Grandes fraudes científicos de los siglos XX y XXI

La disforia de género en niños y cómo rescatarlos.

Dr. Esteban Morales Van Kwartel Season 3 Episode 70

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Este es el episodio No 70 y el decimosegundo de la tercera temporada de nuestro podcast  GRANDES FRAUDES CIENTIFICOS. 

La ideología de género ha degenerado en la ideología "trans". Esta ha creado una gran trampa en la que han caído, desafortunadamente, muchos niños. Pero afortunadamente ellos tienen varias vías para superar esto. 

Una de ellas es el llamado "modelo de desarrollo; otra son las "sesiones de evaluación y manejo psicosocial y está además, el fenómeno llamado "desistimiento". Este es el tema del episodio de hoy.



Soh, Debra; The End of Gender: Degunking the miths about sex and identity in our society; Simon & Schuster, Inc.  (New York): 2020;  Threshold. ISBN 9781982132538'Taking_the_lid_off_the_box'_The_value_of_extended_clinical_assessment_for_adolescents_presenting_with_gender_identity_difficulties“Factors+Associated+with+Desistance+and+Persistence+of+Childhood+Gender+Dysphoria%3A+A+Quantitative+Follow-up+Study”&btnG=

Presentation and Introduction   0:00

From the document Dignitas Infinita I read the following:

"… Constituting the being of the person, soul and body thus participate in that dignity that characterizes every human being. [107] In this regard, it must be remembered that the human body participates in the dignity of the person, since it is endowed with personal meanings, especially in its sexual condition. [108] It is in the body, in fact, that each person recognizes himself or herself as generated by others, and it is through his or her body that man and woman can establish a relationship of love capable of generating other people." 

Hello, welcome to episode No 70 and the twelfth  of the third season of our podcast GREAT SCIENTIFIC FRAUDS.

I am your host Dr. Esteban Morales van Kwartel.

It is worth making a very short summary about the results of the gender ideology that has led to trans ideology to keep the context of our conversation before continuing with today's topic.

As for gender ideology, it is intended that people arbitrarily choose which gender they want to belong to, regardless of their biological sex. According to these ideologues, each person can freely construct their gender, chosen from a wide range, so it ends up in a self-construction of sexuality or sexual option.

What the person identifies with is only his perception, his own fantasy

When he says he is a woman, he is identifying with a fantasy. And that fantasy is nourished by stereotypes. That is why what we see are bizarre caricatures of a woman or a man. A real woman or man doesn't really identify with that image. It's a bizarre representation of what femininity and masculinity are.

Unfortunately, many children have fallen into the trap of these ideologies, but fortunately a large part of them give up, at the right time, from following this fantasy. In the last episode I started talking about this and I continue with this topic in the present episode.


The "growing pains"  02:50

I said in the last episode that "desistance" refers to the withdrawal or disappearance of the phenomenon of gender dysphoria. In other words, a child who has given up will no longer feel the anguish about his or her birth sex. This anguish is what they persist in calling "gender dysphoria". He also said in previous episodes that the diagnostic criteria for gender dysphoria did not fit in pre-pubertal children, especially in the youngest. It is true that there are young children whose concern about their gender exceeds the normal, which I will discuss later, but we must be very careful not to abuse that diagnosis.

Dr. Soh found in her research on this that many prepubertal children are diagnosed without strictly following the criteria. In these delicate cases, doctors abuse the use of their own diagnostic criteria. It also found that, in some cases, they are not even subjected to a full psychiatric or psychological evaluation and are quickly taken to transition-oriented medical treatment.

Good clinicians should be very careful about this and try to first address other avenues that are available and that I will mention later. The problem with this is the enormous pressure exerted by activists, to such an extent that a great friend describes them as the "mafia of trans ideology", because of his unpleasant experience he has had with them. Many of the expert professionals give in to these pressures for fear that they will be disqualified in the eyes of public opinion as transphobic and other epithets.

Gender-affirming therapies have become sacred, but by proceeding with them out of fear, our children are being put in danger. Parents should be very aware of this and know that many times their children are at risk of receiving a misdiagnosis. This, on the other hand, is totally against professional ethics, so medical ethics organizations should be very vigilant and act according to their function.

Considering the numerous scientific evidence that exists on desisting and that I will mention later, doctors must begin by having the correct and necessary conversation with their patients and parents before starting a therapy that, likewise, the evidence, which I will also present later, shows that it is irreversible and greatly harmful to the patient's health. 

A boy may experience a femininity or masculinity apparently different, as the case may be, from his sexuality. As long as the child does not feel rejection for his or her own sex, there is no reason to rush to subject him or her to medical therapies for his or her transformation; This is a bizarre thing. Again, given the evidence of withdrawal, the child must be supported, helped and properly guided by his parents and teachers and here health professionals must be the pillar of support.

