Grandes fraudes científicos de los siglos XX y XXI

Componentes y causas de la transición sexual y sus daños (1)

Dr. Esteban Morales Van Kwartel Season 3 Episode 71

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Este es el episodio No 71 y el decimotercero de la tercera temporada de nuestro podcast  GRANDES FRAUDES CIENTIFICOS. 

La ideología trans se ha venido extendiendo rápidamente en nuestro mundo, especialmente en los últimos años, en que este aumento ha sido inusitado. Como consecuencia de esto los tratamiento de reasignación de sexo han aumentado de manera alarmante, en especial en jóvenes y de manera desproporcionada mujeres adolescentes y jóvenes.

Este es un tema muy complicado que responde a diversas causas de las cuales he mencionado algunas en episodios anteriores. En este episodio voy a discutir sobre algunas de las causas que pueden estar produciendo el aumento de este fenómeno. 



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Presentation and Introduction   0:00

Hello, welcome to episode No 71 and the thirteenth of the third season of our podcast GREAT SCIENTIFIC FRAUDS.

I am your host Dr. Esteban Morales van Kwartel.

Children are much more susceptible to the damage of trans ideology because they are more exposed to falling into its trap, because they are very influenced by group pressure, the enormous propaganda generated in all the mass media, where social networks play an enormous role. But also, we have seen how this poison is transmitted through the same educational system where children, adolescents and young adults are captive minds. And this has had a significant impact on young people, particularly young women and teenagers.

Children's bodies, especially in the period of puberty, are in a process of change and formation where the use of hormones causes them much greater damage that can lead to irreversible damage and can even end in death. But also, as I already explained, the use of hormones in them increases the possibility that they will go on to transition surgeries.

In this episode I am going to delve a little deeper into the processes of transsexuality and explain the theories that try to explain this increase in prevalence among adolescent and young women.


 Mental health and "trans" ideology  01:48

In general, everyone is exposed to harm from this practice. But apart from the physical damage, this has several problems: hormones and surgery do not help a distressed person understand the root of their dysphoria but, on the contrary, reinforce the perception that something is wrong with their body or gender expression. In addition, this therapy is an experimental and unproven hypothesis; Another problem is that no doctor can say who will or will not persist in their gender dysphoria.

But there is also something that has been ignored. Our world today is characterized by a social isolation of people that sociologists have related in part to the "paradox of social networks" where artificial false links are established through social networks, but at the same time, real links increasingly disappear. One of its symptoms is the proliferation of opioid use.

In one of the episodes of my podcast I presented statistics showing that in the U.S. 75 million adults 18-25 feel they are alone. 25% of people reported that they didn't have a single close friend. There is a void that characterizes people in our society today, especially in the youth, especially in the spiritual sphere. If there is no God in between, a supreme being to fill the spiritual part of our being, we remain only matter, body, without soul. Frustration occurs in people that they cannot link to something in particular. I also presented statistics from the UN that has determined that 1 in 5 people suffer from anxiety disorders. 

There is then a tremendous mental health problem that the ideologues of the genre pretend to ignore.

CDC's January 25, 2019 Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report released the report on the biannual "Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance" survey of 131,901 high school students in 10 states in the United States, and nine different "large urban school districts." Here, an optional question about their "transgender identity" was incorporated for the first time. It was found that about 2 out of every 100 students at this level identify as transgender. It was considered that this number could be higher due to several factors, including the fact that the survey had been taken in 2017 and this situation may have proliferated since then.

But another tremendously significant finding of this study is that it validated results from previous studies that transgender students face higher rates of victimization, substance abuse, and suicidal thoughts compared to their cisgender peers, which is another made-up term meaning non-transgender.

But how did experts aligned with trans ideology react to this finding? Instead of investigating the possibility that the mental health risks that exist in a society such as the one I described earlier that induces young people to use opioids, increase suicides, etc., which is leading a more susceptible sector of the population to transform their bodies, what they do is ask that they be reinforced and extended to all schools, the actions of "gender affirmation" that consist, as I have already explained, of supporting and stimulating the transition.

What they do is also blame others. For example, Caitlin Clark, a research associate with an NGO that works to ensure schools are safe and affirming for LGBTQ students, reacted to the study as follows: (quote)

"Trans youth don't experience worse mental health or increased suicidality because it's something that comes with being trans... Trans people have poorer mental health because they are at greater risk of victimization and discrimination." 

