Tedi Talks
Join Podcast Host Tedi Parsons as he discusses anything and everything. No topic or subject matter is off the table! Join us as we celebrate the art of conversation we talk about everything from the day's hottest topic, to cooking, to healthcare to solving the Da Vinci Code. This is Real Talk with Real People. Come and join us in the conversation.
Tedi Talks
S-3-E-25: Rocking Around the Christmas Tree w/Cindy Whittum
On the final episode of Season 3 of Real Talk with Tedi, Tedi welcomes his Co-Host, Cindy Whittum, Recruitment and Internship Specialist, State of Michigan (EGLE), for a candid discussion about the holidays (the good, the bad and the ugly). Tedi and Cindy talk about what they like and dislike about the Christmas holiday, holiday gift giving and the dreaded office holiday party. Cindy shares with us her favorite Christmas song and some tips on how to be a good gift giver. Tedi announces he is a scrooge and why he is not a fan of the holidays, plus much, much more. You can connect with Cindy at:
Cindy Whittum, Co-Host
Recruitment and Internship Specialist, State of Michigan, EGLE
Website: https://www.michigan.gov/leo
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/cwhittum
Phone: (517) 914-6595
Email: WhittumC@michigan.gov
Holiday Resources (Shop Local in Lansing):
Swan Creek Candle of Perry (Website)
Paint Your Poison (Website)
Baked Goods by Dominic (Facebook Page)
Absolute Gallery (Facebook Page)
Mitten Misfits Farm Sanctuary (Nonprofit Website)
Bradly's HG (Website)
The Peanut Shop (Website)
The Beeswax BARRN (Website)
Old Town General Store (Website)
Kean's Store Company (Website)
Mother & Earth (Website)
#517 Lansing (Website)
Flat, Black & Circular (Website)
Reo Town Marketplace (Website)
Lansing Clothing Company (Website)
Saddleback BBQ (Website)
Holiday Music for this episode provide by Magenta Six. You can learn more about them at: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCA2_u2tUGmRxa5evGgRwUNw
The opinions and statements made on the Tedi Talks Podcast are/or do not necessarily reflect those of the Tedi Talks Podcast or Tedi Parsons. To learn more, please visit: https://tediparsons.com/tedi-talks
The music used for this podcast was provided by: afterparty-review-by-sascha-ende-from-filmmusic-io. https://filmmusic.io/standard-license. License (CC BY 4.0):