Stories of Divorce Resiliency

The Story of How Divine Guidance Led to Mind/Body Healing After Divorce

Sherry Smith Season 3 Episode 6

In this episode, LaQuita Fergerson shares how following her intuition after her divorce led her to move across the country, reclaim her identity, and heal her body from a Multiple Sclerosis diagnosis. LaQuita has a warm, soothing energy that the listener is sure to appreciate.  This episode is helpful for anyone who is considering making  major life changes in their divorce recovery or is looking for inspiration on how making the mind/body connection can help in the healing process.

LaQuita Simone Fergerson is a Divorce Transition and Recovery Coach with a passion for resilience, mindfulness, and emotional intelligence. Her published blog,  "Bitter to Better" chronicles her journey to healing from divorce while conquering Multiple Sclerosis. She's been featured on and is currently writing her first book - a memoir of healing trauma with conscious and unconscious reprogramming to create the life you love. Find out more about LaQuita at