Steamy Stories

The Captivating Cosplayer

JC Calciano Season 7 Episode 53

Season 7  - Episode #53

Mark, a shy and passionate game designer, embarks on his first trip to a game convention, eager to showcase his newly developed card game. Along the way, he crosses paths with a handsome stranger who captures his attention, but his shyness holds him back from making a connection. As the convention unfolds, Mark is haunted by missed opportunities and the lingering hope of meeting someone who shares his interests. With the convention behind him and a flight home ahead, Mark faces one last chance to overcome his fears and seize the moment that could change everything.

To buy or learn more about the game check out: CASTING CALL The Game

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The Steamy Stories podcast is a mm romance fiction podcast. Each episode is a sexy, short gay story told playfully. Steamy Stories is the podcast where bromance becomes bromosexual. A new story is told monthly! STEAMY STORIES is written by JC Calciano and narrated by Nate.

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Mark a shy and passionate game designer embarks on his first trip to a game convention eager to Showcase his newly developed card game along the way he crosses paths with a handsome stranger who captures his attention but his shyness holds him back from making a connection as the convention unfolds Mark is haunted by missed opportunities and the lingering hope of meeting someone who shares his interest with the convention behind him and a flight home ahead Mark faces one last chance to overcome his fears and sees the moment that could change[Music][Applause] everything welcome back steamy stories fans as you know our fearless scribe JC has just returned from a game convention where he unveiled his newest creation a game called casting call today's steami Stories episode is about a young man attending his first game convention perhaps JC showed more than his game at Gen Con this year is today's episode fact or fiction personally I think it's a bit of both It's Time to whip out your joystick and join a Game Boy for this very special steamy Stories episode[Music] Mark stood at the airport gate clutching his worn leather satchel full of newly printed prototype boxes of card games he'd recently created this was his first trip to a game convention and he was eager to meet new friends and learn about an industry he was passionate about the bustling Airport terminal was filled with the hum of announcements and the murmur of travel each immersed in their own world the fluorescent lights overhead cast a pale glow accentuating the Sleek modern design of the space Mark's eyes darted at a large digital display board showing his flight was boarding soon he'd never been to Indianapolis so he had no idea what to expect about the place or the convention being held there in his late 20s Mark had a strong build from being an avid 10 player and a handsome chiseled face softened by his slightly geeky charm his dark hair was neatly combed though a few rebellious strands always fell onto his forehead his expressive hazel eyes lit up when he talked about the game he had spent countless years developing his casual attire a custom graphic tea and comfortable worn jeans identified him as a gamer who lived and breathed his passions as Mark boarded the plane and found his seat he couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and dread the seat next to him was empty and he wondered who might sit there would it be an attractive man or a weird little Bridge Troll who sat there the entire time eating crackers and listening to an obscure podcast his mind raced with possibilities perhaps it could be a talkative tourist a panicked passenger or a family with a crying baby just as he braced for the worst Mark noticed a handsome young man sauntering down the aisle he was tall and striking with an athletic physique hinting at a life of sports and regular gym sessions his skin had a sun-kissed glow and his sandy blonde hair was styled casually yet effortlessly cool his striking blue eyes scanned the row numbers as he approached Mark's heart skipped a beat as the young man stopped at his row flashing a polite smile before placing his carryon in the overhead compartment this picture perfect example of manhood had it all looks confidence and an easygoing demeanor he wore a fitted black t-shirt that accentuated his broad shoulders and muscular arms paired with perfectly fitting jeans that highlighted his muscular build the man smiled cordially at Mark as he tucked his backpack under his seat and settled into the chair beside him Mark felt a rush of emotions nervousness excitement and an overwhelming desire to strike up a conversation with the hunky stud comfortably seated by his side but his shyness held him back he imagined how it would feel to speak to the sexy stranger discover common interests and perhaps share a laugh with him on the ride to Indianapolis he fantasized about a life where they became friends and maybe even more laughing over drinks going on adventures and exploring their shared love for games and