Grandes fraudes científicos de los siglos XX y XXI

Componentes y causas de la transición sexual y sus daños (2)

Dr. Esteban Morales Van Kwartel Season 3 Episode 72

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Este es el episodio No 72 y el decimocuarto de la tercera temporada de nuestro podcast  GRANDES FRAUDES CIENTIFICOS.


En el episodio anterior mencioné el estudio de la Dra. Littmam en donde desarrolló algunas hipótesis que podrían explicar las causas del aumento inusitado de los casos de transición sexual que se han venido observando en los últimos años, especialmente en las mujeres adolescentes y jóvenes. Mencioné también que, íntimamente relacionado a este fenómeno están los casos de los que se arrepienten de dicho proceso.


En este episodio profundizaré un poco mas en las posibles causas de esta ideología trans que ha tomado ribetes pandémicos; esto con el fin de alertar a padres y autoridades en aras de tratar de lograr su prevención.



 Favale, Abigai; The Genesis of Gender : A Christian Theory. Ignatius Press. (San Francisco):2022. ISBN 978-1-64229-217-6


Para abordar otros temas relacionados que podrán también ser de mucho interés, los invito a adquirir mi libro: LOS DOS GRANDES FRAUDES CIENTIFICOS DE LOS SIGLOS XX y XXI. Este lo pueden adquirir como libro físico en todas las sucursales de la librería panameña EL HOMBRE DE LA MANCHA. Igualmente, puede ser adquirido como ebook haciendo clic AQUI

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Presentation and Introduction   0:00

To give a little spiritual freshness now that these Olympics full of dark episodes have ended, I want to begin today with the words of Bishop José Ignacio Muntilla where he alludes to Djokovic who kneels on the field to thank God after winning the gold medal.


VIDEO  (not abailble)


Hello, welcome to episode No 72 and the furteenth of the third season of our podcast GREAT SCIENTIFIC FRAUDS.

I am your host Dr. Esteban Morales van Kwartel.

In the previous episode I mentioned the study by Dr. Lisa Littman where she developed some hypotheses that could explain the causes of the unusual increase in cases of sexual transition that have been observed in recent years, especially in adolescent and young women. I also mentioned that, closely related to this phenomenon are the cases of those who regret this process.

In this episode I will delve a little deeper into the possible causes of this trans ideology that has taken on pandemic edges; this in order to alert parents and authorities in order to try to achieve its prevention.


Rapid-onset gender dysphoria  02:20

In the study published in August 2018 by Dr. Lisa Littman, she describes what could be a new form of gender dysphoria known as "rapid-onset gender dysphoria," which could be one of the causes of the unusual increase in this diagnosis among adolescents and young adults, mainly women. This is characterized by the fact that these adolescents do not meet the diagnostic criteria for gender dysphoria in childhood, as defined by the latest DSM guidelines, i.e., the "Manual of Mental Disorders" that I explained in a previous episode.

She conducted an exploratory descriptive study from which the following hypotheses were derived as the cause of this type of dysphoria: 

the possibility of social influences; the conflict between parents and children; existence of "maladaptive coping mechanisms". I must explain the latter a little because it is closely related to the other finding of the study, which indicates the existence of some underlying mental health problem in a high percentage of the sample, which was mentioned in the previous episode.

What are "maladaptive coping mechanisms"? Some individuals do not have the ability to adapt to their environment. They have a dysfunctional way of coping with a particular difficult situation. These individuals then adopt a dysfunctional or maladaptive behavior to try to cope with the situations that are presented to them, but this behavior is ineffective and generally generates more complications. 

Situations that trigger this mechanism could then be mental conditions such as anxiety, depression, sexual trauma, and even autism, etc. 

Just as dysfunctional or maladaptive behavior can take the form of alcoholism, drug addiction, violence, etc., Dr. Littman hypothesizes that dysphoria can also be triggered: anorexia, gender dysphoria that end in disastrous transformations of your body.

