
COVID Chronicles | Food & Nutrition During a Pandemic

Season 1 Episode 3

The COVID-19 pandemic has had wide-ranging effects on food systems across the world, particularly in Africa. This episode of The COVID Chronicles explores insights from academics, sustainability experts and residents in Ghana to form a holistic view about barriers during lockdowns, initiatives to stabilize food systems and what to anticipate next.

Featured guests include Ines Gonzalez, an assistant professor at the Indiana University of Bloomington School of Public Health; Heidi Newton King and Rirhandzu Marvate, sustainability professionals who work at the Spier Farms in South Africa; and Lucy Wiafe, a Ghanaian wife, mother and preschool teacher who has been a frequent consumer of the local Ghanaian market produce for a number of years.

Student Highlight: Yadah Ampofo, a junior majoring in Human Health and minoring in Global Health, is a Ghanaian girl at heart who would love for everyone to experience Africa.

About COVID Chronicles

The COVID Chronicles covers a variety of public health topics intertwined with the pandemic, as reported by the students in the HLTH 385: Health & Science Podcasting class during the Fall 2020 and Fall 2021 semesters. Sponsored by Emory University’s Center for the Study of Human Health, the series includes interviews with experts in epidemiology, mental health, maternal health, and more. 

About Emory University's Center for the Study of Human Health:

The Emory Center for the Study of Human Health was developed to expand health knowledge and translate this knowledge to all aspects of life – for the individual and populations as a whole. The Center assembles the extraordinary faculty, researchers and thought leaders from across disciplines, departments, schools and institutions to bring this knowledge to Emory University students and inspire them to become leaders for the next generation in meeting challenges facing human health.

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