treasure that awaited him aren't you the remote bit interested in what's in the treasure chest Jason quarried after a moment his curiosity peaked Luke chuckled as he glanced over at the treasure chest placing the skeleton key he discovered earlier down on the blanket no actually at this moment I'm not that concerned with what's in the treasure chest the only booty this Pirate's interested in belongs to the guy sitting right beside me Jason's heart raced as he smiled wildly with a mischievous twinkle in his eye his reply to Luke was simple as he responded in his best pirate accent I matey I like the sound of that well shiver me timbers that was quite the tale you know I actually suggested that this story be written sexier but the writer wanted to keep it rated R sorry about that I just read what's in the script if you could forgive the bad puns I suggest you head over to see the short film we made of this story it's on our YouTube channel steam room stories we had a balm making it and are excited to hear what you think in the comments also please subscribe to the channel and like the video now if you'll excuse me I've got to set saale but I do hope you'll join me again next month for another steamy[Music] stories later bro

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