What they do then is run to reaffirm a fantasy that, as we will see later, there are studies that indicate that transition does not alleviate psychological functioning in the long term.

As a specialist in preventive medicine, I affirm that this is an outburst of preventive mental health.

Unfortunately, despite the fact that the UN, which has given the alarming figures of depression, anxiety, and multiple other mental health problems in our society today, one of its subsidiaries, the World Health Organization, in 2019, eliminated "gender incongruence", which is how they call "gender dysphoria", from categorization as a mental disorder in the International Classification of Diseases, redefining it as a condition related to sexual health. 

The consideration of a condition that leads to the mutilation of their bodies savagely, is totally excluded as a mental disorder; But this is not even done for health considerations, but for political ones.

Dr. Lisa Littman, a physician and assistant professor at Brown University, published the first study on "rapid-onset gender dysphoria." She found that about 60 percent of the trans children she studied had at least one mental health disorder, e.g., depression, anxiety, autism, etc., and many others had a history of self-harm or trauma. I will continue to talk about this study throughout the episode.

In 2016, the Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services conducted an extensive literature review to decide whether or not to fund sex reassignment surgeries. They decided not to issue what they call "a national coverage determination" for these surgeries because there is not enough evidence that they improve the long-term psychological functioning of these patients. Dr. Malone, mentioned in the previous episode, did a review of the current literature and determined that there is still no study that presents categorical evidence on this. 

In an addendum to the same memorandum from the Centre, the low quality of study designs was highlighted, which were mostly observational without comparison groups, full of subjective endpoints, with many confounding variables, small sample sizes, lack of validated assessment tools, and considerable loss of follow-up.

In a civilized world this would result in a serious re-evaluation of this measure and probably the discontinuation of such treatments until convincing data are presented demonstrating the benefit. But we are in a world that is out of control.

This trans anomaly continues to occur and is on the rise, with all the negative consequences that it entails. In the next section I talk about this.


The Spread of "Trans" Ideology  11:02

The transition is a process that is carried out in phases; Once started, it usually does not stop. The first phase consists of the linguistic change, the choice of new pronouns and a new name according to the sex to which one is transiting; then, the phase of medical interventions, first, the application of a series of hormonal injections, estrogen or testosterone, as the case may be. Finally, the surgical part which, depending on the case, consists of breast amputation or orchiectomies, followed by a whole series of complex surgeries to transform the genitals.

In the new jargon of this existential madness, the term "top surgery" is used, in Spanish, which in an even more sophisticated way Johns Hopkins University calls "masculinization of the breast", to make us believe that we are talking about science. Other medical institutions call it "male chest reconstruction." Euphemisms to transform into a supposed science a barbarity comparable to what Dr. Mengele did in Nazi Germany and which was viewed with horror at that time. To add to the horror of this, in 2018 the pediatric JAMA published a study on Thoracic Reconstruction and Thoracic Dysphoria in Transmale Minors and Young Adults. 

Among the different things I could see in the study is that the average age of those who had thoracic surgery in this cohort was 17.5 with a range, 13-24 years, but where 49% were under 18 years old. Of these, 48% of these mutilated girls were 15 years old or younger. I had mentioned earlier the commercial side of this butcher shop. About this, Dr. Abigail Favale, as part of her research, did a search for the term "top surgery" on the website called "crowdfunding" which is a website where a group of people come together to raise money for a cause they believe in.

Well, she found that breast amputation shows more than 37,000 results. According to their data, these surgeries cost between $5,000 and $10,000, the money generated by people who only use this site, represent 300 million dollars. This is just a sample; The economic generation of this is immense considering that there are many other sources of financing. 

The argument put forward by the "trans" ideologues is the claim that the treatment for transsexuality known as "sex reassignment" is beneficial for people with gender dysphoria. But numerous studies, some of which I have already presented, provide evidence showing just the opposite. This therapy, which includes both hormonal and surgical treatments, not only lacks efficacy, produces mutilations, alters the body that God has entrusted us to care for, but also puts life at risk. 

In 2016, a study was published by researchers from the Department of Clinical Neuroscience of the Division of Psychiatry at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden. It was a population-based cohort study with randomized, paired controls, which provide great depth and certainty in the conclusions. The cohort was followed for 30 years. 

People with transsexualism, after sex reassignment, were found to have considerably higher risks of mortality, suicidal behavior, and psychiatric morbidity than the general population. The risk of suicide was 20 times higher than the control group. Mortality from cardiovascular disease was moderately higher in the study population than in the control population.

