Age of AI
A podcast on the impact of emerging technologies in transforming politics, law, and society. Hosted by Medlir Mema, Chris Lamont, and Young Diogenes in association with the Global Governance Institute in Brussels.
Website: http://www.ageofaipodcast.com/
X.com: @MedlirM and @ck_lamont.
#IR #AI #International Relations #Artificial Intelligence #Law #Podcast
Age of AI
S8E6: AI for Peace with Dr. Paige Arthur
Medlir sits down with Dr. Paige Arthur, Director of Global Programming at Columbia Global, and co-author of AI for Peace (with Branka Panic), to discuss how recent AI innovations can contribute to conflict prevention and peace. They also explore the opportunities and challenges that technologies pose for human rights and curbing hate speech.
- https://www.linkedin.com/in/paige-arthur-6269001b/
- https://www.aiforpeace.org/
- https://www.taylorfrancis.com/books/mono/10.1201/9781003359982/ai-peace-branka-panic-paige-arthur
- https://www.usip.org/publications/2023/12/role-ai-peacebuilding
- https://www.sipri.org/research/armament-and-disarmament/emerging-military-and-security-technologies/responsible-innovation-ai-peace-and-security
- https://www.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/messages/peace/documents/20231208-messaggio-57giornatamondiale-pace2024.html
#AI, #Human_Rights, #Peace, #Misinformation, #Hate_Speech