Grandes fraudes científicos de los siglos XX y XXI

La ideología de género; una epidemia que se extiende.

Dr. Esteban Morales Van Kwartel Season 3 Episode 67

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Este es el episodio No 67 y el noveno de la tercera temporada de nuestro podcast  GRANDES FRAUDES CIENTIFICOS. 

Después de haber expuesto, en episodios anteriores, los contenidos de la ideología de género; su inicio y evolución, al igual que parte del inmenso vocabulario que se ha ido creando alrededor de esto, en este episodio inicio la depuración de la maraña de conceptos que han transformado esto en una epidemia que está afectando nuestra civilización.

Puntualizo también sobre la falta de validez del concepto de género, y comienzo a describir cómo esta epidemia está afectando a nuestra población, en especial a nuestros niños. Vemos, además, las principales causas de su extensión a la población, en especial niños y adolescentes.


Soh, Debra; The End of Gender: Degunking the miths about sex and identity in our society; Simon & Schuster, Inc.  (New York): 2020;  Threshold. ISBN 9781982132538

 Favale, Abigai; The Genesis of Gender : A Christian Theory. Ignatius Press. (San Francisco):2022. ISBN 978-1-64229-217-6

 The war on conservatives. Dice, Mark; The resistance Manifiesto (2023); San Diego, CA: ISBN 978-1-943591-12-1


Para abordar otros temas relacionados que podrán también ser de mucho interés, los invito a adquirir mi libro: LOS DOS GRANDES FRAUDES CIENTIFICOS DE LOS SIGLOS XX y XXI. Este lo pueden adquirir como libro físico en todas las sucursales de la librería panameña EL HOMBRE DE LA MANCHA. Igualmente, puede ser adquirido como ebook haciendo clic AQUI

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Presehtation and Iintroduction   0:00

Hello, welcome to episode No 67 and the ninth of the third season of our podcast GREAT SCIENTIFIC FRAUDS.

I am your host Dr. Esteban Morales van Kwartel.

Throughout the episodes I have tried to expose the contents of gender ideology; its beginning and evolution, as well as part of the immense vocabulary that has been created around this. In this episode I will begin to purge the tangle of concepts that have transformed this into an epidemic that is affecting our civilization.

Here I will point out the lack of validity of these concepts, especially gender, and I will also begin to describe how this epidemic is affecting our population, especially our children. We will see the main causes of its extension to the population, especially children and adolescents.


The genre: a monster with a thousand heads. 01:05

The concepts that later gave rise to gender ideology have their beginnings in a valid and laudable struggle for women's rights. I have been explaining in the different episodes, how this movement was impregnated with social, ideological and political theories that gave rise to a social theory where two different aspects are distinguished: the differences between "socially constructed" men and women (gender) and the "biologically determined" aspects (sex).

Todd this is going through the ideological sieve of people like Micfhel Foucault, Thomas W. Laqueur, Derrida, Judith Butler, Sandra Bem, etc. All of them impregnated with the philosophical ideas that develop: existentialism, moral relativism, postmodernism, atheism, which in the end ended in the creation of a monster with a thousand heads: "gender ideology", which is called by Abigail Favale as the "gender paradigm".

Thus, today we have a number of new terms, definitions, vital records and statistics, new classifications in medical statistical records, and in the midst of this, the production of new chemicals, and a new surgical and hormone treatment industry that represents billions of dollars. In the midst of all this, a population, especially of young people, increasingly miserable and confused, physically, mentally and spiritually.

I want to point out some things I said in the last episode. As a result of the work of these ideologues and their disciples, in the mid-twentieth century sex was diluted as a concept and they managed to make it appear with an erotic genital connotation. It ceased to be the word that contained and summarized the results of a series of biological processes that caused people's attitudes, orientations, and feelings, and that established their relationships, functions, and purpose that identified them as male and female. These ideologues had to look for another concept unrelated to biology that would justify their discourse on the multiplicity and diversity in the use of their bodies and minds. This was the genre.

In this way, psychologist John Money, in the 1950s, used, for the first time, the phrase "gender role". Money believed that a child's gender was malleable and unrelated to biology. The tragic story of his patient David Reimer, which I will refer to in the next episode, is a horrific testimony that it is not possible to accommodate what a person feels, according to their sex, to coincide with an external surgery. 

And here the time has come to establish the following: GENDER DOES NOT EXIST; IT IS NOT REAL; IT IS A CONSTRUCT THAT IS A PRODUCT OF POSTMODERNISM.

I talk about this in the next section.


Gender is a builder: it doesn't exist; it's not real  04:37

Once disconnected from sex, these attitudes, orientations and feelings of people, which I mentioned in the previous section, and being connected to this new ethereal concept, the personality has become terribly fragmented and unstable because gender does not belong to something real but to a construct, which can be modified according to how thought and words redefine it. 

