Grandes fraudes científicos de los siglos XX y XXI

La identidad de género, una "Caja de Pandora"

Dr. Esteban Morales Van Kwartel Season 3 Episode 66

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Este es el episodio No 66 y el octavo de la tercera temporada de nuestro podcast  GRANDES FRAUDES CIENTIFICOS.


Después de haber avanzad, a lo largo de nuestros episodios, en el conocimiento de una cualidad intrínseca y extraordinaria que poseemos todos los seres humanos, el sexo, procedo a introducirme más profundamente en el tema del género. Abordo sus orígenes y evolución que termina en un divorcio con el sexo. 

Describo cómo la ideología de género, ha ido dando lugar a diversos conceptos, tales como la transexualidad y muchos otros elementos que están deformando nuestra civilización occidental judaico-cristiana.



Soh, Debra; The End of Gender: Degunking the miths about sex and identity in our society; Simon & Schuster, Inc.  (New York): 2020;  Threshold. ISBN 9781982132538

 Favale, Abigai; The Genesis of Gender : A Christian Theory. Ignatius Press. (San Francisco):2022. ISBN 978-1-64229-217-6


Para abordar otros temas relacionados que podrán también ser de mucho interés, los invito a adquirir mi libro: LOS DOS GRANDES FRAUDES CIENTIFICOS DE LOS SIGLOS XX y XXI. Este lo pueden adquirir como libro físico en todas las sucursales de la librería panameña EL HOMBRE DE LA MANCHA. Igualmente, puede ser adquirido como ebook haciendo clic AQUI

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Presehtation and Iintroduction   0:00

In Pope St. John Paul II's address to the bishops of Puebla, Mexico, in 1979, he said the following words, which I have quoted before, but are worth repeating over and over again:

"Perhaps one of the most striking weaknesses of today's civilization is in an inadequate vision of man. Ours is, without a doubt, the era in which most has been written and spoken about man, the age of humanism and anthropocentrism. Paradoxically, however, it is also the age of man's deep anguish about his identity and destiny, of man's lowering to previously unsuspected levels, a time of human values violated as never before.

How do you explain this paradox? We can say that it is the inexorable paradox of atheistic humanism. It is the drama of man amputated from an essential dimension of his being – the absolute – and thus placed before the worst reduction of being itself."

In the Encyclical Veritatis Splendor, St. John Paul II refers extensively to this reduction, which he attributes to the exacerbated desire for the absolute freedom of the human being. In one of its parts it says:

"… A freedom that claims to be absolute ends up treating the human body as a raw being, devoid of meaning and moral values until it invests it in its project. Therefore, human nature and the body appear as presuppositions or preliminaries, materially necessary for the decision of freedom, but extrinsic to the person, the subject and the human act."


Hello.  Welcome to episode No. 66 and the eighteen episode of the third season of our podcast BIGGEST SCIENTIFIC FRAUDS.

I am your host, Dr. Esteban Morales van Kwartel.


Together we have been advancing in the knowledge of an intrinsic and extraordinary quality that all human beings possess: sex. I have received several comments, some against, others coincide with the approaches expressed here; but everyone in common has told me that this is a very deep and complex issue; yes, of course it is tremendously deep; but I affirm that it should not be confusing or complex as they have been transforming it; it is actually simple: God created man and made him male and female. Adjacent to this, there is the immense support of biology that shows that everything related to sex is fundamentally biological, where of course, culture, the environment play some role.

In this episode I describe how gender ideology has given rise to various concepts, such as transsexuality and many other elements that have been deforming our Western Judaic-Christian civilization


Gender: a tangle of confusion. 03:44

With the gradual advances in technology, science has been accumulating more and more evidence that supports the existence of only two sexes: male and female, this is mainly due to the fact that there are only two gametes: female (eggs) and male (sperm) But in this era of postmodernism, gender ideologues affirm that through thought and words you can create your own reality; new realities, that everything is relative. 

In this way, they have taken and transformed the original ideas of the feminist movement to create new thoughts that have become their own reality. They have gone so far as to deny biology itself; they affirm that sex is non-binary; A concept of gender was created that is independent of sex and that is a product of culture and therefore is a spectrum or band of colors.