The scientific literature describes the so-called "developmental model" that allows a boy to explore his femininity or masculinity, as the case may be, while being open to the possibility that he may be comfortable with his birth sex. However, as is done with all alternatives to the experimental actions of the infamous Dr. Mengele, this has been denounced as transphobic, and abusive.

It is true that children experience varying degrees of distress about their sexuality before and during the ages of puberty. The growing pains that I have referred to are perhaps the lowest levels of intensity and that can be managed, by parents, guardians, good educators. But not all people are the same; God has provided us with a diversity of temperaments, characters, and even different forms of masculinity and femininity.

In this sense, there may be other cases whose symptoms are of greater intensity, and where you must also have the support of another group of people and professionals, such as priests, doctors, psychiatrists, psychologists, and other trained professionals. It must also be taken into account that there are variations in the age of presentation of symptoms; There are cases in which, even in younger children, far from these pre- and pubertal periods, these symptoms can occur. But in no case are hormonal medical interventions indicated, much less surgical ones.

I talk about this in the next section.


Growing Distresses and Their Responses  08:06

When these, which I have called "growing pains", occur with greater intensity, we are already talking about psychological distress that must be managed professionally. I said in the previous section that there are other ways of handling available. In this case I am referring to the "psychosocial evaluation and management sessions".

A study published in the February 2019 Journal of Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry, funded by the Tavistock and Portman Foundation Trust of the National Health System of Great Britain, showed that prolonged counseling can be effective in resolving this psychological distress in children.

The counselling period had an average duration of 9.6 months. The average number of evaluation sessions was 6.6. The mean number of individual appointments was 2 sessions) and the mean number of family sessions was 5. We see that, in general, family sessions made up a large part of the evaluation.

At one point during the evaluation period, seven of the young people no longer needed further sessions because they no longer felt the incongruence between their sex and sexual identity and therefore did not seek medical interventions; the rest continued with their trans identities, but they did not want medical interventions, that is, hormones or surgeries, because they no longer felt that disagreement between their bodies and sexual identity.

What is problematic and dangerous in a child is that anguish about their sexuality that is called by many professionals "gender dysphoria", even when, as I explained in a previous episode, this, in children, does not meet the diagnostic criteria. Having said that, from a mental and physical health standpoint, if the child is able to feel comfortable in the body that was given to them, there is no way to deny that this is much better than spending the rest of their life on hormone treatment, with all the damage that this brings to their health. without ruling out the risk that it will end in mutilation surgery.

Whenever experts present research suggesting that there are other therapeutic approaches that are more effective, they are labeled as transphobic, and using the buzzword, "exclusionary." As a result, many young children are put through a series of chemical and surgical interventions that would have been completely unnecessary if nature had been left to work.

In children, who are at the beginning of the period of puberty, who are diagnosed with gender dysphoria and hormonal treatment is started, it is terrible for them because the changes associated with this period, such as in boys, for example, stretching of the body, voice changes, appearance of facial hair and in girls: menstruation, The development of hips and breasts conflict with the effects of hormone treatment.

On the other hand, on July 7, 2019, the Royal College of General Practitioners of Great Britain, published on its website a position statement expressing alarm about the treatments of children with gender dysphoria. In their position statement, they warned of a lack of evidence of safety of the current protocols used to treat minors identified as "trans." He added that "There needs to be more research on the pros and cons of treatment, including medical intervention, compared to a 'wait and see' approach.

He also referred to the unusual increase in referrals of children for treatment, and that for the first time, most of whom are under 15 years of age. Obviously this caused a great stir among those of the "trans ideology" because it was the first time that a prestigious institution like this one spoke out warning about the dangers of this.

The use of hormone blockers to stop unwanted masculinization or feminization in children who have been diagnosed with "gender dysphoria" has become a very common practice. However, this is not a chemical indicated for this use. Puberty blockers have been approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to treat precocious puberty, but at no time have they been authorized for this particular use in "gender dysphoria" due to a lack of long-term data in children.




The "desistence". 13:44

Dr. William Malone is an endocrinologist internist specializing in diabetes and metabolism. She is an activist with the Society for Evidence-Based Gender Medicine which, of course, trans activists have called an anti-trans society, obviously, for being evidence-based.

Since 2017 he was alarmed and worried when the American Endocrinological Society 

published guidelines for the treatment of children and adolescents with "gender dysphoria" with hormones, which will ultimately produce irreversible effects and serious medical complications. In fact, the Society clearly states that the job of endocrinologists is now to "medically affirm" dysphoric minors by providing puberty-suppressing drugs and hormones of the opposite sex. This is serious considering that this international professional organization is the leader in the field of endocrinology.

