Grandes fraudes científicos de los siglos XX y XXI

La guerra contra los dos sexos

Dr. Esteban Morales Van Kwartel Season 3 Episode 61

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Este es el episodio No 61 y el tercero de la tercera temporada de nuestro podcast  GRANDES FRAUDES CIENTIFICOS.

En este tercer episodio presento los argumentos esgrimidos por los defensores de la ideología de género en sus intentos de negar la existencia de dos sexos: masculino y femenino. Describo también los esfuerzos que estos hacen para deconstruir al ser humanó en sus intentos por suprimir esta verdad fundamental y universal. 

En este episodio que titulo ¨la guerra contra los dos sexos", presento también las respuestas dadas en el contexto de la verdad revelada por nuestro Creador, a través de documentos presentados por la Iglesia Católica, como la "Declaración del Dicasterio por la fe" publicada recientemente; además, por la Encíclica Veritatis Splendor del papa san Juan Pablo II, y otras declaraciones del mismo santo padre y de san Paulo VI.



Wilchins, Riki; Queer Theory, Gender Theory: An Instant Primer. Alyson Book; New York, Bronx: 2004.

 Para abordar otros temas relacionados que podrán también ser de mucho interés, los invito a adquirir mi libro: LOS DOS GRANDES FRAUDES CIENTIFICOS DE LOS SIGLOS XX y XXI. Este lo pueden adquirir como libro físico en todas las sucursales de la librería panameña EL HOMBRE DE LA MANCHA. Igualmente, puede ser adquirido como ebook haciendo clic AQUI

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Presehtation and Iintroduction   0:00

A second aspect of gender theory is that it seeks to deny the greatest possible difference between living beings: sexual difference. This constitutive difference is not only the greatest imaginable, but also the most beautiful and the most powerful: it achieves, in the male-female couple, the most admirable reciprocity and is, therefore, the source of that miracle that never ceases to amaze us, which is the arrival of new human beings into the world.

In this sense, respect for one's own body and that of others is essential in the face of the proliferation and vindication of new rights that gender theory advances. This ideology "presents a society without sex differences, and empties the anthropological foundation of the family."

I begin by quoting paragraphs from the document prepared by the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith, published by the Vatican, which I ask you to keep in mind throughout this episode, for it is the answer to many of the things described here.

Hello, today is Tuesday, May 28, 2024, the year of the Lord. Welcome to episode No. 61 and the third episode of the third season of our podcast GRANDES FRAUDES CIENTIFICOS.

I am your host, Dr. Esteban Morales van Kwartel.


One of the greatest tendencies of humanity today is the practice of what is called "moral relativism." This is defined as the view that moral judgments are true or false only in relation to some particular point of view. It is characterized by the following: no one point of view has an exclusive privilege over all others and the denial that there are universal moral values shared by every human society.

This represents a great danger for everyone, especially the youth, since it leads to that absolute freedom of thought to which I referred in the previous episode. It leads to believing in everything and believing in nothing. To a spiritual emptiness, to the absence of the values that our ancestors carefully cared for and kept for us. Values that were sealed by the shed blood of Christ Jesus. This relativism is what contributes most to leading so many young people to be agnostics some, and others atheists. The denial of God leads to the denial of revealed truth. 

One of these fundamental truths is the existence of two sexes: male and female. It is a universal truth, which precedes everything else. This is how we were made by God; a truth that is based and sustained by biology, which is also God's creation.

But this truth pretends to be denied, and not only that, but it is the target of attacks that seek to deconstruct the human being.

That's what I'll talk about in this episode


Thomas Laqueurf gender ideology.  03:55

Thomas W. Laqueur is an American intellectual born in Turkey in 1945, with a degree in philosophy and several degrees in history including a PhD. He is currently Professor of History, University of California, Berkeley; however, he has devoted himself extensively to sexology. Among his many books is one called "Making Sex: Body and Gender, from the Greeks to Freud," written in 1990. 

I am going to dedicate myself to describing this book at some length because of the great influence it has had on the thinking of those who most defend and promote gender ideology today.

The book explores the physical function and especially the cultural and political meanings of sex. Here Lacquer seeks to prove his argument that politics caused the change in the way the sexes were perceived, and where it replaced gender as a primary fundamental category.

One of his most incisive arguments is that in the face of science's inability to prove the existence of a two-sex model, the one-sex model, which, according to him, has been promulgated since the time of Galen, should prevail. But further, in his argument he adds that both models are not sustainable by biology but are a concept embedded in the language of science corresponding to gender, and are a product of culture.

As we can see, in essence what it does is deny the concept of sex; It's a frontal attack on the concept itself. He expresses this clearly in his own words (I quote): The cultural work that in the one-flesh model had been done by gender now fell to sex. He claims that this, as we know it today, was an invention that occurred in the 18th century; where the reproductive organs became mere social symbols that served to establish hierarchies.

In the author's own words: (quote)

A pre-existing transcendental order or immemorial custom became an increasingly implausible justification for social relations, the battlefield of gender roles shifted to nature, to biological sex. (unquote)

According to the author, this difference had no scientific basis, it was of a political nature; the struggle for power between feminists and anti-feminists at the time; that they even made use of linguistic tools when new names were assigned to each invented sex in which there were previously only common names; This was when, according to the author, the names ovaries and testicles appeared, for example, by gonads; the name of vagina, which didn't exist, etc. 