These figures indicate that the situation or the problem, however you want to put it, exists. Regardless of the reasons for their existence and their increase, one cannot close one's eyes to the existence of transgender people; these must be treated with compassion and consideration as human beings who possess the God-given dignity of all human beings, but we must delve deeper into their origins and causes in order to help these people. Its causes cannot be ignored because the way in which this situation is going to be faced depends on it. One reason may be biological. 

The studies I have referred to in previous episodes show that from the moment of conception, sex is determined from the union of the gametes, depending on the way in which the chromosomes of the XX woman are combined with those of the XY man. If we combine 1 X of the woman with the Y of the man, we have a male being (XY). If we combine 1 X of the woman with the X of the man, we have a new feminine being (XX). The explanation for this is more complicated. For me to learn and understand it took me several semesters of biology, then genetics, etc., but it's something really wonderful. 

Once the growth and development of the fetus begins, a series of biological processes are triggered. One of these is hormone production, which are different between a male and a female fetus; These produce a number of effects on developing organs, including brain cells. This explains the biological dependencies between sex and sexual identity. The relationship between sex and identity is biological, not cultural. 

Now, sometimes, in both the female and male fetus, their brain cells can potentially be affected by an altered hormonal presence. I explain this in the next section.


Transgender and biology  08:47

The fetus could find an excess of testosterone (male hormone) in the uterus for several reasons: consumption by the mother during pregnancy; some maternal health conditions that produce testosterone; alterations of certain enzymes that convert male hormones into female hormones. Deficiency of these enzymes affects girls; Too much of it can lead to too much estrogen, which affects children. 

These and other anomalies, if they are very marked, can generate intersex problems, which I already explained in the last episode; But remember that when I talked about this condition, I referred to a category classified as "indeterminate" or "complex" in which there is a hormonal variation, where there is no incongruence between genotype and phenotype (I refer you to the last episode). This could include conditions classified as transsexuality, which is totally different from intersex. 

Also, this abnormal presence of one type of hormone or another in the uterus could be low and would slightly affect the fetus. The author of the book I've been quoting, Dr. Neurophysiologist Debra Soh, refers to what are known as "atypical" people. She describes them as people who do not fit "into the typical ideas of feminine and masculine"; She believes that these people, including herself, do not need to be part of a new and different classification; they are simply "atypical" people. 

We have all always known men with fine manners, who are called "effeminate", and women called "tomboys", who like to walk comfortably in their jeans, drive pick up trucks, which are a bit rough, but where the first is still a man and the other, a woman. In fact, in adolescence we had an effeminate partner who took away all our girlfriends. These can be those cases of mild abnormal hormonal exposure in the womb or due to other reasons that I will explain immediately.

There is what is called 'neuroplasticity'. Brain tissue, like all organic tissue, has a certain capacity to conform; this, however, is limited; It goes so far. I want to remind you of what I mentioned in episode 63 when I referred to the article by Dr. John Money, who talked about the two sides of the same coin, gender identity/role 

He said that both are not the product of nature, that is, biology, or the environment acting alone, but of both interacting in crucial periods of developmental differentiation. Indeed, due to this neuroplasticity, social factors, such as parental education and cultural messages, affect the extent to which the person feels comfortable in expressing their conformity; for example, their manners, their way of dressing, etc. 

But socialization partly affects only this side of the coin, the expression of their gender; This partly determines the degree to which our gender is expressed or suppressed, but it does not affect the other side of the coin, identity. It does not mark whether someone will be male or female, or whether he or she will be gender conforming or atypical. Social influence cannot override biology. But in addition to this, even when gender identity does not coincide with sex or gender expression, biology cannot be eliminated as the cause of these anomalous relationships, for the hormonal reasons that I have explained. Non-coincidence is not the same as non-relation.

