The Story of Erik-Alexander Richter

Nienke van Bezooijen Season 1 Episode 9

Erik Alexander had since his teenage years a curiosity about the human body. In particular, how to understand the body and reach the optimum level of physical result in sport. Now he is the vehicle to show people globally how to improve their life to stay fit, healthy and independent from pharmaceutical suppression. As a Clinical Psychic Neuro Immunologist and specialized in biochemistry, he knows what he is talking about.
 Erik-Alexander is a ‘walk you talk’ guy. He uses his helicopter view and builds bridges in information to connect the dots based on solid research. He isn’t improving your life; he is the vehicle for you so yóu can improve your health and life.
 He stands for his mission, make what seems impossible possible by tapping into the body intelligence. Because if your health works, you can influence the outcome of your life. 
You can find Erik-Alexander on Facebook. and LinkedIn, and if you have a health solution-focused question, you can email him.
Every week on Saturdays, he gives a healthflix webinar so you can listen for free on how to improve your life, lifestyle and health.