Grandes fraudes científicos de los siglos XX y XXI

El trágico caso de Yaelis Galdámez

Dr. Esteban Morales Van Kwartel Season 3 Episode 74

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Este es el episodio No 74 y el decimosexto de la tercera temporada de nuestro podcast  GRANDES FRAUDES CIENTIFICOS. 

La ideología de género es un constructo que surge a partir de una filosofía posmodernista que propugna que cada quien puede crear su propia realidad; solo basta crearla en el pensamiento y traducirla a través de la palabra. Esta ha evolucionado de una manera tal que ha traspasado los límites de la racionalidad con la creación de la ideología trans. Esta esta despedazando la mente y cuerpo de la población especialmente de niños y jóvenes. Este atentado contra la más importante creación de Dios, no puede tener sino un origen diabólico. En este episodio continúo describiendo los componentes de esta ideología y refiero el caso trágico de Yaeli Galdámez, narrado por su madre Abigaíl Martínez.  


Para abordar otros temas relacionados que podrán también ser de mucho interés, los invito a adquirir mi libro: LOS DOS GRANDES FRAUDES CIENTIFICOS DE LOS SIGLOS XX y XXI. Este lo pueden adquirir como libro físico en todas las sucursales de la librería panameña EL HOMBRE DE LA MANCHA. Igualmente, puede ser adquirido como ebook haciendo clic AQUI

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Presentation and Introduction   0:00

Abby Martinez had been feeling sick and about to cry all day. She had lunch with a friend, but she could barely eat.

She didn't know what was wrong, but she suspected the feeling might have to do with her 19-year-old daughter, Yaeli, who identified as a boy.

The next morning, Martinez was driving down a highway after dropping one of his children off at school when his phone rang.

"I got a phone call from the coroner's office," Martinez said, her eyes welling with tears.

The woman then told Martinez that her daughter had taken her own life the night before.

According to the mother, "her daughter got down on her knees on the train tracks, raised her arms and just lay down on the tracks." She was convinced not to see the wreckage, since "they had to pick up pieces of her from the track."

Hello, welcome to episode No 74 and the sixteenth of the third season of our podcast GREAT SCIENTIFIC FRAUDS.

I am your host Dr. Esteban Morales van Kwartel.

Everything presented up to this point about transition and detransition, which arises as a product of "gender ideology", shows us that we are facing an ideology that has been transformed into a diabolical cult that leads people, most of them children and young people, to destroy their bodies.

This ends in disaster because sex cannot be deconstructed and reconstructed as a gender because sex is biological. Created by God, with its range of femininity and masculinity that they call "sexual identity", which is also biological and cannot be changed either.

This trans ideology has taken on pandemic proportions, and its effects on the health of the population, especially children and young people, have been devastating. This has been a cause for concern for all components of society. 

In this episode I reiterate the dangers of this ideology and show a tragic and painful example of its consequences.


Transsexuality as a mental health problem.  02:51

This is an ideology that arose from an idea, from a modern philosophical trend, called postmodernism, which advocates that human thought, influenced by culture and the social environment, can create any reality, simply by articulating it through the word. He advocates that there is no absolute truth that is summarized in the creation of the human being by God together with all the rules of nature.

As a result of this reality of arbitrary human thought, the gender ideology that it seeks to replace first emerged; above all, to "hijack" sex and "deconstruct" it totally and then reconstruct it as "gender", a bizarre concept to which a multicolored spectrum is attributed from which people can choose. A dissociation was created between what one is, what one feels and what attracts oneself.

This is how the "trans" ideology was born, which confers on these people a fictitious freedom to construct their own gender, even if this means a deconstruction and then reconstruction of their own body, to house their new gender. 

The great discrepancy with ideologues, apart from the moral part to which I have referred extensively, is that they see gender as a cultural, social, political construction that has nothing to do with biology. Given this, when the person suffers from what has been called a "gender dysphoria", described as the nonconformity between the sex that was assigned to them at birth, which they consider arbitrary, with which they actually identify. Since the person, according to them, has absolute freedom, he can then adopt the gender he wants to be happy.

