SARTS - Society for the Arts in Religious & Theological Studies

Conversations on Religion and the Arts: Episode 3 -- Wilson Yates and Charles Pickstone

CindiBeth Season 1 Episode 3

SARTS, the Society for the Arts in Religious and Theological Studies, has created three podcasts that offer the reader “Conversations on Religion  and the Arts”.  These “Conversations” are with theologians and historians of art Robin Jensen, William Dyrness, and Charles Pickstone: all figures who helped create this modern dialogue within the churches and schools of theology.   With moderator Wilson Yates, the discussion with The Reverend Canon Charles Pickstone, Vicar of St. Laurance Parish, London, begins with his relationship to ACE, the British religion and arts organization that he helped develop while serving on its Board of Trustees and as an art critic for its publication The AaC Bulletin.  The discussion considers the future of the conversation on religion and art in Great Britain, and it focuses on certain of his own critical writings including an article on The Cuban culture’s positive view of the body as expressed in art and as an expression of both artistic and personal freedom. He considers the renewed interest in the work of the British sculptor Barbara Hepworth, and he explores the amazing and enigmatic work of art, Malevich’s icon Black Square.  It is a lively and challenging conversation that is touched by laughter and by seriousness as he explores the spiritual power of modern and contemporary art to engage the religious life.  And he remembers a colleague, Graham Howes, who was also central to the “Conversation” and missed by so many of us.  Graham Howes died in November of 2020.   wy