Women in Consulting
Women in Consulting
01 Kimberly Worsham and FLUSH!
Today I am speaking with Kimberly Worsham. Kimberly is a water and sanitation specialist with over a decade of experience, and the Founder of the boutique consulting firm, FLUSH. She discovered a passion for toilets early as a child, where her curiosity led her to inspect the facilities of every restaurant she entered!
In this energetic and fast paced conversation we hear how Kimberly's unique background has led her to a novel and passionate approach to WASH. We learn how she decided to start a company so that she could have a bigger impact and take the Flush vision to more clients. We talk through some of the business systems, touch on the business model canvas, and Kimberly shares 3 excellent tips for you if you are considering setting up a company.
You can find Kimberly on the links below:
And here is the link to the business model canvas
Download the 5 things you need to know about being a consultant here.
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