EBA Energy Exchange

Season 1, Episode 6: Former FERC Commissioners Cheryl LaFleur and Marc Spitzer

EBA Season 1 Episode 6

Cheryl A. LaFleur is a Distinguished Visiting Fellow at the Center on Global Energy Policy.  She a nationally-recognized energy leader and a member of the Board of Directors of the Independent System Operator of New England (ISO-NE).  LaFleur was one of the longest-serving commissioners on the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC). nominated by President Obama. LaFleur served as Chairman and as Acting Chairman of FERC.

Marc L. Spitzer is a former member of the Arizona State Senate and former Commissioner of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC).  Spitzer is a partner at Steptoe & Johnson LLP, where he represents utilities and energy companies before FERC and state utility commissions. 

In this episode, Marc and Cheryl talk about shaping energy policy and how important communication, compromise and leadership are in government, especially at a time like now where the country emerges from the pandemic and renews its focus on climate change and the economy.  Cheryl and Marc hail from different backgrounds, philosophical leanings, and political parties, but over the years and at FERC, they have managed to find common ground on a number of important issues.  They have genuine respect for each other and both enjoy the power and beauty of truly engaging with people who disagree with you.  Not only do we go deep on electricity markets, climate change, environmental justice, and politics, but Commissioners LaFleur and Spitzer share personal stories and anecdotes, from navigating social norms at Princeton to writing a spy novel to perceived setbacks that end up opening new horizons.