Grandes fraudes científicos de los siglos XX y XXI

Componentes y causas de la transición sexual (3)

Dr. Esteban Morales Van Kwartel Season 3 Episode 73

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Este es el episodio No 73 y el decimoquinto de la tercera temporada de nuestro podcast  GRANDES FRAUDES CIENTIFICOS.


En este episodio continúo profundizando en los posibles factores desencadenantes de la transición sexual y de la de transición los cuales están encadenados. En cuanto a la de transición, no hay aún suficientes datos, pero cada día aparece más información que, en la jerga científica, se conoce como "anecdótica; aquí presento algunas de estas usando fuentes de los propios afectados.

Describo una de las hipótesis que han tenido un enorme impacto en el tema de la transexualidad: la "tipología del transexualismo de Blanchard".



Soh, Debra; The End of Gender: Degunking the miths about sex and identity in our society; Simon & Schuster, Inc.  (New York): 2020;  Threshold. ISBN 9781982132538


Louise Perry, “What Is Autogynephilia? An Interview with Ray Blanchard”, Quillette, November 6, 2019,


Para abordar otros temas relacionados que podrán también ser de mucho interés, los invito a adquirir mi libro: LOS DOS GRANDES FRAUDES CIENTIFICOS DE LOS SIGLOS XX y XXI. Este lo pueden adquirir como libro físico en todas las sucursales de la librería panameña EL HOMBRE DE LA MANCHA. Igualmente, puede ser adquirido como ebook haciendo clic AQUI

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Presentation and Introduction   0:00

Quiero empezar leyendo este segmento del Evangelio según San Juan‬ ‭6‬:‭60‬-‭66‬ ‭para que sea tomado en cuenta en las conclusiones de este episodio.

"When many of his disciples heard this, they said, "This word is hard; Who can listen to her?" Jesus, noticing that his disciples were murmuring about this, said to them: "Is this scandalous to you? For what if they saw the Son of Man ascend to where He once was? The spirit is the one that gives life; meat is of no use at all. The words that I have spoken to you are spirit and they are life. But there are some of you who don't believe." Jesus knew from the beginning who were the ones who did not believe, and who would betray him, so he said, "Therefore I have told you that no one can come to me unless the Father grants it to him." From then on many of his disciples stopped following him, and no longer walked with him."


Hello, welcome to episode No 72 and the furteenth of the third season of our podcast GREAT SCIENTIFIC FRAUDS.

I am your host Dr. Esteban Morales van Kwartel.

In the last episode I said that transition and detransition are intimately related issues; dependent on each other in their causes and consequences. This is a unique two-way phenomenon that is destroying the population, especially our young people. 

In this episode I continue to delve into the possible triggers for this. I will continue to delve into studies and statistics. As for the detransition, there is not yet enough data, but every day more information appears, which in scientific jargon is known as "anecdotal". Epidemiologists know very well the value of this information and its use; This is usually the initial path for the production of hypotheses. I will be presenting some of this information here.


Scientific studies on sexual transition  02:34

A growing number of people, especially young people, have been regretting their sexual transition. Some of these have chosen to go out on public media to talk about their traumatizing experiences as trans and then in their efforts to revert to their original condition. Given this, some investigative reporters have decided to investigate more deeply about the transition, but mainly the transition one. This issue has been moving towards the mainstream media, which has attracted the attention of some academics.

For example, van Slothouber (slotauber) from Western University in Ontario, Canada, echoes this visibility of trans people in the media and made an analysis of the articles published by them from 2015 to 2018, related to this topic. Here he detects two important things: first, any discussion of the transition is silenced since the transition has been accepted in the political-social environment as something normal and safe, so that anything that opposes it is not politically acceptable. Second, as a result of the emergence of the "rapid-onset gender dysphoria" that I discussed in the previous episode, well-founded fears have arisen of misdiagnoses in children whose causes have nothing to do with gender.

Annie Pullen et al., from the University of Montreal, published research in 2023 where they sought to take a detailed look at young people who were making this journey of transition and detransition, which the authors consider to be anchored to each other. Their contact with the young people in the study confirmed the complexity of the problem, due to the heterogeneity of the causes and feelings found throughout the process. 

In the literature review carried out during the study, they found that complexity begins with the diversity of existing definitions of detransition. This is defined in various ways and to date there is no consensus on it. Some describe it as a process of finalizing a gender transition to return to a pre-transition state; But as his own study revealed, this is not linear from one thing to another. Some young people who repent do not seek to return to their original bodily state. According to other different authors, detransition can be medical (ceasing or reversing treatment), social (changes in pronouns or presentation) or legal.

This partly explains why the current rates of gender detransition or disruption are unknown, but thanks to the work of some reporters and the willingness of affected young people to speak out, more and more personal stories have become known about this tragedy, which according to the aforementioned scholars, it occurs primarily in greater numbers in young people who are born female.