In 2014 Hayes, Inc., a research and consulting firm that evaluates the safety and health outcomes of medical technologies, conducted a review of the scientific literature related to research papers that claimed to have evidence of the benefits of sex reassignment therapies. We found that the evidence on the long-term outcomes of sex reassignment was too sparse to support meaningful conclusions and gave these studies their lowest quality rating.

In 2019, doctors Richard Bränström and John E. Pachankis published a study in the American Journal of Psychiatry that led "trans" ideologues to shout from the rooftops about the supposed mental health benefits of medical transition. But the magazine quickly began to receive several letters questioning the statistical analyses used and the conclusions drawn from these analyses. The editors of the journal engaged the services of an external statistical reviewer who noted the shortcomings, especially the absence of an analysis based on the comparison of the initial findings with the control group. This opinion, plus those noted in the letters received, were sent to the original authors for review of the article.

When the authors compared their findings with the control group, they found that the advertised benefits of the therapy did not actually exist. They concluded that due to the design of the study used, the conclusions established in the original study could not be reached. All this was recorded in the correction of the study sent to the journal.

This study then showed that these invasive, expensive, and irreversible medical interventions promoted by the medical industry do not produce any mental health benefits.

Dr. Paul McHugh was for more than forty years a Distinguished Service Professor at Johns Hopkins University; during this period he was Chief of Psychiatry at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, Chief Psychiatrist at Johns Hopkins Hospital. In his early days, Dr. McHugh participated in affirmation treatments until the evidence he found against it made him desist. Since then she has been struggling to convince her medical colleagues not to accept the insistent claims about sex and gender. The first few years he was successful, but when he began to see the proliferation of this again, he expressed sadly: (I quote)

"I've been studying people who claim to be transgender. During that time, I have seen how the phenomenon changes and expands in a remarkable way."

This unusual emergence of these procedures is not based, however, on an emergence of scientific evidence; As I have been demonstrating, the evidence that appears increasingly goes against the procedure; This has rather been the product of a ruthless counterattack by the ideologues of the transgender movement who have created an entire environment for this emergence. 

I will talk about this unusual increase in the next section.


Causes and consequences of "trans" ideology (1). 21:00

In previous episodes, I had presented an alarming statistic of the unusual increase in people making the transition. He said that it occurred especially in young people and disproportionately in young women. This has several causes. I am going to try to summarize the most important ones.

One of the causes is what Dr. Paul McHugh calls "Transgender: A Pathogenic Meme," which is the title of an article he wrote. He considers the extent of this to be due to the existence of ideology itself, which has promoted the idea that one's biological sex is a choice; And this, in his own words: (I quote) "has run through the American public as a revelation or 'meme' that affects much of our thinking about sex."

Unfortunately, this has led to transitional behavior as a fashionable practice that often has nothing to do with a diagnosis of gender dysphoria but with a misunderstood freedom to choose what one pleases. Transition, in this sense, loses its medical status and becomes an identity. A social experiment where younger millennials and generation Z have become the test subjects of this experiment. Once again, the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

But one of the root causes is the relationship of transsexualism to social and mental health problems that, as I have already explained, have been increasing greatly in our society because of that void produced in large part by postmodernism and the lack of God in the population, especially young people. This generates, among other things, a tremendous sense of dissatisfaction with oneself, including one's own body.

In this sense, Dr. Ryan Anderson published a paper in the online journal "Principles" of Christensen University where he agrees with Many psychologists and psychiatrists who think that gender dysphoria is a presentation comparable in its pathophysiology with another dysphoria known as "anorexia nervosa", which is also related to a dissatisfaction with one's own body. Both lead to harmful actions to the person.

The Dr. Littman I mentioned in the first section also mentions the similarity between the two and attributes them to similar psychological causes, both linked to what she called "peer contagion."

In the next episode I will address this topic in more depth and start talking about detransition 


Farewell. 24:01

In the episode description you can find all the references on today's topic.

I invite you to purchase my book: THE TWO GREAT SCIENTIFIC FRAUDS OF THE 20TH AND 21ST CENTURIES. Here I describe and analyze in a simple way and with responsible scientific evidence everything related to misrepresentations about the climate. This can be purchased in all branches of the prestigious Panamanian bookstore, EL HOMBRE DE LA MANCHA.

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