The same structures, such as the skeleton and nervous system, which were once considered common, began to differentiate for men and women; The male body was taken as the gold standard; According to the author, this was all part of a social discourse. He sums this up in the following words: (quote)The two sexes were invented as a new basis for gender. (unquote)

Well, these concepts and many others, poured into his book of almost 300 pages, have been, along with other authors, such as Michel Foucault, one of the most important ideological supports of the greatest current promoters of gender ideology.

One of these proponents is Riki Wilchins, who has written several books on the subject, including "Queer Theory, Gender Theory: An Instant Primer." I'll talk about this in the next section


 Riki Wilchins and gender ideology.  09:20

This book, written by Riki Wilchins, is of fundamental importance in the propagation of gender ideology because it has penetrated the minds of many young people. First published in 2004, it is a classic of LGBTQ+ literature and is taught in most gender studies programs in the United States. She develops so-called "postmodern theory," particularly its impact on queer and gender studies. 

The author, Riki Wilchins, is a well-known gender activist in the United States. This, in addition to having been inspired by Lacquer, has also been inspired by authors such as Derrida, Foucault and Judith Butler, proponents of the "postmodern theory", to which I will refer in the next episode, and conceptions of sex and the human body.

Throughout his book there is a strong influence of Lacquer on his thinking. For example, on page 111 she echoes Lacquer's thought when she expresses: (quote) Why sex?... Why do we need sex to be present for us in all bodies at all times, even those that are not involved in reproduction, even those (like mine) that are never available for reproduction? (unquote) In addition, as we can see, as is often the case, she has incorporated into her thinking personal situations or limitations and where she intends to bring together the rest of humanity.

She dismisses the idea of the necessity of a sex as a primary category and repudiates what she sees as the assignment of a sex to the human body from birth. Even after downplaying the veracity or otherwise of Lacquer's statements, she adds: (quote) The important thing is that Laqueur's historical study provides the basis for an alternative form ... to organize the surface of the body other than two different opposite sexes. (unquote)

And then she adds: (quote)  A little dislocation, and even an apparent irrationality, are the price we pay for a certain kind of freedom in which other forms of knowledge can emerge and survive. (unquote) With this, she demonstrates her bias; The important thing is to make their thought prevail as a truth, for the sake of freedom, regardless of its veracity; a truth that accommodates its own reality!

The Holy Father John Paul II refers to the so-called absolute freedom of the human being: (quote)

Human freedom would be able to "create values" and would enjoy primacy over truth, to the point that truth itself would be considered a creation of freedom. He then expresses, referring to certain current cultural expressions about the human being: some, however, depart from the truth about man as a creature and image of God and therefore need to be corrected or purified in the light of faith.(unquote)

The author, quoting the words of Michel Foucalt, expresses her position on the anthropology of the human being: (quote) Nothing in man, not even his body, is stable enough to serve as a basis for self-recognition, or for the understanding of other men. (unquote) This shows that they also leave the anthropology of the human being to the absolute freedom of thought, to the individual truth of each one, according to his purposes and inclinations.

But St. John Paul II also expresses himself about this in his Encyclical Veritatis splendor:  (quote) Perhaps one of the most striking weaknesses of present-day civilization lies in an inadequate vision of man.(unquote)

In another section he also says: (quote)no anthropology equals the Church's anthropology of the human person, even considered individually...

In the next section the conclusions and farewell.


Conclusions and farewell     15:41

In conclusion, the author agrees with Lacquer that there is no profound organic difference between human bodies. There is no organic difference between, what they call, the social inventions called "man and woman." The difference is given by social roles, in their cultural role. In other words, they incoherently say that "there are no differences, but there are differences."

This incoherence should not confuse our minds; The document published by the Dicastery for the Faith, already cited, clarifies these concepts:  (quote) "It should not be ignored that 'biological sex and the socio-cultural role of sex (gender) can be distinguished but not separated.'" Therefore, any attempt to conceal the reference to the obvious sexual difference between men and women must be rejected: "we cannot separate what is masculine and feminine from the work created by God, which is prior to all our decisions and experiences, where there are biological elements that it is impossible to ignore."(unquote)

The idea then of the promoters of gender ideology is to disrupt everything that is currently accepted about the human being. Their sex differences, their function, their anthropology, and even their race. It is about the deconstruction of the human being, as the author expresses it in a part of her book: (quote)

Critical race theorists and others have increasingly called our attention to the ways in which race can be deconstructed. So maybe it's not too much to expect that we can deconstruct sex as well. (unquote)

I will continue to talk about this deconstruction in the next episode, which will be next Tuesday, June 28.

In the episode description you can find all the references on today's topic.

I invite you to purchase my book: THE TWO GREAT SCIENTIFIC FRAUDS OF THE 20TH AND 21ST CENTURIES. Here I describe and analyze in a simple way and with scientific and responsible evidence everything related to misrepresentations about the climate. This can be purchased in all branches of the prestigious Panamanian bookstore, EL HOMBRE DE LA MANCHA.

I invite you to access our website to which I invite you to subscribe. Here you can also access all the episodes of our podcast and find a lot of other information of interest. Through my website you can also purchase our book THE TWO GREAT SCIENTIFIC FRAUDS OF THE 20TH AND 21ST CENTURIES.


See you soon and thank you for honoring us with your attention.