Steamy Stories

Hopeless Bromantic

JC Calciano Season 7 Episode 51

Season 7  - Episode #51

Trey, a romance writer, often got lost in the tales he wrote about finding love. The sexy Italian barista who made the best cappuccinos this side of Rome. One day, Trey’s imagination took over, and he wrote a steamy story featuring his dream man, Giovanni. Little did Trey know, this hunky, seemingly straight Italian stud would end up reading one of his sultry, romantic tales!

*  Steamy Stories Official Website: https://www.SteamyStoriesPodcast.comThe Steamy Stories podcast is a mm romance fiction podcast. Each episode is a sexy, short gay story told playfully. Steamy Stories is the podcast where bromance becomes bromosexual. A new story is told monthly! STEAMY STORIES is written by JC Calciano and narrated by Nate T.

Steam Room Confidential Volume 6 is out now! Collect all the tawdry tales you love in this six novella collection! Available on our website or

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Trey a romance writer often got lost in the tales he wrote about finding love each day he'd settle in his favorite coffee shop dreaming about Giovani the sexy Italian Barista who made the best cappuccinos this side of Rome one day Trey's imagination took over and he wrote a steamy Story featuring his dream man Giovani little did Trey know this hun seemingly straight Italian stud would end up reading one of his sultry romantic[Music] Tales hey everyone this is your host Nate welcoming you back to another episode of steamy stories written by JC calciano today's episode is quite the meta experience it features a romance writer who spends his days crafting his toddy tales in a coffee shop all the while admiring the sexy Italian Barista responsible for frothing his latte much to the writer's surprise the hunky Mediterranean stud takes notice of the hopeless romantic and Sparks suddenly fly is there something JC wants to tell us perhaps this is a true story about one of his steamy encounters h I won't spoil it for you you'll have to find out what happens yourself in this month's episode of steamy[Applause] stories Trey loved romance novels so much so that he became a romance writer and blogger for a living his passion was writing male male love stories which he published on a website called the Hopeless bromantic tocom he often found himself nestled in his favorite coffee shop located at the Charming intersection of Maple and Elm Street in Atlanta he would sit there for hours Conjuring stories of two hunky loving men finding each other and falling in love in the most sweet and innocent of ways Trey was the epitome of the modern romantic protagonist with a physique sculpted from his dedication to morning runs and evening gym sessions he was fit handsome and smart his sandy blonde hair perpetually Windswept framed a face that was both boyishly charming and ruggedly handsome deep blue eyes often hidden behind bulky glasses sparkled with creativity and Mischief hinting at the Mir period of love stories brewing in his mind his casual attire which always seemed an innocent snug fit accentuated his athletic build however none of the men he wrote about in his stories could ever come close to the owner of the coffee shop which he regularly visited the proprietor and Barista Giovani was an Italian dream personified with jet black hair that always seemed perfectly styled and eyes as dark as espresso he exuded a natural Charisma that was impossible to ignore his tan skin spoke of Mediterranean Summers and his smile oh his smile could light up the dimmest of rooms giovan's broad shoulders and muscular build were a testament to his love for the outdoors and adventure behind the counter his movements were graceful almost poetic as he prepared each cup of coffee for his patrons with the Precision and passion of an artist every afternoon Trey would find a quiet Corner in the coffee shop open his laptop and position his fingers over the keyboard but as he glanced up to take breaks from his writing or dreaming up another sultry scenario his heart would skip a beat seeing Giovani expertly working the espresso machine giovan's tight t-shirt hugged his solid squared chest and the sleeves snuggly gripped his bulging biceps be still my heart Trey whispered to himself commanding his libido to calm down Trey admired Giovani from a platonic distance assuming he was a heterosexual and a busy business owner he was careful not to cross the line between familiarity and cordial conversation it was in these sexually charged moments that Trey's stories truly came to life they were subconsciously fueled by the unspoken connection he felt with the studly Barista TR knew that their passionate relationship was only in his mind and could never be anything more than a fantasy but the fire he felt for Giovani made his stories all the better one day when Giovani looked especially fine Trey's imagination got the best of him his wild fantasies about Giovani inspired him to write a love story about a handsome Italian Barista who finally notices a lovelorn writer