Overcome Yourself - The Podcast

Reprogramming the Subconscious for a Brighter Future: Amber Frelin's Story


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After taking a leap of faith, Amber Frelin went from a nine-to-five job to becoming a successful entrepreneur. 

In this captivating episode, she shares her journey as an intuitive business coach and how she overcame subconscious beliefs to achieve her goals. 

From her shift from network marketing to high ticket coaching to the exhilarating experience of earning a five-figure check, Amber's story is filled with valuable insights and inspiration for anyone looking to achieve success. 

Tune in to learn how to reprogram your subconscious beliefs and invest in yourself for a brighter future.

Get your free gift from Amber at: amberfrelin.com

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Speaker 1:

All right, welcome. I'm so excited to the next episode of the Overcome Yourself podcast. I am here with Amber. I didn't ask you how to pronounce it Freeland, Freeland yeah you got it.

Speaker 2:

Okay, awesome.

Speaker 1:

Yay, well, from my last name I always have that little hesitation. How do you say that Anyway? So, yay, welcome, I'm so excited to have you here. Let's get into it. Give us a quick intro on you and then we're going to talk about exactly what we were just talking about before. We started recording what we do and where that comes from, why do we do the things that we do and how can we change that. Awesome, so go take it away, amber.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, sure, thank you. So I'm an intuitive business coach and you know the reason that came about is just because I've had a close relationship with spirit for my whole life and been very, very connected in with my own intuition and empathy with other people, just like a heightened level of feeling, like feeling what's going on in the world around me, right, and so with that, what I do now is I help people with their subconscious beliefs, specifically in the area of generating success in online business. So I do both the mindset work, specifically with the subconscious, but then also your standard business systems, funnels, social media strategy, marketing, primarily for coaches. But I've had to overcome a lot in my own life around my money, mindset, fear, scarce thoughts.

Speaker 2:

You know, leaving the nine to five and starting my own business was a really, really, really challenging for me because I was chasing freedom for so long, being an employee and feeling like there's more to life and there's something more that I could be doing, but not really knowing how to make it work.

Speaker 2:

And then, finally, when I started to make it work and I took that leap and I've really embodied that freedom, I realized, uh-oh, I'm actually a lot more driven by safety and security than I thought, and now I feel really scared and really unsure.

Speaker 2:

And so my entrepreneurial journey was definitely really, really challenging at first, and that's how I started to get into the work around our subconscious mind and how we're actually driven by a lot of the beliefs that our parents have that aren't actually ours, because of the way we're imprinted as young children, and then, of course, teachers and school, and then, once we're adolescents, our friends. And you know, the truth is that just continues until we start to unpack and look at what's deep down in the subconscious mind, and then we see, oh well, that's why I'm not taking the action that I know would make me successful, or that's why I'm doing this thing, that this negative habit that's keeping me where I'm at. And so I just became really obsessed with learning more about how all of that works and then, most importantly, how to change it so that I could one create success myself and then, most importantly, have the keys to help others create success too.

Speaker 1:

I love it and I think it's a really big deal because you touched on this before we started recording. You could have every system in the world, you could have all the books, you could read everything and you could have everything, and if the mindset is not there, nothing can happen. And oh, because I fought myself for so, so long, I was like I don't understand. I know the system and I've implemented and I've got the coach and I'm doing this, but something's not right. And it wasn't until the mindset work piece. Really, I really dug into it and it's funny because you focus on things. You have to shift your focus on things that don't necessarily make you money. But once those things are aligned, the domino kind of falls and the money just starts rolling in. So it's kind of counterintuitive. You're like no, I should be working on my business, I should be talking to people, I've got to be doing this.

Speaker 1:

But those subconscious things are kind of like holding us back, because when we talk to people, we're saying their own things. When we get money, we spend it because we're scared of having it, because we've never had this much money before. We don't know what to do, right, and so that homeostasis, that level is there and if we don't work on ourselves to adjust that level and be like, okay, my new level is not zero, my new level is 1,000. My new level is 10,000, right, if we're not adjusting our internal talks or internal mechanisms, nothing else that we do is going to work. We're always going to revert back. So talk to me a little bit about your journey here. I know you touched on it a little bit. And how do we get to those subconscious beliefs Like this is a big deal.

