Men & Anxiety - my outside perspective
Getting Vulnerable
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Getting Vulnerable
Men & Anxiety - my outside perspective
Jun 14, 2022 Season 2 Episode 34
Lou Fitzpatrick

In honour of the guys who don't feel like they have space to speak about emotions, please know I see you & I'm here to listen and support you through. Please can you share this with any guys or families that you think will benefit.

Please know this is my personal outside perspective.

I'm opening up the doors to my Mens Mastermind - please shoot me an email if you want to know more or know someone who would like support (from a lived-experience)

My email is

Please reach out

Big Love

Sign up for the next Mastermind {sept 2022} on the waitlist below:

DM Me if you want to chat more or have any questions, you can do that Here:

And if you enjoyed this episode, I'd be ever so grateful Apple Podcast Reviews =