Self-doubt - The silent killer of Authenticity & Adventure
Getting Vulnerable
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Getting Vulnerable
Self-doubt - The silent killer of Authenticity & Adventure
Mar 01, 2022 Season 2 Episode 22
Lou Fitzpatrick

Self-doubt, comparisonitis, anxiety and all it's mates stripping the fun and authenticity out of life. It's just not fair right? I used to be suffocated by self doubt and comparisonitis. It was horrible. In this episode I share my lived-experience perspective on how to overcome self-doubt and start bringing back that fun, adventurous, authentic person that is hiding inside of each of you.

If you're ready to dig deep, find whats been hiding underneath all your layers, and start living in your full authenticity, then make sure you have your name down on the waitlist so you're the first to know about the mastermind. We start in April 2022. Link below

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