Another reason for the lack of knowledge of its incidence and prevalence is because of the efforts of trans activists to dismiss and silence the voices of those who detransition. While the transition is lauded and celebrated as a feat of authentic self-actualization, detransitionists are derided as traitors to the cause. 

Dr. Debra Soh also attributes this to the fact that when these young people come to request the transition, they are not treated with the interest and welcome by the health professionals who had previously facilitated the transition. According to what Dr. Soh investigated, they do not even have a protocol to proceed with the transition process; They see the transition as a problem that is not their responsibility to solve. Many professionals do not dare to address this need of their patients for fear of being called transphobic, but even worse, with the laws passed in some states in the US, helping a patient detransition could lead to them losing their license. 

This rapid increase in personal stories coming to light about the consequences of this trans-detrans phenomenon has also led to the creation of some organizations to defend the transition. I talk about this in the next section.


Anecdotal information about detrans   8:24

One of these transition advocacy organizations was founded at the end of 2019. On their website they have a message to the parents of the detrans regarding this complexity of the problem. There they refer to the fact that each parent reacts in different ways; where each trans person has different stories and causes: some with trauma, others with autistic traits, others homosexual. As I have described with regard to "rapid-onset gender dysphoria", there are situations that can be diagnosed and treated in time, and the painful and rocky path of sexual transition can be avoided. But what there is in common is that all parties suffer, they all need answers and help.

The organization's founder is Charlie Evans, 28, who was born female but identified as male for nearly 10 years before transitioning. In his advocacy work he has been in contact with hundreds of other young people who have gone through some of the transitional stages. Some, after complete sex reassignment surgeries. 

In an interview with Sally Lockwood of Sky News she stated the following: (quote) 

"I'm in communication with 19- and 20-year-olds who have had full gender reassignment surgeries who wish they hadn't, and their dysphoria hasn't eased, they don't feel better about it." "They don't know what their options are now." 

There is a large number and diversity of testimonies given by young people who have detransitioned. I have selected only a few.

Some are the product of interviews conducted by Annie Pullen et al., in their work exploratory research. Here some young people narrated that they had a clear gender identity at the time of the transition. Others said they now felt they were never trans; while others said they experienced transsexuality; others said they were nonbinary or gender non-conforming when they began transitioning. One who came out as non-binary said he believed his identity was "being transgender." 

The other testimony I bring as an illustration is that of a young woman born a woman who began to identify as a man at the age of 13. After he started taking testosterone, his voice, body hair distribution, and body conformation took on a masculine appearance. When she was confronted with the possibility of doing what they call "top surgery", that is, removing her breasts, she reconsidered and decided to suspend testosterone to revert to her birth sex.

Throughout the interview made by journalist Locwood she expressed that she had understood that changing her body was not the solution; that she had to work to accept herself as she is. That what she felt and interpreted as gender dysphoria was similar to what she felt when she had an eating dysphoria. However, when she first went to the gender clinic, although she reported it, no one gave it importance, and that they only limited themselves to prescribing the hormones.

I want to end the description of this testimony by quoting verbatim his final words in the interview with the journalist Locwood because I believe that they are of a powerful content that should reach many sectors: (I quote) 

"For everyone who has gender dysphoria, whether they're trans or not, I wish there were more options for us because I think there's a system of saying, 'Well, here's your hormones, here's your surgery, go.' I don't think that's helpful to anybody."

Taking into consideration the hypothesis established by Dr. Littman of the existence of "rapid-onset gender dysphoria" where this unusual increase in cases of sexual transition with contagion through social networks and with a set of mental health disorders, we could think that there are a large number of misdiagnoses of gender dysphoria. This possibility is further strengthened by the statements and testimonies given by the trans and detrans youth that I have been presenting. If so, many young people would be led to destroy their bodies without any need.

It is therefore worth delving into this possibility and exploring this problem further; This should be done through well-focused studies of young people's mental health.

I will talk about other aspects that lead to transsexuality in the next section.


Typology of Blanchard's transsexualismy 14:32

In this section I want to briefly refer to one of the causes that lead to transsexuality. I have not purposely referred to it as a "cause of gender dysphoria," because this is not necessarily the case. It is a situation that leads some people to resort to medical sexual transformation that leads to the damage of people's bodies, justified by an ideology that deprives people of proper mental care. This is known as the "Blanchard typology of transsexualism".

Dr. Ray Blanchard is a Professor of Psychiatry at the University of Toronto who specializes in the study of human sexuality, with a particular focus on sexual orientation, paraphilias, and gender identity disorders. Dr. Blanchard's work has been opposed by gender ideologues. I am going to focus on Blanchard's theory as a probable additional cause of transsexuality due to its high scientific content that evidences it as such. I will touch on the controversy only tangentially.