The contrary idea to this is that sex is biologically determined and cannot be changed without serious consequences. In addition, apart from the normal feelings of adolescents (growing pains), or the influences of peers that we have explained, there must be other factors that explain this dissatisfaction when it occurs. Doctors and scientists believe that these are factors related to mental health, such as eating dysphoria (anorexia nervosa), and that they should be treated accordingly.

It is in this direction that the numerous investigations that I have presented have been given, which try to provide explanations for this, starting from the fact that this is an extremely complex and often multi-causal problem. 

That's where we have, for example, the emergence of Blanchard's taxonomy, which are associated with certain types of mental problems, and rapid-onset gender dysphoria," which explains the rapid explosion of emerging gender identities among young people, especially young women; Both entities have been mentioned in previous episodes. 

The latter is also associated with a large number of mental disorders linked to the personality of those affected, and traumatic situations of different kinds that, if sought and detected in time, can prevent the destruction of the bodies and lives of many people.

In the next two sections, I refer to the case of Yaeli Galdámez, which could well be an example of "rapid-onset gender dysphoria."


The tragic case of Yaelis Galdamez   7:12

In June 2023, Abigail Martínez, Yaelis Galdámez's mother, testified before the California Senate Judiciary Committee that her 19-year-old daughter was "murdered because of gender ideology."

In her statement, she explained that her daughter was taken from her home by the State of California, accusing her of physically and mentally abusing her daughter because she did not accept her daughter's trans identity. She expressed, and I quote, "I lost my daughter because of a name and pronouns. Even after I promised to call her a male name, it wasn't enough."

She went on to say that her daughter was "not a boy trapped in a girl's body," referring to the trans person's favorite phrase. She stated that her daughter had mental health issues, but instead of giving her mental therapy, she was given testosterone (male hormone) against her consent, quoting her own words, (QUOTE)" The LGBTQ group used her to raise money for them. "Look at the poor rejected trans boy." Their daughter was placed in a foster home, which they call a foster home here. 

According to Abigail, the abuse lawsuit against her was finally dropped, but it was too late. The damage was done: (quote) "By then, my daughter was in horrible mental and physical pain. My daughter knelt in front of a train. She was killed because of gender ideology."

She ended her statement by saying: (I quote) "I beg you, stop insisting on gender ideology. I don't want any parent to feel what I feel every day. Affirmation therapy is not good for any child's health, safety, and well-being."

After consulting various sources that I leave in the references, I explain some important details about the Yaeli case.

In statements given to journalist Alyssa Guzmán, of the Daily, and information gathered from a presentation by Abigail Martínez at the Heritage Foundation, Yaeli was born in California in April 2000. At the age of 6 they moved to El Salvador where their mother is from and where they stayed for 5 years. In 2011 they returned to California. According to her mother, she could not reconcile with the girl's father who, for him, was "daddy's girl". 

Yaeli began to develop symptoms of depression in seventh and eighth grade. She had been being bullied by her classmates telling her that she was ugly; which her mother tried to mitigate, working on her self-esteem. There came a time when he tried to commit suicide with an overdose of pills. His mother was desperate to get him the help he needed.

According to a report by journalist Madeleine Kearns published in the "Spectator", Yaeli began to see the psychologist regularly at her local high school. But what the mother didn't know was that her management for depression was actually an affirming treatment for her masculine identity. This process took place over two years in which Yaeli was affirmed in a male identity as Andy (sometimes Andrew). .

The journalist also describes that, despite the fact that a diagnosis of depression appeared in the school records, not so in the report of the Department of Children and Family Services. Here the girl was described as healthy, with no medical problems. The school psychologist was aware of all this, and in addition, he attributed Yaeli's problems to her mother, who because she was very religious, did not accept her as transgender and that she should be in an environment where she is accepted.

The mother said, in another interview, that she met with the school principal and the counselor to deal with the situation; But things got worse because everyone felt that she would be better off if she wasn't in the house. It was when they took custody of her 16-year-old girl.

Another thing Abigail didn't know was that her daughter had joined an LGBTQ club at school that claimed her questioning of her own gender. Her counselor at school also affirmed her decision to begin the social transition from female to male. She did everything she could to get her daughter back. He went every month without fail to the Court as he had been ordered. 

