Grandes fraudes científicos de los siglos XX y XXI

La "ideología trans": destrucción de mente y cuerpo de nuestros niños.

Dr. Esteban Morales Van Kwartel Season 3 Episode 69

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Este es el episodio No 69 y el decimoprimero de la tercera temporada de nuestro podcast  GRANDES FRAUDES CIENTIFICOS.

El trabajo de John William Money trajo como consecuencia la propagación de la falacia de la ideología de género en general y de la ideología "trans" en particular, que han llevado a la destrucción de mente y cuerpo de muchos de nuestros niños, pero no solo esto sino que desvirtuó el concepto y el manejo de los intersexuales. Sobre esto hablo en este episodio. Describo también el papel pobre y deshonesto de los grandes medios de información que, una vez más, producen desinformación y causan confusión en la población. Comienzo también a hablar sobre un tema íntimamente ligado a las consecuencias de esta ideología que es lo conocido como "desistimiento".



Soh, Debra; The End of Gender: Degunking the miths about sex and identity in our society; Simon & Schuster, Inc.  (New York): 2020;  Threshold. ISBN 9781982132538

Gaetano, Phil, "David Reimer and John Money Gender Reassignment Controversy: The John/Joan Case". Embryo Project Encyclopedia ( 2017-11-15). ISSN: 1940-5030


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 Introduction   0:00

Hello, welcome to episode No 69 and the eleventh of the third season of our podcast GREAT SCIENTIFIC FRAUDS.

I am your host Dr. Esteban Morales van Kwartel.

John Money's cruel and failed experiment that I described in the previous episode responded to his stubbornness to push above all things his idea that being male or female is a determination that can be made by the person regardless of the biologically determined sexual characteristics with which we are born. This vision of Money was inherited by today's "trans" movement. 

The consequences of his work was the propagation of this fallacy that has led to the destruction of the mind and body of many of our children, but not only this but it also distorted the concept and management of intersex. I'll talk about this in this episode. I will also begin to talk about a topic intimately linked to the consequences of this ideology, which is what is known as "desistance"


The Lethal Consequences of Money's Experiment  01:22

Without Money's experiments, it is unlikely that trans ideology, especially the phenomenon of "trans kids," would exist today in the way it does. He dedicated his scientific life to the psychological and medical treatment of transgender patients and nothing could stop him from testing his ideas. The consumption of the fruit of the tree of good and evil carries a high content of arrogance by those who eat it.

All this modern-day thinking: that biological sex does not determine "gender identity"; that someone born biologically male can become a woman; that we need to affirm a person's 'gender identity', and that this can be done even in young children, is due to Money's vision. But few know that the origins of this ideology can be traced back in large part to this experiment. But those who know hide it because of how horrible, cruel it was and that it left a trail of pain and death in its wake. Money left a diabolical seed sown that germinated in the current trans movement.

But the most serious thing about all this is that "gender-affirming care" has been accepted by a large part of medical organizations, many academics and most legislators and political parties called progressive liberals, to be practiced even on children. This despite the fact that scientifically and logically the diagnosis of "gender dysphoria" is not real in children. It is an irresponsible invention of current medicine far from God. What happens with trans children, which began with Reimer, are still mere Frankenstein-type experiments.

Gender-affirming treatments directed toward medical transition are now adopted as the standard of care for those suffering from "gender dysphoria," despite the lack of solid evidence to support them. This topic remains controversial and experimental as the clinical evidence for the efficacy of these treatments remains inconclusive. I'll talk a little bit about this in the next episode.

Medical organizations and practitioners continue to promote "gender-affirming therapies" – even when gender is fiction- instead of striving into the research and development of effective psychological therapies. Therapies that allow these unfortunate people to learn to get rid of that disdain and hatred for their own being, for their body, and help them to potentiate the wonders inherent to it.

Now, Money's work consisted primarily of the treatment of transsexuals with gender dysphoria and affirmative therapies that are the key aspects of trans ideology. But Money's recommendations and methods had a profound influence on the treatment of intersex children and were widely accepted until relatively recently. Let's remember that these are the hermaphrodites that are born with ambiguous sexual organs. 

Well, this was because in its beginnings, Money's experiments were carried out on intersex babies. According to his theory, being a man or a woman had only to do with upbringing, and the sexual organs they had did not matter. 

He considered that the way to treat them was to use hormones and surgeries to "transform" them into the chosen gender, from as early as possible.

