Grandes fraudes científicos de los siglos XX y XXI

Construcción de los géneros: ¿la nueva Torre de Babel?

Dr. Esteban Morales Van Kwartel Season 3 Episode 64

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Este es el episodio No 64 y el sexto de la tercera temporada de nuestro podcast  GRANDES FRAUDES CIENTIFICOS.

Después de 20 años de haberse dado las recomendaciones de investigación en el informe del Instituto de Medicina de los Estados Unidos, se ha venido avanzando en la determinación de la diferencia entre el hombre y la mujer. Este es un tema fundamental pues, como he venido señalando, el argumento político e ideológico de los defensores de la ideología de género es la igualdad de cuerpos como punta de lanza para su propuesta de igualdad total, traducida como derechos totales: derecho a la masculinización misma, derecho a ocupar los cuerpos que deseen; pues ellos son parte de su propia creación. En este proceso ellos niegan la propia biología; pero está existe y está vigente. 

En este episodio hablo sobre nuevos estudios que muestran mayores evidencias de diferencias entre los sexos masculino y femenino. 


 Soh, Debra; The End of Gender: Degunking the miths about sex and identity in our society; Simon & Schuster, Inc.  (New York): 2020;  Threshold. ISBN 9781982132538


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Presehtation and Iintroduction   0:00

In Genesis 9:1, it is written:

"God blessed Noah and his sons, and said to them, 'Be reproducing and multiplying: fill the earth!'

But man always insists on doing his will

In Genesis 11:4-9 the following is written:

“… And they said, "Let us build a city, and a tower whose top reaches to heaven. Let us make a name for ourselves, in case we should be scattered throughout the earth." But the Lord came down to see the city and the tower that the sons of men were building, and said, "These people are one, and they are all of one language. They have already begun their work, and now nothing will make them desist from what they have thought of doing. So let us go down there and confuse his tongue, so that no one will understand the tongue of his fellow." Thus the Lord scattered them throughout the earth, and how they stopped building the city. Therefore the city was called Babel, because there the Lord confounded the language of the whole earth, and from there scattered them over all the surface of the earth."

Thought and word are unique gifts of humanity given by God, but these gifts are misused over and over again. 

Hello.  Welcome to episode No. 63 and the fifth episode of the third season of our podcast BIGGEST SCIENTIFIC FRAUDS.

I am your host, Dr. Esteban Morales van Kwartel. 

After 20 years of the research recommendations in the report of the Institute of Medicine of the United States, progress has been made in determining the difference between men and women. This is a fundamental issue because, as I have been pointing out, the political and ideological argument of the defenders of gender ideology is the equality of bodies as the spearhead for their proposal of total equality, translated as total rights: the right to masculinization itself, the right to occupy the bodies they want; for they are part of their own creation. In this process they deny biology itself; but it exists and is in force.

In this episode I'll be talking about new studies that show greater evidence of differences between the male and female sexes.


Dra. Debra soh´s work. 03:17

In these little more than 20 years that have passed since the report of the Institute of Medicine of the United States, no evidence has emerged to support the paradigm that binary sex is an invention to dominate women and that there is no difference between man and woman and that both sex and gender are a spectrum of colors; Remember the rainbow that you want to steal from the Creator and that you want to use as a symbol? 

"I have set my bow in the clouds, which will serve as a sign of my covenant with the earth. When I bring clouds upon the earth, then my bow will be seen in the clouds."

Genesis 9:13-14 

They try to make you believe that sex and gender are multivariate and that one can choose as one likes as if it were a law firm. On the contrary, studies have been providing more evidence to humanity of the existence of these differences.

I want to highlight the basic difference first. In the last episode when I referred to the report of the Institute of Medicine of the United States, it said that the difference in sex resided in the cells themselves; In its chromosomal composition XX or XY. But this goes even further. The fundamental difference lies in the gametes, which are mature reproductive cells. Beyond the chromosomes, beyond the sexual organs themselves, there are only two gametes: the female, egg, produced by the woman, and the male, sperm, produced by the man; it no longer exists. No matter how much these ideologues want to create things through their thought and their word, they will never be able to overcome the thought and word of the Creator.

Dr. Debra Soh is a neuroscientist, sex researcher, and international science columnist; she published in 2019 her book "The End of Gender: Debunking the Myths About Sex and Identity in Our Society." In this book, from the perspective of an expert scientist, she makes a compilation of the existing literature so far, of the studies that debunk popular myths about gender.

Here she debunks popular misconceptions about the nature-nurture debate and explores what it means to be a woman or a man in today's society. It is based on original research and carefully conducted interviews. She discusses the now accepted notion that gender is a social construct and a spectrum, and questions the idea that there is no difference between how male and female brains work.

There are two works that I want to highlight here: where they refer to the latter, and whose references appear in the description of the episode. The first is by Matthew Bramble et al., published in 2016. Here, using more specialized MRI techniques, they found that sex differences in mammals are influenced by a combination of underlying genetic differences and exposure to gonadal hormones. They identified early events that contribute to sexually dysmorphic, or binary, bissexual brain development. In addition, they identified new interactions between chromosomal sex and hormone exposure that are critical to early brain sex differences. Although this work was carried out in mice, since the methodology used does not allow it to be done in living humans, the results obtained are very significant.