It is important to know the process that was used to take custody of a minor girl from her mother. I talk about this in the next section.


The State complicit in the death of Yaelis 13:41

According to Abigail's statement to the Daily Signal, when Yaeli entered high school, she befriended another young woman who identified as a boy and suggested to Yaeli that the reason for her depression could be that she was actually male. During this period of friendship, not only with the friend but with her mother, who was a supporter of trans ideology, Yaeli apparently had another suicide attempt. She was rescued from a highway overpass by police. 

In her statement, Yaeli claimed that she was distraught after an argument with her mother over her male haircut, and made allegations of physical and emotional abuse against her, which her three siblings strongly denied. At that time, this was the way that these people used to get them removed from their homes and placed in the custody of the Department of Children and Families. Abigail stated that she had strong suspicions that her daughter was advised by her friend and her mother to do this, which had its desired effect as Abigail was accused of physical and emotional abuse, so she was taken to a group home.

While there, she was allowed to visit her daughter for an hour a week. After six months, she got two hours. The argument used for this action was that by keeping Yaeli out of her house, she was more likely not to commit suicide.

This situation occurred for the next three years, in which the strategy used did not work because Yaeli continued to fight against her depression, which was accentuated as she went through the stages of transition, first social and then hormone administration.

Journalist Abigail Kearns pointed out very important things in her report. Some of these were the following:

She reports that while Yaeli was in the group home, Abigail was only allowed brief, supervised visits and that the social worker demanded that she not talk about God, on pain of never seeing her again. Yaeli was not only deprived of her mother and her loving family, but worse, she was deprived of God, who is the source of a full life.

The journalist also referred to the report given by DCFS Director Philip L. Browning, who, among other things, said that he was confident that the situation would improve after Yaeli had the gender transition. She also said that she had been scheduled for an appointment with the Transgender program of the Children's Hospital.

But even with the complicity of this health institution that never saw her mental problem, the situation of depression worsened, as Abigail reported in numerous interviews.

In statements to journalist Kearns, Abigail and one of Yaeli's sisters, indicated that once the State had custody of Yaeli, and freed, therefore, from all opposition from her mother, they began to administer testosterone (remember that they are male hormones), until she was 19 years old. During this entire period he suffered from excruciating pain in his muscles and joints.

After going through this entire process, Yaeli took her own life about six months before her twentieth birthday. That's when his mother Abigail Martinez got that phone call from the coroner's office. In a statement to the Washington Examiner, Abigail said she begged to see her daughter one last time, even if it was just a hand or a foot. But at the funeral home they told her there was nothing she could really see or recognize.


Conclusions and farewell . 18:43

This problem goes far beyond Yaeli's sad story and even beyond the tragedy suffered by countless young people in our world caused by "trans ideology".

It also has to do with the tyranny increasingly exercised by progressive groups and governments in many countries, including the Democratic Party government in the United States. A tyranny that is spreading throughout the world, which aims, among other things, to take control of the destiny of our children and the population in general.

At the time of the Yaeli case, tricks were used to take custody of minors from their parents; but already in California, last year, a law was passed that allows the state to directly take custody of children of any age whose parents refuse to allow their children to transition.

I firmly believe that the devil himself acts directly in the midst of these governments and these legislators, conspiring to steal these precious souls like Yaelis and many more.

In the face of the multiple complaints that were made about this case, the response was this new law in California. The other answer was more expensive bureaucracy. An office was created with a budget of $2.4 billion, instead of, as Abigail said, helping parents deal with their children's mental health problems.

I want to end by quoting part of the statements given by Abigail Martinez, a few months ago, to journalist Virginia Allen of the Daily Signal:


"I don't want any parent to go through this because this pain never goes away. ... You breathe and you can feel the pain..." I want you to explore what's going on. Why do [children] act the way they are? Why [are] you feeling... the way they feel? I want you... be mindful of mindfulness."

Last week, Wednesday, September 4, marked five years since the death of a young woman who as a child, as her mother declared, liked to dress as a little princess. I pray that all of you who are listening will pray that God will give strength to this and all the families who suffer from this and all those who fight against this diabolical ideology.