Its non-existence is defined by the way in which it is identified by the ideologues of the genre themselves: it is a specter; fluid; innate; something born in the wrong body; the sex of the soul, etc. Another proof of its non-existence are the attempts to define it:

First, ordinary people, having heard this word so much, in the media, in informal meetings, etc., see it as something real, but they make it synonymous with sex. So, for example, my daughter is planning a party that she calls a "gender party," where the sex of my unborn grandchild will be revealed. They have confused people so much that they have made them believe that if they talk about a sex party, which is the right thing to do, they think that they are going to organize an. But if gender is, as they say, an orientation, it is how a person identifies, then if they have not been born yet, how the hell would a gender party be?

On the other hand, there is also the historical conception of the first feminists, who conceived of gender as a "merely cultural and social aspect, which provides the contents before which each sex is aligned". As you can see, then, something ethereal, intangible, a little magical; perhaps even poetic.

As always, there are also circular definitions that say nothing, such as the following one where gender is defined as "gender-related identity; A person's appearance, mannerisms, or other gender-related characteristics regardless of the person's sex at birth. As you can see, the genre itself is not defined.

But equally ambiguous, although much more disastrous is the current conception of gender, which is in vogue, promoted by gender ideologues. Dr. Abigail Favale, explains in her book the conception of Judith Butler, whom she considers the "godmother of gender theory", and who advocates that gender is an unconscious and socially obligatory behavior, a series of acts and behaviors that create the illusion of an essential identity of "man" and "woman". 

The malignancy of this is that, in a disguised way, the elimination of sex and the existence of man and woman as they were created by God is implicit; It denies biology, it denies masculinity and femininity. It is entirely a social construct that can be manipulated as we wish.

To all this tangle of confusion are added more and more terms and definitions. This comes from postmodernism and this doctrine has its own dynamics. Its characteristic is that there is nothing absolute, everything is possible, it is enough to think and express oneself. This generates a vicious circle that makes us invent more things to justify what has been invented before.

As an empty term was created: gender, which allows everything, more things were created around this; "Gender identity" was created to define gender, then "gender expression" is created, to explain how "identity" is manifested, but since the mind is insatiable in its creation, to please new tastes that were appearing, the concept of "attraction" is invented, but it turns out that this can be "physical" and "emotional", and so we go. Hence the more than 100 different types of genres. 

All this tangle created has reached the extreme that the promoters of this ideology are leading us to a society in which we cannot even answer the question: "what is a woman". A question that a justice of the Supreme Court of the United States could not answer during her interview in Congress when she was nominated by the Democratic Party. 

A society where circular definitions are used to define a woman, such as, woman is "someone (anyone!) that she identifies as a woman"; a society in which the generic use of the term "pregnant person" is required; A society where many institutions prohibit celebrating Mother's Day or Father's Day because "susceptibilities are hurt."

This is the many-headed Hydra or THE TOWER OF BABEL.

But this complexity and confusion has brought great consequences that we will see in the next section.


The massive spread of the poison. 10:41

This is a totally fictitious and obviously unnecessary complexity. God created man: he created him male and female; There are only two sexes: male and female. Each of these two sexes has its own impulses, attitudes, feelings and behaviors that are marked by biology in brain cells and whose expression has always been known as 'femininity' and 'masculinity'. These, if you will, are in some way, retouched, improved, embellished by culture, but they cannot be replaced by it.

When femininity and masculinity, which resides in the body and is biological, are replaced by something called gender, which resides in thought, a "Pandora's Box" opens where the person begins to define themselves according to stereotypes. 

But instead of giving full freedom to women and men, what it does is limit them. For example, a full woman is one who has a variety of tastes. She can enjoy getting together for tea with friends, but also climbing on the roof to seal the holes and she will continue to be a woman, happy to share and complement herself with her partner who is also happy if she likes to stay at home taking care of the children. 

A fabricated woman or man, based on stereotypes, confines normal femininity and masculinity to an artificial, retouched and exaggerated caricature that would exclude most human women and men.

This is a poison that has been permeating our culture; Even the seemingly harmless phrase, "Gender and sex can be distinguished, but they cannot be separated," seeks to express a valid principle, but with the wrong word. This is in reality: "sex cannot be separated from its corresponding femininity and masculinity." GENDER DOES NOT EXIST.

But this poison is spreading more and more. As I explained in previous episodes, there are well-known and admired gender icons such as Riki Wilkins who teach all these gender concepts in universities, which also appear on the official sites of these universities where it is the administrators and professors who run the official sites, not the students. 

This quickly leaves the university campus and spreads to the whole of society where it is reproduced in all educational institutions at all levels. Students who leave these institutions are integrated into the workforce where this continues to be reproduced, especially impressing children.

There was a TV series that many of us watched, "Growing pains" that narrates the normal natural difficulties of the stages of children's lives that generally end with a full definition of identity and personality with the help of parents and guardians. All of us who are parents know how hard the physical and mental changes that boys go through in their growth and development, especially girls, are. 

At one stage, boys and girls play all the different games together; but there comes a time when bodily changes, for example, in girls, the growth of their breasts begins to hinder them and even embarrass them; and so on, a multitude of different changes. All this is normal, it is solved with appropriate guidelines; with love, understanding and time. 

But this normal development is currently distorted by this perverse ideology. Developing children are not shown a way out of their concerns to full reality, but a gateway to fantasy. These normal concerns in children have now been called "gender dysphoria", a term that, as we have already discussed, has become a medical diagnosis, according to version 5 of the "International Classification of Diseases".