Now, having said all this, I must admit that these are hypotheses, although some of them are very well supported. The causes of this condition are still being studied. It is not yet possible to speak, with 100% certainty, of any cause. More and better evidence still needs to be collected. But what I can tell you is that so far there is no consistent study that proves the cultural causality of transsexuality. There are, however, numerous well-supported studies that show a probable link with biology. There is still a long way to go.

But be careful, these theories about gender are not mere innocent thoughts of those who ask for respect, to which they are definitely entitled. The conception of "gender assigned at birth" together with the affirmation that gender identity is not biological, seek to drag both sex and gender into the same postmodernist ideology where thought and words lead to self-identification, to their own anthropology, where biology has no role. Again, the Tower of Babel.

Transgenders are divided into several categories: transgender women, whose sex is male, but who claims to have a female identity; the transgender man has a female sex, but identifies as a man; transgender people who do not identify with a single gender. The latter has the following variants: an identity that combines feminine and masculine elements; others who do not identify with any identity and describe themselves as non-binary, also known as "genderqueer". From these general types arise multiple combinations that give rise to more than 100 gender identities, as I already mentioned.

A percentage of these people come to the doctor's office because they have an internal experience of gender identity that is different from that of most people. 

What is completely true is that transgenders are a reality that we have to face and help as people, regardless of the ideologues of this, who for the sake of their hidden agenda are causing enormous damage to children who identify as such and to our civilization. In the next section I begin to refer to this.


Dr. Abigail Favale and the genesis of the genre. 17:22

To address this critical issue I will rely on the thought of Dr. Abigail Favale, exposed in her book, "The Genesis of Gender: A Christian Theory" that I mentioned earlier. In this book, Abigail Favale, who has a PhD in philosophy, addresses the question of gender, who we are, as men and women. Favale describes the evolution of the concept of gender from its origins in feminism to postmodern thought, in which sex is attempted to be eclipsed, and how this change is modifying, not only language but also law, medicine, sexuality and our own self-perceptions.

It is important here to refer a little to the author, since, having been deeply immersed in the belly of the monster, and due to her training and teaching experience, she really knows what this gender ideology is about, which she calls "gender paradigm".

After several years of teaching gender at various universities in the United States, she converted to Catholicism, which triggered a transformation in her thinking. Its progressive liberal ideology inserted in gender ideology began to represent an increasingly difficult weight to carry. Her comfortable life in which her mind and ideas coincided with the "status quo" of the feminist world begins to lose meaning for her. 

This leads it to an unpleasant environment of the "politically incorrect" in which it begins to suffer the onslaught of cancellation. After investigating deeply, she begins to realize the maelstrom without scientific, social, or political sense in which she was involved. After a thorny path in search of the absolute truth of Creation and the sacred purpose of the creation of the human being as male and female, he definitively breaks with all that narrative that not only denies divine Creation, but biology itself.


Conclusions and farewell  23:24 

The condition of transgenderism is a reality that must be faced and managed, respecting the dignity of these people, many of whom are children who lack a trained criterion and are brought to this condition by the influence of adults. 

There are many studies that link this condition to biological problems, but gender ideologues insist on linking them, without any solid scientific evidence, to cultural aspects.

Many of those who suffer from this condition are victims of a perverse political and ideological agenda.

The era of contraception" has given way to a "depersonalized view of the body."

Today's culture has separated bodily sex from its reproductive function and has reduced it to simple genitals contained in a mere body that can be manipulated and easily altered.

By disassociating sex from its corresponding sexual identity, calling it "gender identity" and attributing it only to cultural causes, it has been made to believe that a sex change can be achieved through mere surgical and hormonal interventions.

With this, a horrific "Pandora's Box" has been opened that alters our civilization and threatens all humanity. 

I will continue to talk about these topics and others in the next episode.


In the episode description you can find all the references on today's topic.

I invite you to purchase my book: THE TWO GREAT SCIENTIFIC FRAUDS OF THE 20TH AND 21ST CENTURIES. Here I describe and analyze in a simple way and with responsible scientific evidence everything related to misrepresentations about the climate. This can be purchased in all branches of the prestigious Panamanian bookstore, EL HOMBRE DE LA MANCHA.

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See you soon and thank you for honoring us with your attention.