In another paper published in 2006, the results showed that men outperformed women in the mental rotation task, and women outperformed men in the verbal fluency task. Verbal fluency refers to the ability to generate many different words, from a given category of word. Mental rotation refers to the ability to rotate three-dimensional geometric figures in the mind.

For the first task, men and women activated the same areas in the brain, but men activated additional areas. For the second task, the brain areas activated in men were different from the areas activated in women. These findings provide strong support for sex differences in relationships between brain behavior.


Sexual differences in human brain.  08:53

Sex and gender have been under discussion for many years as we have been able to see in these 

But there are also other differences. In 2019, the National Institute of Health published the largest study carried out so far that demonstrates important differences between the brains of the two sexes, in white matter, in terms of structure and functionality. Men showed greater connectivity in the sensorimotor region and women greater connectivity in the network by default. The latter is responsible for much of the activity carried out while the mind is at rest. The first corresponds to the areas of the brain that relate us to the environment (vision, hearing, etc.).

Another study also published in 2019, also from a large sample (N=2838), found that the largest gray matter distributions in women and men are located in different places in the brain. This has implications for understanding sex-specific differences in cognition and behavior, which I will not discuss here. What is important is the recognition of the differences in the constitution of the brain between men and women. 

There are also many other studies that reveal differences in brain responses between men and women that Dr. Soh collects in her research. For example, differences in responses to visual sexual stimuli; other studies show sex differences in human behavior that describe adaptive complementarity; that beautiful complementarity that Pope St. John Paul II referred to that I quoted in the last episode: researchers found that men have better motor and spatial skills, while women have superior memory and social cognition skills. In her book, Dr. Soh presents other studies that show differences between the sexes, especially at the brain level. Some of these I cite in the references contained in the description of the episode.

In this way, much evidence of the differences between men and women has been accumulating. However, the defenders of the gender paradigm insist on denying them in a blatant denial of science. But this not only has political, social, educational and economic implications but even more seriously, it has serious health implications that as a doctor I am considerably concerned about. In the next section I mention only a few aspects briefly as it would take much more time to address them in depth.


Other differences between the two sexes. 12:57

The differences in the structures, functionality, cognitive ability and functioning of the structures in the brain, which I mentioned in the previous section, lead to great differences in the way certain mental disorders present themselves and therefore their management and treatment between men and women. This also affects the use of medications. 

For example, toxicities in the use of certain drugs in women have been documented, as was the case with zolpidem (Ambien), which is well known in the medical environment. Its dose had to be reduced for women, by the FDA, after long years of producing toxicity, because, due to this persistent denial of the differences between the two sexes, which remains to this day, neuroscientists overwhelmingly study only male experimental animals. 

Health situations similar to these also occur in relation to other organs and systems, some of which I mentioned in the previous episode. 

The biological reality of the difference between the two sexes does not deny the equality between men and women. As the document Dignitas Infinita reminds us, all human beings have the same dignity because it is given by God, because they were created in his image and likeness. That is why we all have the same rights and respect for these cannot be denied. 

But the beautiful gift of complementarity between man and woman and their purpose must also be recognized. The document Dignitas Infinita tells us about this: (I quote): "The human body participates in the dignity of the person, since it is endowed with personal meanings, especially in its sexual condition. It is in the body, in fact, where each person recognizes himself or herself as generated by others, and it is through his or her body that man and woman can establish a relationship of love capable of generating other people."

In the next section the conclusions and farewell


Conclusions and farewell  13:06 

Sex then is not a spectrum like the rainbow. It's binary. In this sense, this discussion about sex leads us again to discuss gender because, due to the manipulation by gender ideologues, who in their eagerness to introduce the cultural element as support and justification for the adoption of their varied identities, they try to confuse both concepts: sex has been difficult for them to deconstruct due to its powerful scientific evidence of its existence; gender is then tried to be introduced instead of sex.

The bad news for ideologues, however, is that gender is also mostly biological. I'll start talking about this in the next episode. But attempts to create confusion continue to occur and have intensified with the weapons of cancellation, the attacks that oppose them by calling them unscientific, inconsiderate, phobic and worse. 

It is also intended to ignore the biological fact that gender in general and normal terms must correspond to sex. As Dr. Soh has found in her research and recorded in her book, this correspondence occurs in more than 99% of cases. However, as in all situations, there are anomalies that are, most of them due to biological effects. These occur in less than 1% of cases. These are gathered in cases of hermaphroditism, which are currently called intersex, and those who identify as transsexuals and others.

I'll talk about that in more depth in the next episode.


In the episode description you can find all the references on today's topic.

I invite you to purchase my book: THE TWO GREAT SCIENTIFIC FRAUDS OF THE 20TH AND 21ST CENTURIES. Here I describe and analyze in a simple way and with responsible scientific evidence everything related to misrepresentations about the climate. This can be purchased in all branches of the prestigious Panamanian bookstore, EL HOMBRE DE LA MANCHA.

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