swimming but the flight passed in silence Mark was too shy to make the first move and the man seemed content browsing through his iPad and watching a movie as the plane began its descent Mark felt a Pang of regret knowing the opportunity to say hello to the stud next to him was slipping away once at the gate the hot young stranger stood up grabbed his bag from above and offered another polite smile before exiting the aircraft Mark was left with nothing but a lingering sense of what could have been the next day bright and early Mark headed out to the bustling game convention the convention center was buzzing with a vibrant sea of color and energy banners displays and booths showcase the latest games Merchant Dice and Technology cosplayers roam the Halls their elaborate costumes adding to the spectacle the air was filled with the sounds of excited chatter electronic game demos and the occasional cheer from a nearby tournament Marx Booth was modest in its Decor but his newly developed game was his pride and joy he eagerly and meticulously set up to displays of his game along with Hollywood style swag and colorful banners announcing his game casting call for all to see based on Mark's extensive play testing he knew that his game was fun to play still as he arranged the last of his promotional materials for the fans to enjoy he couldn't help but wonder how his game would be received by this highly critical and and competitive group of Gamers as Mark set up his promotional materials and stocked the game's expansion packs his attention was soon caught by a nearby cosplayer dressed as Robin from Batman and Robin the man was stunning with a physique that perfectly suited the superhero costume the tight green and red outfit clung to his chiseled form highlighting his muscular arms and tone legs his short dark hair was styled to mimic robins and his mask added an air of mystery as he posed for photos with fans Mark admired not just the craftsmanship of the costume but the self assurance with which the man wore it Mark felt a twinge of admiration for the young Crusader the young hero was ruggedly handsome with the body of an Adonis although Mark himself was toned and fit he couldn't imagine ever wearing a skintight highly revealing superhero outfit like that all was on display for people to admire and Mark certainly admired everything the studly sidekick had to show from the pronounced impressive athletic cup to the striated bubble butt glute muscles and the rockhard square chest this superhero was well super Mark imagined what it would be like to approach the cosplayer compliment him on the costume and maybe even start a conversation but his shyness kept him rooted in place and he continued to admire him from afar as the day went on Mark engaged with attendees demonstrating his creation and sharing his passion for gameplay with anyone who would listen even though people in enjoyed learning and playing his game his thoughts drifted back to the attractive fellow he sat next to on the plane the day before he couldn't shake the feeling that fate had given him a chance and he'd let it slip right through his fingers yet he also felt a spark of determination for other future opportunities the convention was far from over and he vowed not to let another opportunity pass him by if such a prospect presented itself again he promised himself that he'd act on it even though he was busy with prospective buyers and curious attendees at his table throughout the convention he couldn't help but notice that Robin always seemed to be nearby perhaps there's a DC Comics display across the way that has hired him to promote Mark wondered why this Caped Crusader was seemingly always within ey shot Mark took in as many eys of this hot hero as he could without appearing too obvious that he was the object of his admiration Mark quickly diverted his gaze each time Robin looked back at him Mark pretended to be engrossed in his game demo to avoid making eye contact was he busted did that hunky hero see him staring at him was he being too obvious too weird as the convention went on Mark couldn't shake a feeling of regret he was disappointed in himself for chickening out with the stud from the plane and not pursuing the opportunity to talk to the Caped Crusader it seemed that the convention had just started before it was over the weekend flew by and his time in the grand convention hall was over Mark packed up his booth and as he did he kept replaying the missed opportunities with the sexy young men he encountered over the past few days in his mind he wondered if either encounter would have been with someone who was destined to be in his life one thought nagged at him as he headed to the airport when would I take a chance at love and actually talk to someone on the plane Mark replayed the convention's highlights in his head he was thrilled that his game was so well received but he felt forlorn that he couldn't meet a friend gamer or boyfriend who shared his interests am I destined to be an outcast who never meet someone who shares my interests as passengers boarded Mark idly watched not expecting to see anyone familiar but then to