SheRecovery Podcast with Crystal Renaud Day
Are you a woman who struggles with porn, sex, or love addiction? Recovery is not just about behavior because recovery without healing is just sobriety. The SheRecovery Podcast is designed to help women who struggle with porn, sex, and love addiction dig deeper into their recovery by looking at physical, emotional, and spiritual healing (body, mind, and spirit). Hosted by Crystal Renaud Day along with expert guests, personal stories, and helpful tools, this weekly show has something for all who are on a recovery journey, but created for women in mind. The SheRecovery Podcast is a resource of SheRecovery.com.
SheRecovery Podcast with Crystal Renaud Day
S2 E5: Melissa Moore - Just Coping Isn't Enough: A Discussion on Grief & Addiction Recovery
***Episode Disclaimer***
We don’t shy away from difficult conversations at the SheRecovery Podcast, but this week is a bit different. This week, we are talking about grief. No one is immune from the impact of grief, whether it is the loss of a loved one, the loss of a relationship, or even having to grieve the loss of a dream or an expectation in life that hasn’t been fulfilled. We all grieve in one way or another, and for some of you right now, you’re in the middle of your grief. Our guest speaker for this episode Melissa Moore is no stranger to grief but she’s also a sister in recovery from pornography addiction. We give this disclaimer because it is easy to want to shy away from conversations like this because it is easier to just talk about the porn and those tangible issues. It is harder to talk about conditions of the heart—yet it is the conditions of the heart that more often than not keep us going back to porn, sex, what have you. So please engage in this conversation and if you need to talk with someone, you can always schedule a free phone consultation at livingonpurposekc.com to speak with one of our staff counselors.
In S2E5 of the SheRecovery Podcast, you'll hear from Melissa Moore. In this interview, Melissa opens up about her experience with grief as the result of three miscarriages and the loss of her mother to suicide—while also carrying the burden of a pornography addiction. Melissa candidly explains how a long term relationship with pornography and masturbation (even while married) became coping skills for her pain and grief. But not all is hopeless. Listen as Melissa shares how she went from just coping to finding real healing emotionally and spiritually.
Melissa is a Christian writer, women's speaker, and the host of the Faith Hope Love Show—where women grow together in their faith, increase in hope, and learn how to better love God and love other people. She is actively involved as the Assistant Coordinator of the Gateway MOPS/MOMSnext program, supports women grieving miscarriages at her local church, and teaches at various women’s events in the Central Valley of California. She has a BA in Psychology and Biblical Studies from Azusa Pacific University and a Graduate Diploma in Pastoral Care to Women from Western Seminary. You can learn more about Melissa and her resources at moorefaithhopelove.com.
Resources Referenced:
- Melissa's website: moorefaithhopelove.com
- Free Consult at Living on Purpose: http://livingonpurposekc.com
- Become a SheRecovery Patron or Venmo your support @CoachCrystal
Thank you for listening to the SheRecovery Podcast - a resource of SheRecovery.com. If you enjoyed this episode, please share i
Thank you for listening to the SheRecovery Podcast, a resource of SheRecovery.com. If you enjoyed this episode, please share with those who you think will enjoy it too. And be sure to subscribe to never miss a new episode. Visit SheRecovery.com/podcast to access the listener notes for this episode including links to all of the resources mentioned in it and submit listener feedback. You can also show your support of the SheRecovery Podcast and SheRecovery.com at buymeacoffee.com/sherecovery. Thank you for your support and I hope you will join us again next week for a new episode of the SheRecovery Podcast.
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