Intersex people do need surgeries in many cases, but these have nothing to do with those fallacies of sexual transformation such as gender-affirming therapies. Since sex is biological and determines masculinity and femininity, it is now known that these people must be carefully, responsibly and patiently investigated to detect, as accurately as possible, what biology has marked in their brain cells, hormone production, etc., and then proceed, if necessary, with surgery that is in accordance with their true sexual identity.

Therefore, it is totally wrong to proceed, as Money indicated, to perform surgeries as soon as possible in these cases without the necessary care as I indicated above; The decision about where the surgery is directed should not be arbitrary by the doctors. Due to its influence, thousands of organ correction surgeries were performed very prematurely without waiting for the person's own biology to speak, often giving catastrophic results.

Another of Money's infamous precedents was the way he responded to the criticism that many academics made of his work in the Reimer case: he publicly dismissed his criticisms as an anti-feminist and anti-trans bias, but, according to his colleagues, he was personally ashamed of the failure.

Now, what do you think was the way in which the mainstream media responded? We see it in the next section.


Media response to the Reimer case 07:34

David Reimer's public statements about the trauma of his transition drew the attention of many to gender identity and called into question the sex reassignment of infants and children, but the press, as expected, behaved in the same way as we saw it behave in 2020 with the pandemic or the issue of climate change: conspiracy, you have to follow the science, transphobic, etc. The medical, economic, cultural and political establishment of the time was the same as it is today. Whoever has the power rules. The rest of us are "conspirators".

The mainstream media rushed to defend Money's work. He had published his theories and works in a book: "Man and woman, boy and girl". The New York Times lauded this book as "the most important volume in the social sciences that has appeared since the Kinsey reports" which, by the way, the results of this report, presented in 1948, had served to, since that time, begin to characterize as normal, a series of anomalous sexual behaviors. A report that was full of serious biases, especially in the selection of the sample.

Well, the content of Money's book was described by the newspaper as the answer to the old dilemma of nature, that is, biology, vs. nurture, where the answer was nurture and not biology. The New York Times and other major media outlets of the time contributed greatly to legitimizing and extending the practice of sex reassignment surgery for children throughout the world. This is despite the opinion against it from many academics. DOESN'T THIS SOUND FAMILIAR?

Unfortunately, the lesson has not been learned then, nor now. The sinister origins of this arrogant practice of manipulating our body to which we have no right have the slightest right have been completely ignored. Life does not belong to us, it belongs to the one who created us, with all the laws that were established at the time of our creation. Regarding this manipulation, St. John Paul II writes in his Encyclical Veritatis Splendor: ..."It contradicts the Church's teaching on the unity of the human being, whose rational soul is the form of the body. The spiritual and immortal soul is the principle of unity of the human being, it is that by which he exists as a whole as a person."

Yet, as I have shown in this episode and the previous one, institutions, from schools to health care, still gleefully promote the ideas of "gender identity" and "gender fluidity" and the entrenchment of these with so-called gender-affirming treatments. There is a whole progressive liberal political ideology that promotes and defends this "trans ideology" to the point of canceling those who oppose it by calling them transphobic bigots, etc., And, in the meantime, these experiments continue to be done on children, completely ignoring their tragic origins.

David Reimer bravely came out to denounce this and warn of the damage to people and families; damage that he experienced in the flesh where a young family full of dreams and hopes was completely destroyed. What a shame that we have not learned from this tragedy.


The Effects of Sex Deconstruction. 12:08

We have been seeing how this deconstruction of our most sacred values of our culture has been taking place under our very noses. As I have been describing throughout the episodes presented, through the use of the tools of postmodernism: free and absolute thought, through the word, using the means of language, sex has been deconstructed. 

Since sex as such had no place for the cultural element, gender was then created to mean something similar to sex. Sex was then given an erotic connotation and the real contents of it were transferred to the new term: gender; but new components were added that serve the purposes of ideology. Doesn't this seem familiar to you? Isn't that how the devil acts? Pure manipulation. 

Manipulation is used as a tool for deconstruction. Another concept that has fallen victim to deconstruction is dignity. How many times do you not hear those who are related to this ideology say that we all have equal dignity? Of course, we all have equal dignity; the same dignity given to all by God. But they have deconstructed this through the manipulation of the word, inventing the term: "equal identity"; and this last term has been manipulated by giving it the content that human dignity possesses. 

It is not possible to speak of equal identity between men and women because they are two different sexes; But as they have done the two terms interchangeably, as was done with sex and gender, they have led us into the semantic trap that by denying equal identity, we are denying equal dignity, which would be tantamount to denying the rights that are linked to it. Let's remember that there are already more than 100 invented genres; This deconstruction seeks to try to lead us all to accept this invented construct as something belonging to dignity. However, this pretended, fluid and polychromatic identity is not real; it is a mere mental construction.

