Infinite Awakening

The number one reason why your manifesting might not be working for you

Dr. Donna Season 2 Episode 13

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Receiving what you want is possible. Being an excellent receiver is a process. That is what makes manifesting easy to do. There are blocks that get in the way. I discuss the number one reason why manifesting might not work for a person.

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Hello, it's Dr. Donna and welcome to another one of my podcasts. And today I wanna talk about why people tend to not get what they want, even though they want it so badly. You know, I've been doing coaching and readings for the past 22 plus years. It's more than 22 years now. And I've spoken to literally thousands of people. I have it documented how many people I have spoken to throughout the years and I have spoken to people of every race, religion, culture on six different continents. And there are some things it's to show that we're all so similar, right? We all sort of want the same things out of life within a range. But I realize that people don't realize what they're doing, how they're getting in their way or holding themselves back from getting what they want. And they don't even realize that they're doing it because they're very fixated on one particular thing.

Things have to show up in a way that is familiar to them, that is comfortable for them with certain things played out a certain way or else they won't trust it. And a lot of people have these signs that they're hoping to see in a person, to know that it's their person and a job to know it's their job and friendships and every aspect of what they're trying to attract into their life. And they don't realize they're going against the law of attraction in the biggest way by having this mindset of if things don't show up in a way that I feel that they should, then it's not for me. And you know, that just isn't true. The universe does things the way that it feels that we need it for the lessons that we need to learn along the way for the right people to show up, um, to help us along our path.

A lot of times when people don't get something from someone, they feel rejected without realizing that was just the wrong person for them. I really don't believe in the word rejection. Rejection is really a trauma response of here I am being abandoned again, being hurt again, being rejected again, being unloved, being unwanted when it's really none of those things. The universe and especially your angels and your spirit guides are trying to keep you on a path. And you know, everybody says that they want signs and they wanna hear from them guides. But you know, we're not gonna have the burning bush moment like in the Bible. You know, no one's gonna talk to us through a bush. We're talking to each other to get answers. And what has to be understood is that a lot of how we want things to show up, it just won't. It's, but it's gonna show up the right Speaker 2 (02:58):

Way, the way that is needed. And the number one reason why people want things a certain way or else they don't think is for them is because of unhealed trauma. Yes. When we have things in the past that have hurt us, that we haven't healed from, we just doubt we can't see the signs, we want everything to either feel good, or if it doesn't feel good, then it's bad for us. And truth we told, sometimes things don't feel good right away. They shouldn't feel awful or horrendous, but maybe they feel neutral or there's a few question marks. And that still doesn't mean that it's wrong for you. It can mean to take some time to think about it and ask yourself, why do you think this is not for you? It really shouldn't be logical instead of emotional if you really think it's the wrong thing for you

But more than likely, if you just take the time to really think about how things are showing up for you, you find out that they're showing up the correct way. But trauma has to be healed and it takes forever to heal trauma, right? It's in steps, is in processes. But the more you heal, the more aware you become of why you do the things you do, why the way you believe and why you want things to be a certain way. Cuz a lot of times people say, just gimme a sign. And really what they want is this big sign written in sky that says, this is for you. This is right, this is safe. It's a good decision, right? People are scared of feeling unsafe, especially if you have trauma, feeling like they're making the wrong decision. Because people think if you make the wrong decision that they're doing things wrong and people want to be right.

And that is part of the problem, wanting to be right and get it right and not wanting to make mistakes. And you know, under it all is wanting to be perfect. And there's no such thing as perfect. The best way we learn in life is from our mistakes. Those are gifts. If you're making mistakes, as long as they're not the same stupid shit over and over, you're doing okay, you know? But if you're making mistakes here and there, that's your wisdom. And never be afraid of wisdom and awareness. It is so important to leave some room for flexibility in life. A lot of times people end up married to people who they didn't think they would marry, they didn't look a certain way, have a certain religion, have a certain amount of money, but they end up being so happy and so at peace with that person because they took a risk. And is it really a risk? It's just really thinking differently. It's expanding your thinking, your consciousness. That's really what it's about. If you want to totally start getting what you want. Cuz a lot of times people can't manifest because of trauma Speaker 3 

And because they think, okay, it's gotta be the way that I see it when I manifest it. And the universe is still like, no, you know, it's gonna be the way that we see fit for you because we're the higher source and we know what's best for you. Not that you don't know what's best for yourself, but you don't know all of what's best for yourself. None of us do. I'm a psychic, can I get readings? Because I don't wanna read for myself. I don't wanna be a know-it-all. I don't wanna have all the answers for myself, because if I would've never got readings along the way, I wouldn't be where I'm at right now. And I wouldn't have had some of the most amazing experiences. I certainly wouldn't have written books. I've written three books and I would have never done those things because I never saw those things for myself.

And those were different paths that I didn't expect to take career-wise, but I was open to hearing something new. And that allowed doors to swing open. There's so much that your life, your guides who guide your life are trying to do for you and trying to elevate you and help you heal and up level and level up. And you have to leave some expansion for it. And of course it doesn't always feel safe to do that, especially if you've been through a lot. It's like, how can I just be open? And it goes back to healing and taking one step at a time, just one foot in front of the other. And knowing that whatever you go through, it's not gonna be horrendous because you'll be able to stop it if it gets bad. But don't see it as, oh, what if I make a mistake and just say, you know what?

I'm gonna think this through. I'm gonna spend some time thinking about why is it showing up like this instead of how I want it? And wondering, is it really bad? Take some time to write down the pros and cons of the situation, the person, the friendship, the relationship, and see if it's a good way to go instead. Well, I don't like the way it looks because that's just all traumas. You go, I don't like the way it looks. It doesn't feel safe. But if you sit and analyze it, you're kind of stepping over some of that trauma and saying, you know what? I'm gonna give back to making clearer decisions for myself and making myself feel safe because no one could give us safety or security but ourselves. Because at the end of the day, only we know which safety is for ourself. But it always should include a little bit of expansion, of thinking differently, of allowing for something different to show up in a different way, in an unexpected way. And to know that your angels, your spirit guides God, creator. I always say angels as bear guides work for the higher source. I am not religious though. I believe in God, but I'm not religious. And I have nothing against people who don't believe Speaker 4 (08:54):

In those things. I feel like they have their reasons and I respect that. And some of my closest friends are atheists. But what I would say to you is that there is a source that is trying to look out for you and they're doing it how they feel is best for you. And leave some space for that. And when you feel unsafe, meditate on it, journal about it, talk to a therapist, talk to a coach, talk to someone and see how your life is being led. Because a lot of times when we want things a certain way, we end up in the wrong situations. That's how people end up dating the same bad relationship, but the person just has a different name because they're still trying to make something work that is not working. Versus if they just had a little bit of openness, a little bit expansion, they could finally meet that ideal partner that they're in alignment with.

Because every day we're changing, we're growing one way or another, and we're realigning. So some of the things that you think you need or want is the old you or does not serve you now. And so it is impossible to always want things to show up a certain way because you're changing too much. So just say, look, I know things are gonna show up for my highest good and I'm gonna be open to that. And if you can do that, you can start winning at the game of manifesting and creating your ideal life. And remember, it's one day at a time. Sometimes it's one hour at a time. And that's okay. And remember, there's really no real mistakes in the world. Sometimes things just go wrong, but don't get caught up in right or wrong and you know mistakes. And remember to leave room for the grayness of life. Life is not black and white, it's gray. And leave room for the flexibility and the openness and the potential of what is trying to show up for you and trying to get you to a higher place. Well, thank you for listening and have an amazing day.