his surprise he spotted the handsome young man from his first flight when he was heading to the convention their eyes met briefly as he felt a flicker of recognition and excitement but before he could react the attractive young man continued down the aisle passing Mark's fully occupied row and heading towards the back of the plane searching for an available seat Mark's heart sank as he realized this would most likely be the last time he saw the handsome stranger he mentally kicked himself for not seizing the opportunity on the way to Indianapolis when the seat beside him was available Mark knew that twice he was attracted to someone his age during this trip both at the convention and now and both times s he let the man he desired get away Mark shifted uncomfortably in his seat feeling the pressure of the long flight it was time for a quick trip to the restroom he unbuckled himself and carefully made his way down the aisle taking Special Care not to disturb or knock into anyone who might have a wayward elbow foot or knee sticking into the narrow space as he traveled the narrow Corridor toward WS the back of the plane while he walked he couldn't help but look for the stranger he sat next to on the flight Over The Ripped handsome man who he lamented not speaking with when he had the chance sadly the young stud was nowhere to be seen curious Mark thought he had to be somewhere back here where could he have gone perhaps he's hiding under a hoodie or sleep mask I'll give another look on my way back although the vacant sign on the door was green the restroom was clearly occupied Mark thought nothing of it and decided to patiently await his turn finally the door swung open Mark instantly found himself needing to catch his breath standing before him was the hot stud he was searching for the young hunk's presence was even more commanding at this close range a mere few inches from each other's lips their eyes locked an unspoken connection sparked between them the man's mouth curled into a slow knowing smile and before Mark could process what was happening he was being pulled into the tiny restroom by The Stranger muscular powerful arms the door clicked shut behind them the lock turning with a soft click that seemed to Echo in the confined space The Stranger wasted no time his hands grabbing Mark's collar yanking him forward into a kiss that was as Fierce as it was unexpected Mark's heart pounded in his chest his senses overwhelmed by the stranger intoxicating scent the roughness of his stubble brushing against his skin the small restroom felt oddly expansive as their bodies pressed together the stranger's hands moving with urgency untucking Mark's shirt until it was unbuttoned and wide open the air was thick with desire each touch each kiss driving Mark further into a haze of lust despite the intensity a small part of Mark's mind worried about the other passengers wondering if someone might be waiting outside but the stranger seemed unbothered his Focus entirely on Mark as he continued to seduce him with skilled determined hands the sudden announcement of turbulence from the pilot was a distant murmur in Mark's ears barely registering as the stranger deepened the kiss his lips insistent demanding the plane jolted slightly but the man didn't Flinch his grip on Mark's waist tightening as if anchoring him in the storm of their shared passion their intimacy built into a fevered pitch the cramp space filled with the sounds of their labored breathing the heat between them Rising until it felt unbearable just as Mark teetered on the edge of losing himself entirely to the moment a deep masculine voice echoed in his ear would you like some nuts The Voice repeated itself but this time it was less inviting and sexy and more inquisitive and direct nuts Sir Mark blinked the world around him coming back into Focus the restroom was gone replaced by The Familiar confines of his seat a stocky Stern Steward Stood Beside him with a blank indifference on his face Mark felt a flush of embarrassment creep up his neck as he glanced to his side wondering if anyone else in his row was aware that he was in the middle of a dirty dream mark attempted to give no indication of how hot and bothered he was when he politely answered the attendant yes please I'll I'll take the nuts and a Diet Coke please the rest of the flight went quickly it was gratefully an uneventful trip Mark watched a forgettable movie and listen to music as the plane landed and passengers began to disembark Mark moved slowly looking for the man he had sat next to on the previous flight but the hunky young stranger from his dirty dream was seemingly lost in the back of the plane unable to wait for him without being too obvious Mark gathered his belongings and stepped off the plane and into the terminal the crowd dispersing around him his mystery man was long gone in a sea of Travelers and Mark knew he had missed his chance again as he had just stated to himself well time to get back to reality the hot guy on the plane probably didn't even notice me I'm sure that if I went up to him to say hello he'd look at me like I had two heads and a giant snaggle tooth