Miracle Hotline 1-412-446-0330 miraclehotline.com
Delve into the extraordinary realm of miracles with our podcast. Join us as we explore firsthand narratives, conduct insightful interviews, and meticulously investigate the most remarkable and credible accounts of miracles. Have you experienced a miracle? Share your story by calling our hotline at 1-412-446-0330 or visiting www.miraclehotline.com. Your tale could be featured on our show, and you might even have the chance to be interviewed. Miracles touch us all at some point in our lives, whether through prayer or in moments of desperate need. When they occur, they leave us awestruck, filled with gratitude for the divine intervention. Through this podcast, we provide a platform for you to share your miracle, offering hope and inspiration to others facing adversity. Your story may be the beacon of faith someone needs to persevere through tough times. Don't hesitate to reach out and share your miraculous experience with us.
Miracle Hotline 1-412-446-0330 miraclehotline.com
Mary Lloyd - You can serve in any circumstance
This interview is one I never imagined I'd be conducting on the Miracle Hotline. My mother, Mary Lloyd, has been courageously battling a severe form of ALS that has been advancing slowly over the past decade. She went from being a vibrant and active part of our lives—working full-time, caring for her grandchildren, hosting family dinners and gatherings, and taking care of her husband, Bob, whose health was also declining until he passed away in 2014—to gradually losing her mobility. Her legs were the first to be affected, followed by her arms, and now she can only speak.
Throughout this journey, we have fervently prayed for her healing. Despite being under the care of numerous specialists and healers, her condition has continued to deteriorate. To me, witnessing my mother’s struggle has felt like the polar opposite of a miracle.
However, after my last conversation with Alex Mobley, I began to see adversity through a different lens—one where even the most challenging experiences can hold miraculous qualities. This shift in perspective inspired me to interview my mother to explore whether she, too, could find a sense of miracle within her profound struggle.