Motivated by this, he decided to make a synthesis of the literature on the subject, which he then integrated with his own experiences. When he turned to the primary sources, his great surprise was to discover the truth 

about this model. Contrary to what is presented by medical societies, this model of "gender affirmation" is very controversial and lacks sufficient scientific evidence to support its application, especially in children and adolescents. 

It also found that there are deep ethical concerns and absence of informed consent with the model; There is a lack of data demonstrating the long-term psychological benefit of hormonal and surgical interventions. He found that the suppression of debate about this, both in the medical community and within society at large, has been notorious.

The publication of his work, which includes an extensive bibliography, is currently in its third edition. I've gone through it deeply and will share some of its most important findings.

For example, as an endocrinologist, he cannot find any scientific reason to support the claim that it is possible to be born in the "wrong" body; for example, having a "boy's brain in a girl's body". In his research he did not find any serious scientist who made this claim. Obviously, the reason for this is what I have been affirming, that this is nothing more than a perception, that it has no biological basis and that it is a product of postmodernist thought.

On the other hand, as I already mentioned, he did not find any evidence that opposite-sex hormones and sex reassignment surgery improve the long-term psychological functioning of people with gender dysphoria; on the contrary, it did find studies that show the opposite. I'll go into this a little more in the next episode.

The primary problem in the case of children is the use of puberty blockers introduced in treatment protocols for children and adolescents who have been diagnosed with "gender dysphoria". These were introduced with the idea that by preventing the development of secondary sex characteristics (of men in particular), the treated individuals would more closely resemble their desired sex which, according to the hypothesis, would reduce dysphoria and improve psychological functioning in the long term. 

This is where we must consider the existence of "desistance" whose definition I have already given. There are numerous studies that demonstrate the existence of this phenomenon in children. I am going to mention just two.

In a prospective study of 246 children diagnosed with "gender dysphoria", conducted by Steensma et al., published in the Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, it was found that, after following them in adolescence and others in adulthood, in most children (84.2%; n= 207), GD desisted.

The other study is from the University of Toronto presented by Devita Singh. This was a retrospective study where 139 children with gender identity disorder (GID) were studied. Participants were biological males who had been referred and then evaluated at a children's mental health facility during their childhood and were adolescents or adults at follow-up. Data collection was carried out over three decades, from 1986 to 2011.

In the next section I present the results and some conclusions.


Conclusions and Farewell  19:35

The study found that gender dysphoria persisted in 17 of the participants (12.2%), so again the rates of those who gave up were very high.

But this study also revealed other things; One is that the mechanism of production of desistance or its possible relationship with other variables is not understood. This is very important because it indicates that the phenomenon of persistence, which is the excuse that some people use to justify early hormonal treatment, cannot be accurately predicted. It was also found that treatment with pubertal blockers may unintentionally lead adolescents toward hormone treatment for sexual transition and even sex reassignment surgery.

The latter has been confirmed more recently by a study carried out by the Gender Identity Development Service (GIDS) in Tavistock, which is the only specialist gender clinic for children in the NHS in England, and they are also the research partners of University College London Hospitals. They found that 98% of young people who took puberty blockers went on to take cross-sex hormones, which is the next stage toward transitioning to the opposite sex.

It should be added that around the dispute that occurred related to this study, the High Court of England ruled that hormone blockers should not be used in prepuberty, since it is unlikely that children under 16 years of age could give informed consent for treatment with puberty blockers.

But none of these things are said. This information is hidden by the mainstream media.

Given the high possibility that the child will desist from his or her distress over time, the health hazards of these due to the use of pubertal blockers, the lack of evidence of their efficacy and the high probability that they induce the passage of sex hormones for transition, it makes no sense to proceed with the use of pubertal blockers in them. 

Finally, I want to add that the parents of "trans children" are often accused of being irresponsible for allowing and even inducing their children to this transformation. But I think this is not necessarily the case in many of them. It must be recognized that these parents are confused, frightened by this situation in their children, which is natural. This fear is fueled and exploited when they are told that this is what their children need to survive.

The famous and widespread phrase that is used with the parents of these children who ask for the transition: 

"You prefer a happy and prosperous son or one who is dead", is a vulgar and vile blackmail devoid of any moral sense. To say this to a parent who ignores the real facts and especially if it comes from a health professional, is a sovereign scoundrel.

In the episode description you can find all the references on today's topic.

I invite you to purchase my book: THE TWO GREAT SCIENTIFIC FRAUDS OF THE 20TH AND 21ST CENTURIES. Here I describe and analyze in a simple way and with responsible scientific evidence everything related to misrepresentations about the climate. This can be purchased in all branches of the prestigious Panamanian bookstore, EL HOMBRE DE LA MANCHA.

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