Speaker 2:

There's a few ways that we do, which is great. How my husband and I personally do it is a very specific modality subconscious reprogramming and there's a lot of people using that term now and they're doing more of like a hypnosis, which is fine because that works too. But the truth is there's a lot of people have their own modalities in how to do this. But what's most important to us is that it's scientifically proven and it's not just like some woo-woo fairy dust stuff that we want to convince people to believe that it worked.

Speaker 2:

We use a method where we use muscle testing, also known as applied kinesiology, that maybe you've done at the chiropractor or a natural path, or acupuncturists do this, and it's becoming more and more well known in the world, which we're really excited about, because we were using these modalities a couple of years ago and nobody had any idea what we were talking about.

Speaker 2:

Like people didn't even use the word quantum really too much back then and we were swimming upstream really hard early on in our business trying to explain this to people, to be honest with you, and that's kind of how we got into the business world with coaches, because we really needed to learn how to share this information, but what it comes down to is using a proven modality where the client actually leaves and knows that the shift has happened.

Speaker 2:

Because I don't know about you, but if you've ever watched a YouTube video or you've done some sort of meditation or something, you're relying really, really heavily on kind of like belief and hope that a shift has happened. And so we're big on bringing someone in, using their own body, to test their belief systems, running our modality, which is a seven code system that we use to reprogram subconscious beliefs and I know this might sound a little vague, and so I want to let you know that on my website, amberfreelandcom, there's actually a freebie where people can go through this subconscious reprogramming, so that it'll make a lot more sense what I'm talking about.

Speaker 2:

But the cool part about it is you go through this modality and beliefs are shifted. So, for instance, money is evil is like a really really common money belief. Some more unique ones would be I can't have love and money, and what's underneath that is the idea that some people it's 1111, by the way, I just thought I'd mention it.

Speaker 2:

Oh no, but some people have a belief system deep down and grained in them. Especially since there's so many women in business these days, a lot of women have a belief deep down and this is not a conscious belief. So I want to be really clear it's not things that we think, it's things that our body is holding that drive the actions that we take and, as we know, the actions that we take is what gets us results. So this is all about looking beneath the action, at the belief system that you don't even consciously think of, that we have to use modalities to find because they're hidden. So an example would be a wife that believes not and again I don't mean consciously a wife that's carrying a subconscious belief that at whatever point she makes more money than her husband, that her husband's going to have some sort of negative experience around it, whether he says anything about it or not. This wife does not want to cause pain to her husband. She's carrying a belief that, okay, when mom got a job when I was five and made more money than dad, mom and dad had all this weird relationship stuff happen and one of them met someone else and then they split up, and that that's a subconscious belief in the kid that that was caused because mom became successful. So now, as a woman, if I become successful, oh my goodness, what's going to happen to my marriage?

Speaker 2:

And these are not things that people think.

Speaker 2:

They're things that are held in the body because they were programmed when we were children and mark my words they drive the action that she's going to take.

Speaker 2:

And so if she's running this beautiful business and her gifts are just amazing and so beautiful and it will help so many millions of people, but there's a belief system that she might lose her husband or her family or something bad's going to happen in some way, then she is going to prevent that success and, unfortunately, she's not going to go on to serve all these amazing people that she could with her gifts because of old stuff that came from childhood.

Speaker 2:

And so it's all about setting aside the time to fix these things and what most people do. Where most people go wrong is, instead of taking the time to do this beautiful work or to find a way to heal this for yourself quickly, instead they push harder in their marketing. They push harder, they go put more money behind things, they hire the next coach, or they do this big thing, or they just take the 3D tangible masculine energy of action and they try to force Instead of starting underneath with the healing. And when you heal these things, it actually changes who you are deep down inside, and that's what's going to drive new actions and therefore create new results.

Speaker 1:

That is. That is so incredible. One of the things that my coach talks to me about is thoughts happen up here, right, but decisions don't happen up here. Decisions happen in our body, and so if we have those subconscious traumas, we have that decision coming down, and then this guy is like yeah, that'll help understand-. Oh my God, you're like this, not over here, is like no, no, no, remember when this happened and then I happened no, so you can't do it again. So that's such a big deal. I love that. Um, how did you learn about this?