situated in the recesses of the coffee shop in this story the shop owner realizes that the young writer is too bashful to make any kind of move or indicate his fiery feelings of passion this in turn finally causes the bista to express his hidden feelings to the Scribe Trey found himself inspired to write his best story ever excited to spin the sultry tale his fingers Flew Over the keyboard weaving a fable where Giovani the Barista had secretly know noticed the writer for months admiring him from afar he noticed the way the writer's brow furrowed when in concentration his lips twitched into a smile when he was pleased with his work and his eyes lit up with passion as he typed giovan's heart secretly raced every time their eyes met but he feared revealing his feelings and risking the comfort of their daily interactions as well as upsetting a good customer and a man he had grown to like and respect ultimately Giovani can't take the frustration of seeing this young handsome writer sneaking glances at him and he decides to take a chance and tell Trey how he feels about him by writing a note on the side of the writer's cup containing his usual double latte with a splash of vanilla the message reads something hot for my favorite blogger are you available after closing tonight G Trey then grins as he reads the note on the side of the cup and looks up at Giovani their eyes meet and a knowing smile is shared between them all the while his heart pounds with anticipation of what's to come later this evening a surge of electricity is felt as their hands innocently brush against each other as Giovani passes the hot coffee f a try his fantasy continues as he gathers his things and with a flirtatious wink disappears outside the Cafe doors Trey arrives at the coffee shop after hours that evening the usually bustling Cafe is now quiet and intimate the lighting is subdued and the music soft Giovani with a nervous yet hopeful expression steps forward out of the kitchen of the dimly lit coffee shop they start with a pleasant friendly greeting but then realize that neither of them wants that a casual conversation between the men has gone on for months now isn't the time to chat it's time for Action passion Trey wants giovan's lips against his and Giovani wants Trey Giovani leans in closing the distance between them with a tender and electrifying kiss Trey's body trembles with excitement his hands reach out to pull Giovani closer but this time his actions aren't taking place in his fantasy world as his hand reaches out it knocks over his empty coffee cup and startles him out of his fanciful imagination and away from the story he's writing back in reality try nervously looks to see if anyone notices him knocking over his coffee no one seems to care quickly he Scoops up the cup and tosses it in the trash he regains his composure and sits quietly back in his chair shielding himself from the other patrons with his computer screen Trey is disappointed that such a wonderful tale is just a story a fantasy that would never happen since Giovani was straight or so he believed even if he wasn't there was no way someone like Giovani would ever notice someone like him in that way yet as he saved his work and uploaded the story to his blog he couldn't help but let his eyes wander to the counter where Giovani was working to steal one last look at the man who inspired his latest Saga and filled his nights with lust filled dreams Giovani noticed Trey stealing a glance at him as he froed a latte for A hurried customer immediately he knowingly smiled back a small secretive smile and wink that made Trey's heart flutter feeling busted and embarrassed Trey quickly and bashfully uploaded his freshly written story to his blog turned off his computer and slipped it into his backpack back it was time to head home for the night another solo evening wondering when and if love would ever find him the next morning Trey returned to the coffee shop ready to tailor a new tail he ordered his usual latte with a hint of vanilla and settled into his favorite Corner as he received his coffee he noticed something different on the paper cup in Black marker was a note something hot from my favorite blogger are you available after closing tonight gee at first Trey was confused what was happening how have my thoughts turned into reality Am I Dreaming how was what was dreamt up in my mind available for public consumption then it occurred to him his blog someone read his blog but who was this a joke Trey's heart raced he was shocked and embarrassed he quickly glanced around the shop to see who was behind this charade Giovani was Far Away behind the counter serving a customer seemingly unaware of the note's existence unsure of what to do and feeling a mix of excitement and Dread Trey gathered up his things and left the shop in a hurry Giovani looked up just as Trey left a look of confusion and concern Crossing his mind did he upset his favorite Patron had he misread the signals was Trey upset by the note meanwhile Trey spent the rest of the day in turmoil he couldn't shake