sticking out of my mouth just as Mark headed towards the airport exit he caught a glimpse of his former seatmate again standing near a coffee kiosk about to order a beverage although the man was focused on his need to order a hot latte he somehow for some reason looked up and directly at Mark Mark froze momentarily as if he were playing hide and seek and had just been discovered his heart pounding in his chest oh he's right there and he saw me yep he definitely saw me and I saw him and we made eye contact what am I going to do summoning a burst of Courage Mark didn't know he had he gallantly walked toward the Striking youth he felt a mixture of excitement and fear as he approached but even though the butterflies in his stomach taunted him he was not going to back down this time he was going to say hello the attractive young man stood still as if he had been expecting Mark the entire time casually and confidently smiling as Mark approached hi I'm Mark this is super weird I know but I wanted to say hello his voice came out steadier than he thought it would to the Striking young man Mark continued uh I sit next you on the plane going to Gen Con and I see you're on the same plane headed back home I well I thought I'd say hello Mark braced himself for a cold response assuming the man would have no idea as to why he was approaching him and had no clue why he was being bothered by a stranger but rather than being an awkward greeting the young man continued to smile at Mark and replied with a strong comforting greeting hi Mark I'm Alex it's nice to meet you formally you're certainly an elusive one I've been trying to get your attention the whole convention each time I tried to catch your eye you got distracted by something or someone else he exclaimed genuinely happy to make his acquaintance Mark was puzzled his mind racing to understand Oh no you're confusing me with someone else I was on the plane with you going to Indianapolis we sat next to each other that's what I'm talking about I don't think I saw you at the convention Mark stammered bewildered Alex chuckled a playful glint in his eye yes I I know we sat next to each other to Indianapolis I'm sorry about that flight I was too weird and shy to say hello I kept wanting to introduce myself on the plane but well I chickened out but then when I saw you at the convention well I guess the costume worked a little too well he said chuckling I was Robin the cosplayer I thought you recognize me but I guess not he shook his head laughing softly at his own silliness Mark's jaw dropped in realization you were Rob Robin how did I not see that he laughed feeling both relieved and amazed the transformation was so convincing that Mark had completely missed the connection Alex nodded his smile widening yeah I kept trying to catch your eye but I thought you weren't interested he paused his expression sincere I'm glad you came by now and said hello though I totally thought I'd missed my chance to get to know you better Mark looked directly into Alex's eyes feeling A Rush of confidence and warmth I'm glad I said hello too do you live here maybe we can get a coffee sometime his voice was hopeful and his eyes reflected a mix of anticipation and vulnerability Alex's face brightened and he responded with a playful grin actually I just got one the Barista walked over and handed Alex his coffee as if it were a perfectly timed scene from a movie Alex looked at the weary older server as he asked could I please get another cup of coffee the exhausted woman without hesitating grabbed a second paper cup and handed it to Alex Alex smiled in appreciation and then turned to Mark I've got one right here care to split it with me I'd love to hear more about your game it looks really fun maybe we can play it sometime it's a game where you audition for a role in a Hollywood movie right Mark nodded yeah that's exactly it someone plays the director while the other players audition for a part in his film but honestly you won't need to audition for me Mark mischievously grinned as he flirtatiously chuckled I believe you've already got the part Alex didn't miss a beid in responding with a mischievous wink as he answered oh no I want to audition especially if it'll be on your Casting[Music][Applause] Couch well that certainly was fun not as much fun as playing the game casting call but certainly fun and steamy all the same I hope you enjoyed today's steamy stories JC tries to write each month's steamy story to reflect something happening in his life and this month it's the release of his game pretty cool huh well we certainly appreciate you listening to our podcast and following our other projects and Endeavors as you know by now the game books and movies all help keep the steamy Stories podcast going so we truly appreciate your ongoing support contributions and generous donations to any and all of them I hope you enjoyed this steamy Stories episode narrated by me Nate and written by JC calciano we love and appreciate you being here let's make a date and see you again next month when I bring you yet another steamy stories later bro

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