Speaker 2:

Hmm, this is a great question through my husband.

Speaker 1:

Actually, he started so because you guys are a team, right, you guys usually present a team, okay, Well, I'd love to.

Speaker 2:

I'd love to tell you that story just real quick because it's interesting. So I was a nurse and my husband was a bartender. We lived in Las Vegas and you know my journey before that. My life's been pretty cool and interesting and not always super easy, right. So I was in kind of a tough time in life and I was again working, and he was working too, and we both got into network marketing at like. We didn't know each other and I didn't know I was in network marketing, which is super weird, I know, but I didn't know about that industry.

Speaker 2:

I was a nurse and I was, you know, feeling like there was more for me in life, but I didn't really know what that looked like and I just really thought that everyone in the world went to their nine to five and they held in tears all day and then, when the doors opened and they walked out to their car at night, they all cried all the way home too.

Speaker 2:

Like I just thought that was like human existence and that we do that until we come to an age where we have enough money to start thinking about not doing that anymore. And then we figure out what we want to do with our life and to me like I started to see that, oh, actually, wait a second. Like hold on, there's people my friends now are like doing the side business thing and they're sharing some things and people love it and they're all excited and like, oh, they're going to leave their job, like they're not going to work here with me anymore. Like hold on a second. So there's. I knew that entrepreneurs existed, but I hadn't really wrapped my brain around how I could do that for myself. So, long story short, I walked into this network marketing home party in my first business opportunity and my husband and Christian walked in and again, I'm intuitive. So I was hearing Claire audience messages about how this is my husband and I'm thinking am I going nuts?

Speaker 2:

Like standing in this kitchen looking at this guy and thinking that that's my husband, and he and I became really good friends because he was not ready for a relationship and I was like 14 year old, head over heels for this guy that I knew was going to be my husband, but you know, he wasn't on board with that yet. So, as the story goes, we grew that those businesses together. We each grew a network marketing business to a level that replaced our income and allowed us to then leave those nine to fives. And then Christian was going through his quantum healing certification at the time and he was learning these beautiful healing modalities and then we were both using this technology to learn more about ourselves and what we wanted to do with our lives and how we could help more people. And that was pretty much like the pivotal moment for us, from network marketing into coaching although we weren't in high ticket coaching yet, we were more like healers with a low ticket membership and we were trying really, really hard to fill that and sell that. And we knew nothing about marketing and I was working a couple jobs because I had the job that could pay us more and he had the tech skills to sit at home on the computer all day. But I will tell you this, nicole is pretty funny. We were newlyweds and I was working and I felt like I was working all the time and my husband was at home playing on the computer. That's how I felt and I was resentful and I was stressed out and it was hard, really, really hard. And Christian found the high ticket coaching space and he found us some coaches through an ad and a webinar. You know back in the day that he wanted to hire these guys and we got on the phone with them and we did not have the money to hire them and they had a six K offer and we had $1,500. And that was for the rent that was due in a couple of days and they made us a quadruple pay deal and we sent them our entire $1,500. And we called the apartment and we deferred the rent and we drove to a Mexican restaurant with a credit card, with a little bit of money, because we knew that we needed to ground in the energy and celebrate the investment that we made.

Speaker 2:

But I can feel the emotion telling you the story, because I cried all the way to that restaurant. I did not know what I had done. I was so scared. And the cool thing about it is that when you fall into grace and you follow your heart and you take jumps like that like I'm not telling everyone to go do that, that's on you. You get to make that decision. But what I can tell you is that when you challenge yourself to take the higher road and to do what you innately know that you're supposed to do, even when it doesn't make sense, then what happened next was we made $26,000 in six weeks which, as you can see, to someone who used to having just enough for rent, that was huge, humongous. Life changing forevermore changed that. We upleveled financial thermostats in that moment.

Speaker 2:

And then a really crazy thing about that story is that I did 20 sales calls in that time. My first 20 sales calls were like a big fat no. They were like a hard, tedious, 90-minute conversation that I was just like so far out of my comfort zone and just committed to learning. And then call number 21 was my first client and then Christian closed a sale and then I closed another one and then a couple more no's. And then that's when we really learned like, okay, this is about the journey and not the destination, because would I be willing to do 21 more sales calls before another client. Yes, was it hard. Yes, was it worth it, though? And now I have the knowledge to teach someone else how to do it, but, more importantly than that, to hold space for them when it's hard, because had it been delivered to me on a silver platter, I would not have learned the lesson. Without the challenge, all the value is gone. So that's really the beginning of our journey.

