Electric & Eclectic with Roger Atkins - LinkedIn Top Voice for EV
In conversation with the past, present, and future movers and shakers of the electric vehicle eco-system. Upstream in mining and mineral processing and downstream in batteries and charging infrastructures - and all points in between! I will draw on friendships and experiences from almost 40 years in the auto industry - almost half of that embedded within the nascent EV industry.
Failure and success are all part of my story...and that of many people I know. YOU will hear about it all.
Electric & Eclectic with Roger Atkins - LinkedIn Top Voice for EV
Emily Hersh - CEO Luna Lithium
Believe me when I tell you Emily is all over Lithium...
Specifically and critically in regard to geology - as she has google like knowledge and experience of where the stuff might be - and where it is!
In the thick of it all for many years - down Argentina way - but now based In Nevada..and in the thick of it there as CEO of Luna Lithium.
A smart cookie without a doubt so you'll learn a bunch of stuff for sure!
...as far as I was concerned our 60 minute conversation was over far too soon!