Unfortunately, these conditions often cannot be well managed and the maladaptive mechanism mentioned above is triggered, producing a deep contempt for their own body. In the end, they end up attacking and attacking their own body. Many times then, femininity has become an unbearable burden rather than a gift and this should concern us deeply.

Thanks to Dr. Littman's work, we can delve a little deeper into the reasons why a young woman may show distress about her own body. The existence of "rapid-onset gender dysphoria" should lead us to think more and investigate the social and mental health causes that may be causing this horrific pandemic. 

A young girl with this disorder does not need to be made to look like a boy, administering testosterone, much less perform mutilation surgeries to solve her discomfort. What she needs is psychological support to help her understand the etiology of her rejection of her natal sex. 

In the process of growth and development of children there could be a period of flexibility in their "sexual identity", but "sexual orientation", as I have already explained, has a biological basis and therefore cannot be changed because it is imprinted in brain cells. In these cases, they must be provided with psychological counseling therapies that help them feel comfortable in their bodies.

Therefore, trying to change their "sexual orientation" with these ineffective conversion therapies, defended by the promoters of gender theory, what it does is to cause them tremendous damage.

For women who rightly rebel against hypersexualization, the best but probably the most difficult way to do so is to learn to see a woman's beauty and dignity in the midst of a culture that denies it.

Dr. Littman's work should lead us to turn our attention to the diagnosis, management, and treatment of mental health to highly susceptible people in our community: a man with autogynephilia, which I will talk about briefly in the next episode; a woman with a history of sexual abuse who hates her body; an autistic child who feels different from everyone around him, a lonely teenager desperate to belong to something. But above all, use all the existing tools of preventive mental health to attenuate all these risk factors.

But this problem of sexual transition has led to another medical problem which is the appearance of people who regret this and who lead them to go through the rocky path of reversal of this in their bodies and minds. I talk about this in the next section.


Maladaptive coping mechanisms   6:49

Unfortunately, these conditions often cannot be well managed and the maladaptive mechanism mentioned above is triggered, producing a deep contempt for their own body. In the end, they end up attacking and attacking their own body. Many times then, femininity has become an unbearable burden rather than a gift and this should concern us deeply.

Thanks to Dr. Littman's work, we can delve a little deeper into the reasons why a young woman may show distress about her own body. The existence of "rapid-onset gender dysphoria" should lead us to think more and investigate the social and mental health causes that may be causing this horrific pandemic. 

A young girl with this disorder does not need to be made to look like a boy, administering testosterone, much less perform mutilation surgeries to solve her discomfort. What she needs is psychological support to help her understand the etiology of her rejection of her natal sex. 

In the process of growth and development of children there could be a period of flexibility in their "sexual identity", but "sexual orientation", as I have already explained, has a biological basis and therefore cannot be changed because it is imprinted in brain cells. In these cases, they must be provided with psychological counseling therapies that help them feel comfortable in their bodies.

Therefore, trying to change their "sexual orientation" with these ineffective conversion therapies, defended by the promoters of gender theory, what it does is to cause them tremendous damage.

For women who rightly rebel against hypersexualization, the best but probably the most difficult way to do so is to learn to see a woman's beauty and dignity in the midst of a culture that denies it.

Dr. Littman's work should lead us to turn our attention to the diagnosis, management, and treatment of mental health to highly susceptible people in our community: a man with autogynephilia, which I will talk about briefly in the next episode; a woman with a history of sexual abuse who hates her body; an autistic child who feels different from everyone around him, a lonely teenager desperate to belong to something. But above all, use all the existing tools of preventive mental health to attenuate all these risk factors.

But this problem of sexual transition has led to another medical problem which is the appearance of people who regret this and who lead them to go through the rocky path of reversal of this in their bodies and minds. I talk about this in the next section.


Variations from normality 10:20

Now then; I had already mentioned previously that normality presents many variations. Within each sex, there are different levels of behavior and preferences that don't have to make them leave their own sex. We have to be very careful with this, because this gender theory that promotes the existence of a spectrum of different genders, which make sex synonymous, can create a lot of confusion that in the end can end up destroying a person's life.