For this, a treatment called "gender affirmation therapy" has been created, which is used for all ages, including pre-pubertal and even young children. This is despite the fact that this condition, which manifests itself as anguish due to the incongruence between the gender identity experienced and the sex at birth, cannot be diagnosed in children because they do not meet one of the main diagnostic criteria: having the emotional maturity to identify as of the opposite sex.

Let's look at what's happening in an increasing number of schools in the United States. Investigative journalists from various news outlets in the United States and conservative commentators, such as Ben Shapiro, have been denouncing various things. For example, a school in Oakland, California, launched the so-called "Transition Closets" to, according to them, "help students hide gender dysphoria from their parents"; another example, an Oregon library and public school are teaming up to ask for clothing donations to create a "gender-affirming closet" at the school. 

These lockers, which are provided to children in schools without informing parents, consist of

clothing, makeup, and jewelry so that students can affirm the "transition" from their "gender" to that of their choice. This includes breast binders that are used to flatten the breasts and help them look more like a boy. This is promoted despite the medical consequences of this, such as the restriction of breathing; skin irritation, skin wounds around the edges; possible overheating and can even lead to bruising or rib fractures.

They also provide special underwear that helps hide the male genitals and can look more like a little woman. Underwear containing prosthetic male genitalia is also offered that help little women look like little men. They are secondary and even primary school children.

But the worst thing about this is that everything happens hidden from the parents; moreover, regulations have been established that prohibit informing parents. The American author Mark Dice carried out an in-depth research on these issues that he captured in his book "The war on conservatives". In the next section I will refer to some of their findings.


The invasion of schools  18:36 

In his book, the author mentions that many schools have regulations that prohibit teachers from informing parents about these activities. He cites several examples, including New Jersey's so-called "Transgender Student Guide for School Districts," which in addition to prohibiting teachers from informing parents, mandates that all school officials use whatever name or pronoun students want.

In her research, she also found that students are not required to have any medical diagnosis or treatment initiated for their gender identity to be recognized and respected by the authorities. A legal or court-ordered name change is also not required. To keep this hidden from parents, students work on drawing up confidentiality plans about transgender status and worse, gender transition.

The same is true of the literature provided to children as part of the curriculum. The author reports on a wave of LGBTQ children's books where all of these concepts of gender ideology are promoted. All this literature is promoted by large publishing houses. This has been a recent spate of children's books. 

Now, I'm sure you're wondering: well, but despite the secrecy in schools, how is it possible that parents don't find out, no one says anything? And if they find out, no one does anything?

First, we all know the state of coercion that occurs in some schools. They threaten, they frighten children so that they do not say anything. They have many ways. Second, many parents are very little involved in their children's education. Third, many parents do find out but are characterized by their cowardice and inaction. 

About this, the author narrates that, when the first books began to come out, this was denounced in a giant news medium that is Fox News; I quote his words: "Most conservatives who heard about them thought that, although they may be strange, they were not cause for alarm and quickly forgot about them." Does this reaction sound familiar? Fourth, while there have been parents who have sued some of these schools in court, and have been successful, others have encountered great obstacles in courts of law already infiltrated by these ideas.

But big box stores are also involved in this massive brainwashing. Target, one of the 'giants of the United States' opened the line of dresses called "The Pride Line for Kids". It includes rompers, dresses, and miniskirts for both girls and boys, as well as baby pajamas that say "My First Pride," and shirts with blue and pink tie patterns for toddlers that say "Trans rights are human rights." 

Manufacturing company TomboyX supplies trans items to stores, such as Target. This is described as follows: "We are proud to design and manufacture well-thought-out and beautifully made products for all bodies and needs, of all sizes and across the gender spectrum." These companies have cooperation agreements with global educational companies such as the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network, which have a global reach and whose mission includes "promoting LGBTQ+ inclusion and cultural awareness in K-12 schools."

If we take into account the massive sale of hormones, surgical interventions, the manufacture, promotion and sale of accessories, entertainment such as Disney, the production of films, commercials, etc., it shows without a doubt that the trans issue has become a multi-billion dollar company.

I want to end today with a reflection: Already here, in the United States, it is not the beginning, unfortunately we are reaching the end, but in places like Panama, parents must take these precedents seriously, because in many countries it is still the beginning.

In the next episode I delve deeper into the harm to children.


Farewell  24:16

In the episode description you can find all the references on today's topic.

I invite you to purchase my book: THE TWO GREAT SCIENTIFIC FRAUDS OF THE 20TH AND 21ST CENTURIES. Here I describe and analyze in a simple way and with responsible scientific evidence everything related to misrepresentations about the climate. This can be purchased in all branches of the prestigious Panamanian bookstore, EL HOMBRE DE LA MANCHA.

I invite you to access our website to which I invite you to subscribe. Here you can also access all the episodes of our podcast and find a lot of other information of interest. Through my website you can also purchase our book THE TWO GREAT SCIENTIFIC FRAUDS OF THE 20TH AND 21ST CENTURIES.


See you soon and thank you for honoring us with your attention.