This manipulation and brainwashing has led to it still penetrating the minds of many parents and so we see how some take their children's bodies to the butcher themselves. But reality itself and nature itself begins to reveal the truth.

Dr. Debra Soh writes in her book that after reviewing 11 long-term longitudinal studies conducted on children who had distress about their sexuality, which is diagnosed as "gender dysphoria," between 60 and 90 percent gave up during puberty. This has great significance because it is more evidence that this concern about their sex is a normal process that gives way, even more so, if they are given the correct guidance and orientation. Many of these children are the ones who are taken to the horrific transformations.

What is "desistance". Well, this is another concept used in this new jargon of gender ideology. Desistance refers to the withdrawal or disappearance of the phenomenon of gender dysphoria. That is, a child who has given up will no longer feel the anguish about his or her birth sex. This anguish is what they persist in calling "gender dysphoria" and that results in these children being taken, in many cases, to harmful prepubertal hormonal treatments and even worse to transformation surgeries.

What do experts say about the reason for this withdrawal? Well, what common sense says, what normal life says as it has always been; what we parents see in our children; what I have seen in my 7 children and what I am beginning to see in my grandchildren.

Simply that, after going through those "normal growing pains", they begin to experience the romantic feelings of their age, marked by their cells and their hormones and they begin to find their boyfriends and girlfriends. Obviously, there you have to start worrying about other things.

Now, how has not only the press but part of the population reacted to these and other studies? We see it in the next section.


The cult of "trans ideology".  17:27 

The issue of gender dysphoria has become a practically sacred issue; a cult that whoever criticizes it in some way, is practically considered a sacrilege. He is practically revered by activists and medical organizations alike, and preeminently by politicians, many of them, for a hypocrisy that tries to mask their cowardice and who seek to please their bosses and activists who for some reason have great political power. Unfortunately, some parents have also fallen into the trap thinking that it is doing their children good. But in this pot of iniquity, THE NEWS MEDIA occupy a special place again.

All the evidence that emerges that the proponents of "trans ideology" see as an attack on their cult is savagely attacked. In this case, referring to these studies, and many others, organizations, professionals, etc., have come out, with the great help of the newspapers, trying by all means to invalidate their results. But the evidence is there. I'll continue to talk about this in the next episode.

Now, on the one hand, there are attacks against those who oppose it, but on the other, this same machinery of pressure and information is dedicated to promoting trans ideology. For example, where there used to be "boy scouts," groups have now been created called "gender-creative boys," "gender scouts," and "gender-expansive" boys. 

Supporting a toddler's transition is seen as an act of tolerance, empathy, and love. This is also celebrated with great noise and joy. I remember when I bought my first car here in the USA, after a long process negotiating model, price, etc., when I signed the contract they took me to the side of the office, so that a big bell rang that they had there and everyone around including customers, they applauded me, with the joy of the salesman who wins money before his bosses. It happens that, according to what Dr. Soh found in her research, there are cases of educators who celebrate in their classroom with their students, when a child in their class has declared himself trans, because they know that this way they can receive praise from their superiors.

This is not very different from what happens in the mainstream news media. Here you can see constant interviews where they praise and congratulate parents who present their children in transition, including some of them of preschool age, in front of a public audience, to show themselves as "political correct". Not far behind are politicians who do whatever it takes to win the vote of the progressive left-wing liberals of the Democratic Party.

In the next episode I will continue to talk about the withdrawal, but I want to end today by reading an excerpt from John Paul II's Encyclical Veritatis Splendor: "... In reality, it is only with reference to the human person in his "unified totality," that is, "the soul that expresses itself in the body informed by an immortal spirit," that the specifically human meaning of the body can be understood. The Church, by rejecting the manipulations of corporeality that alter its human meaning, serves man and shows him the way of true love, the only way to be able to encounter the true God.


Farewell  21:45

In the episode description you can find all the references on today's topic.

I invite you to purchase my book: THE TWO GREAT SCIENTIFIC FRAUDS OF THE 20TH AND 21ST CENTURIES. Here I describe and analyze in a simple way and with responsible scientific evidence everything related to misrepresentations about the climate. This can be purchased in all branches of the prestigious Panamanian bookstore, EL HOMBRE DE LA MANCHA.

I invite you to access our website to which I invite you to subscribe. Here you can also access all the episodes of our podcast and find a lot of other information of interest. Through my website you can also purchase our book THE TWO GREAT SCIENTIFIC FRAUDS OF THE 20TH AND 21ST CENTURIES.


See you soon and thank you for honoring us with your attention.