For example, a girl who is annoyed by wearing suits does not mean that she is not a girl. She may have a different personality that leads her to prefer to wear pants, as she feels more comfortable. I have known women who love to drive large pick-up trucks, because they feel safer. This does not mean that they have to transition sex. Even for those on the autism spectrum, they may have rigid ideas about gender roles, which doesn't mean they have to transition. 

All this confusion began to occur with the emergence of gender ideology and this has definitely contributed to the increase in sexual transition actions. But this has created another phenomenon, which is the appearance and increase of the detransition, which is the action to reverse the transition. 

All these issues of gender ideology and trans ideology have brought a series of new words that do not even appear in the dictionary of the Spanish Language. As all this madness has had its origin in the English-speaking countries and the different languages of Europe, one is forced to try to translate them or use the term in English, which I try to avoid; So please excuse me for violating the rules of our language in my eagerness to explain this, since it has been spreading rapidly to our Hispanic countries.

People who go through a linguistic and medical transition and then revert are called "detransitioners" or simply "detrans." Recall that, as I explained in a previous episode, people who go through a language transition alone and then return are called "desisters" because they "give up" on the transition process before it is complete. This generally occurs in girls and young women, who have a high rate of "desistance", as studies reveal.

The tragedy of "detrans" people is that as Dr. Abigail Favale states in her book, there are many sad stories of numerous people, especially women and girls who, after making the complete transition, come to identify as transgender men, with permanent alterations of their body, have repented, many of them going on to suffer the horrific trauma of new surgeries and treatments that, obviously, it cannot completely return them to their original condition.

In 2014, Cecilia Dhejn (Dein) and colleagues from the Karolynska Institute in Sweden published a study of the incidence and prevalence of requests in Sweden for legal and surgical sex reassignment. These were examined over a 50-year period (1960-2010), including legal and surgical reversal applications.

One finding was that the repentance rate, defined as the "request for reversal of legal gender status among people who were reassigned sex," was 2.2%. This shows an increase over previous studies, if corrected for observation time. The median time to request a reversal was 8 years, which suggests that the time variable is a factor to consider, related to the fact that perhaps a sufficient period of time must pass to realize that this transition does not alleviate their dissatisfaction.

This might seem like a low rate, but it is not; More than 2 people out of 100 who regret it after irreversible procedures like this one where organs are mutilated, is not. In addition, this could be much higher since this study was done long before the unprecedented increase, already mentioned, of medical transitions in recent years, and which occur particularly in adolescents, which was a very small age group in this study.

Recent records indicate that requests for transitional therapy have increased considerably, especially among adolescents and young women, so it stands to reason that the absolute number of regrets has also increased.


Conclusions and farewell . 18:46

Both transition and detransition are extremely complex issues that respond to different causes and therefore different psychological management. 

One of them is the topic discussed in the previous sections about the hypersexualization of girls and women. 

Dr. Abigail Favale writes in her book that many women who have gone through a transition process have traumatic memories about unwanted sexual advances by men during their puberty. This has produced a distortion of the gift of their sexuality, which motivates many of them to take refuge in a masculine identity.

There are a few other possible causes linked to Dr. Litmann's studies that I already mentioned. But there are a few others that I'll touch on in the next episode.

Detransition, which is intimately linked to transition, is obviously also complex and multicausal. Starting with the fact that there is no consensus as to its definition. It is also necessary to understand this condition in a more holistic and defined way, especially of young people who detransition.

The transition is presented as reversible, they want to sell the idea that if someone changes their mind, they can return to the original condition, and this is not true. Total reversal is impossible.

In the next episode I will continue to talk about transition and detransition.


In the episode description you can find all the references on today's topic.

I invite you to purchase my book: THE TWO GREAT SCIENTIFIC FRAUDS OF THE 20TH AND 21ST CENTURIES. Here I describe and analyze in a simple way and with responsible scientific evidence everything related to misrepresentations about the climate. This can be purchased in all branches of the prestigious Panamanian bookstore, EL HOMBRE DE LA MANCHA.

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See you soon and thank you for honoring us with your attention.