I'm going to address some basics for discussion first. Paraphilias is a mental condition in which the person has an unusual sexual preference. For example, the "transvestite fetish" that characterizes the transvestite or "cross dresser" in English which is a heterosexual man who wears suits, underwear and women's makeup because he finds it sexually arousing. This is different from the "drag queen" who are, in general, homosexuals who wear women's clothes and clothes to emulate extreme forms of femininity.

Well, in Dr. Blanchard's typology, which was established in the 80s and 90s, two groups of people who transition from male to female are classified. By the way, another concept to keep in mind in this exotic vocabulary of gender ideology is that native men who identify as women are called trans women; the opposite, for the opposite case. 

First, there is the group that suffers from what he called "autogynephilia." These men from birth take pleasure in the idea of being a woman and go to the extreme of changing their sex. These, like transvestites, are heterosexual, therefore they are typically sexually attracted to women; although some may be bisexual. The difference with transvestites is that in the latter, their pleasure is only to dress as a woman.

People with this condition do not experience any sense of discomfort from being male until they reach puberty. Most are typical males throughout their childhood. An important characteristic is that many of these people experiment with cross-dressing at an early age. By the time they reach puberty, they are still heterosexual, but they can still cross-dress and begin to be aroused by the idea of becoming a woman. 

According to Blanchard himself, autogynephilia is a paraphilia that, although it has a content of transvestite fetishism, goes beyond it; He believes that it could be better characterized as an orientation that entails sexual behavior that ultimately has a strong impact on his life. Autogynephilia includes the desire to achieve, with clothing, hormones, or surgery, an appearance as the preferred self-image of one's erotic fantasies; in this case, the woman.

Dr. Blanchard explains that autogynephilia can be seen according to several points of view: as a sexual orientation; a transsexual typology, the creation of a motivation for the search for sex reassignment. According to Dr. Anne Lawrence of the Department of Psychology, University of Lethbridge, AB, Canada, this autogynephilia, which, by the way, is a term with Greek roots that means "love of oneself as a woman", is in theory what makes them seek sex reassignment because they love the prospect of having bodies that resemble women's bodies and living in the world as women.

In autogynephilia this desire for sex reassignment occurs gradually and indirectly, through the creation of cross-gender identities that gradually develop after years of partial and complete cross-dressing in private, cross-dressing in public, and choice of a female name. Eventually this is associated with gender dysphoria which reinforces the immediate motivation for the pursuit of sex reassignment. This is why gender dysphoria is "late-onset". Many are already in middle age, after being married and still have children, and others with years of successful careers.

The other subtype in Blanchard's typology is the androphilous; This is made up of people with no history of erotic cross-dressing. This is also known as the homosexual subtype because these people are attracted to people who share their birth sex. Hence the etymology of the name. Let's remember that these are men who transition to women and are attracted to people of their birth sex, and as it is conceptualized in sexology, they are homosexual.

People of this subtype are characterized by their effeminate behavior from a very early age; they play with girls with girls' toys; manifest what is known as "early-onset" gender dysphoria. They tell their parents that they should have been born of the opposite sex and when they reach sexual maturity they are always attracted to men. They transition from men to women before the age of 30.

In the next section, some conclusions


Conclusions and farewell . 23:46

The issue of intersexuality has two components linked to each other: transition and detransition, which are extremely complex. Difficult to address and understand due to the great heterogeneity of causes. 

Knowledge of their causality is of fundamental importance for the prevention and treatment of these. Two of the biggest hypotheses about its causes have been "rapid-onset gender dysphoria" that explains the cause of these dysphoria in young people, especially women, and the "Blanchard typology of transsexualism".

Deepening the study of these could lead to finding the best ways to prevent and alleviate the suffering of people with dysphoria, other than the destruction of their bodies and their lives.

But its study and even its mere mention are systematically and even violently blocked by the stubbornness of gender ideologues who deny the medical-clinical root of this problem and insist on denying the biological bases of sex and handling them as issues of political identity product of postmodernism.

The cancellation around this topic has been so brutal that many scientists and researchers prefer to remain silent, for fear of rejection and cancellation. But biological truth and truth that are the product of scientific evidence and especially the transcendental truth of man made in the image of God as male and female cannot and should not be denied.

As reflected in the segment of the Gospel according to St. John that I read at the beginning of the episode, Christ taught us not to be afraid to tell the truth even if it brings us strong consequences. Especially when in our earthly case, people's health is at stake.


In the episode description you can find all the references on today's topic.

I invite you to purchase my book: THE TWO GREAT SCIENTIFIC FRAUDS OF THE 20TH AND 21ST CENTURIES. Here I describe and analyze in a simple way and with responsible scientific evidence everything related to misrepresentations about the climate. This can be purchased in all branches of the prestigious Panamanian bookstore, EL HOMBRE DE LA MANCHA.

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