the feeling that he was being mocked and teased the thought that Giovani someone he admired from afar might be tormenting him was unbearable that night Trey tossed and turned his mind replayed the events over and over should he confront Giovani was it even him did someone swap cups when he wasn't looking could he ever return there or should he change coffee shops altogether after a sleepless night Trey made a decision he would return to the coffee shop in the morning and have a candid discussion with Giovani about the meaning of the message on the cop his heart pounded with a mix of fear and anticipation but he knew he needed to face the situation head on and Solve the Riddle that plagued him that morning Trey walked to the coffee shop with a resolve he hadn't felt earlier upon arriving he waited outside the coffee shop until it was conspicuously empty then with a deep breath he carefully stepped inside giovan glanced up from behind the counter his expression brightening momentarily before returning to one of polite curiosity hey Trey can can I get you your usual giovan's voice was warm as always but Trey could sense the underlying apprehension Trey took a deep breath and prepared himself to ask the question that had haunted him all night actually Trey began his voice wavering slightly I wanted to ask you about the note on my Cup yesterday giovan's eyes WI widened slightly they softened with a hint of regret I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable he said quickly I waited after closing hoping you'd show up when you didn't I realized I might have scared you off Trey's heart raced I didn't know what to think he admitted I wasn't sure if you were mocking me or if it was a joke Giovani shook his head emphatically no Trey it it wasn't a joke I've been following your blog the Hopeless bromantic for years your stories they speak to me I was flattered when I read the one about the Barista and the writer and excited I felt like you were writing about us Trey blinked his mind racing to catch up with his pounding heart you you read my blog giovan nodded a smile tugging at his lips I love your writing I've wanted to tell you for so long but I didn't know how when I read that story I thought maybe just maybe it meant that you felt the same way about me as I do about you Trey felt a surge of hope I did I do but I didn't think you were Giovani finished the sentence for him with a chuckle as he stepped closer well I am Trey but today is a different day and my interests are different than yesterday Trey's heart sank once again thinking okay so he's gay but I blew it I missed my chance with this hunk Giovani continued as Trey worked out the mystery of his last words yes yesterday I was willing to wait until after the cafe closed to ask you if I could kiss you now I'm not going to make that mistake again Trey's brain processed the sentence as his heart sang you want to kiss me giovan's eyes were dark and intense as he closed the distance between them more than anything he murmured may I Trey chuckled and then awkwardly blurted out May you hell yeah you'd better without waiting another second Giovani leaned in and pressed his lips to Trey's the kiss was everything Trey had imagined and more soft yet passionate filled with unspoken promises and charged chemistry giovan's lips were warm and inviting moving with a tenderness that spoke of deep longing and unvoiced affection the touch of his hand on Trey's cheek sent shivers down Trey's spine igniting a fire that had been smoldering since the moment they met time seemed to stand still each second stretch ing into an eternity of bliss and connection the faint Aroma of freshly brewed coffee and the soft hum of jazz music faded into the background replaced by the rhythmic beating of their hearts pounding in unison Trey could feel the strength and certainty in giovan's Embrace a silent assurance that this moment was as real and significant for him as it was for Trey as they pulled apart both breathless try knew that his fantasy had indeed become reality Giovani smirked and whispered I'm flattered you wrote about our experiences together in the cafe I was hoping I could Inspire another of your stories this evening maybe one with you and me in the bedroom Trey grinned and replied well that certainly sounds like a steamy[Music][Applause][Music] story well it seems both Trey and Giovani really like each other a latte I'm glad Giovani was finally able to Espresso himself to Trey okay enough that I hope you enjoyed this episode of steamy stories make sure you tune in next month for another tantalizing todrey Tale in the meantime remember that all our steamy stories are lovingly collected in the book series steam room confidential we've now got volumes 1 through six available for purchase you can find them on Amazon or by visiting steamroom confidential. comom by buying our books you'll support this podcast and help create more steamy stories thanks for listening reading our books and supporting the[Music] podcast later bro

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