Speaker 2:

To answer your question, how do we get into the mindset work, to the subconscious work? That's the answer to that, amongst other things and other stories around. If we didn't have that mindset work, if we didn't use those tools, if we didn't look at our own subconscious programming and heal and clear some things out, would we have gotten those results? Absolutely not, and these days, coaching clients on a really high level, we just had a client do a $72,000 launch in a week. That was a big, big win for us client-wise, obviously celebrating that like crazy. And then another client recently closing 10K every single week using a really simple software. Those like those are what drives me more than you know.

Speaker 2:

My own wins in any story I can tell you about myself here today is those client wins. And the funny thing about it is, every single time I interview a client, even with these high level tech stuff that we do and automation and funnels and all this amazing, like kind of I don't want to say time consuming work, but like we put a lot into done for you stuff for our clients too. And it never fails that when I interview them about what they attribute their success to in our program, it's always the healing work, which I just think is the most beautiful thing, because if people recognize that naturally, that that's what created the shift in them, then the truth is the key lies within them instead of outside of them, which is what it's all about for me. You know what I mean.

Speaker 1:

Yes, yes, I love it. I'm very inspired. Your story mirrors mine a lot. So my partner is a doctor and then I work from home, right, so I'm the one playing on the computer all day. Yeah, you know, and I remember my first, my first five figure check was $18,000.

Speaker 1:

Yes, yes, and that changes things. And you realize wait a second making $10,000 a month doesn't mean I have to be making X amount of money every week. If I make $18,000 every two months, I'm averaging $10,000 a month and, yeah, it's learning, it's learning things like that. And then, if you do make $18,000 every month, like you're blowing it out of the water, right? So, like you said, that changes. That, just changes the level. So, very inspiring. You know, we're on the journey and I just feel like it's just awesome to hear you know a story that's like kind of like yours and you're like, oh my gosh, I'm on the way. Yep, that's wonderful. And then just the trust that you had in yourself, because you have to get to a level to where you trust yourself enough to say, okay, this is the money that I have and I am betting on me you know, because that's kind of what you did right, but you have to get to a certain level mentally to be able to do that, to invest in yourself, you know, even if it's really scary.

Speaker 1:

And yes, those moments where those are the moments that make us man, those moments when we're up against this wall and you've got no money left and you're like I don't know what the fuck I'm going to do, those are the those moments. You said something. I'm going to go back. The value. I think something value and a challenge I'm going to go back. I'm definitely going to quote you on that, because that was just so good. Yes, yes, yes. So how do we stay in?

Speaker 2:

touch with you, amber. Oh my gosh. Well, I have amberfreelandcom now, which has a couple of really, really valuable giveaways, according to my clients. Thankfully, there's something called millionaire mind shift, which I mentioned earlier. It's it's three videos. There's three videos on there. There's no opt-in or anything.

Speaker 2:

So you guys, when you go to amberfreelandcom, everything is there for you, just click on it, the video will play, teach you a little bit more about how the subconscious works. But then and there's short videos too, by the way but then video number three in there is where you actually go through one of the healing sessions. So we're going to ask you to stand up. It was a live, live recorded session, so you're going to see a lot of people on there doing it too. You stand up, we teach you how to do the muscle testing, we do the healing with you, and then you retest those belief systems and you see that they're shifted before you leave the session, so that that I would guide people to absolutely.

Speaker 2:

But then also at amberfreelandcom, a couple of my groups are there quantum secrets community it's all about quantum healing, and the coaching portal is all about how to put simple systems in play If you're an entrepreneur. Simple, little tiny automations, a little little tweaks to things so that you can get your time freedom back, because we know that the more time that you have away from actually working in your business and being out playing, raising your vibration, going to the gym, going to the beach, whatever it is for you hiking, spending time with kids we know that those are the moments that actually bring the success in your business. So we do business in a way that can bring as much time freedom to people as possible. So that's the group. The coaching portal and all those resources are on amberfreelandcom.

Speaker 1:

Awesome, amazing. So you have your freebies. Do you still have a membership?

Speaker 2:

We don't have that membership anymore.

Speaker 1:

No, but you do one-on-one coaching and then you do the done for you work Okay.

Speaker 2:

Yep, and you know what we do a lot of partnerships too. So what you'll find when you get into our world on social media, you'll see that we partnered with some amazing leaders in different industries. So we're starting to roll out a really beautiful offer that includes group growth for coaches and comes with a retreat a couple of times a year and then I'm just starting to roll out many retreats where people can come visit here in Southwest Florida and we kind of build, build a business.

Speaker 1:

You're in Southwest Florida.

Speaker 2:

Yes, I'm in Miami. Oh, my God, oh my.

Speaker 1:

God, I thought you were like really far away.

Speaker 2:

I'm so excited. Just a cross alligator alley from you, Nicole.

Speaker 1:

Yes, you're Naples For like in that area. Oh my God, oh my God. I love Naples. It's so nice over there. I'm so excited, amber. It's going to be amazing.

Speaker 2:

I know it is, I'm so, I'm so glad we connected. Yes, oh my God, I can't wait to reach out to Brooke.

Speaker 1:

Shout out to Brooke. Brooke is the publicist.

Speaker 1:

I hope Brooke is amazing. Yes, you have to tell her. I want to get her on one of these episodes. You got to let her know Get on with Nicole, because I can't wait to speak to her. Ok, so we've got a freebie, we've got a way to stay in touch with you. Final tip what do you have any final tips that you want to leave us with? Like, what do you tell? Like, what's the most common question that you get or the most common answer that you give? How about that? Because the question might be different but the answer might be the same.

Speaker 2:

I'll give you the best piece of advice that I had to take myself.

Speaker 2:

Even living, breathing and teaching clients these things your internal dialogue and what's going on constantly is literally showing up in your environment.

Speaker 2:

Like, I know that we know this and I know that we've heard this a million times, but what you think about and what you talk about and what you expect to show up in your life is what is going to show up in your life period. So why not think about and immerse yourself with everything that you want all the time, even if there's going to be a couple months before that comes into reality? Like, why would we not spend our time immersed in what we actually want to create in our lives? And, last but not least, take the time to do the healing, because I know that it's way more fun to just keep on typing along and keep on showing up and pretending that everything's all good deep down, but you know that the results that are showing up are not the ones you want. You have to just give yourself the gift of stopping and doing the healing work and I promise you, when you get back to it, everything will start working out. Everything works out when you give the gift to yourself to do the healing work for you.

Speaker 1:

Yes. And the last thing that I want to mention, something that you said, is when you invested in you, when you paid for coaching, you went out and celebrated and that's a big deal, like you didn't even wait. You were like you didn't take it away from yourself. No, no, no, I've got to accomplish something with them now and then I'll celebrate. No, no, no, because just the step of investing in yourself, of believing in yourself, that's worthy of celebration, like just taking that step. So I just want to mention that that's something that stood out that you said.

Speaker 2:

Yeah right.

Speaker 1:

So true, I love it, I love it. Any final words before we sign off here. Amber, this has been so amazing. I'm so grateful.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, this is what's coming through for me right now and it might be a little deep and I hope that it really makes people think. I would just take a second and go ahead in your life, really far towards the end of your life, like way towards the end of your life, and I just want you to think whatever phase you're in right now, whatever higher road you need to choose, or are you going to shrink back and do things the way it is? What story do you want to be able to tell your grandchildren or the people that you're surrounded with towards the end of your life? What decision you made, what higher road you took, what success you created, what you did for other people? Just go there every once in a while and test yourself and you'll always, always, always, know what action to take next.

Speaker 1:

I love it. Thank you, amber, this has been absolutely amazing I'd love to do. Brooke told me that you guys usually do, like you and your husband do interviews together, so if you want to schedule one of those and we can do one with both of you, I would love, because I know you guys are a team, so we'd love to have that, so maybe in the future we can hook that up. Thank you so much for being here, amber. I'm so, so excited. This has been wonderful. You have a great rest of the day and we will see you guys next time on Overcome Yourself.

Speaker 2:

Bye guys.