Mom on Purpose

Should You Love Your Body or Lose the Weight?

April 03, 2024 Lara Johnson
Should You Love Your Body or Lose the Weight?
Mom on Purpose
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Mom on Purpose
Should You Love Your Body or Lose the Weight?
Apr 03, 2024
Lara Johnson

Have you ever felt this weird internal turmoil when you absolutely know that you have to take care of your body as you're aging then suddenly you feel guilty that you're not loving your body as much and you're not body positive?

In this episode, we're finally going find out if you should love your body or lose the weight. Together with Laura Conley we're going to have an intimate conversation on embracing body positivity and taking of your body at the same time after motherhood.

Join us for this transformative episode that promises not just to inform but to reshape your perspective on body image, self-love, and the pursuit of a fulfilling life.

What you'll learn in this episode:  

  • The complex emotions new mothers face regarding body image and the struggle to balance self-love with the desire to lose postpartum weight
  • How setting a positive example for children, especially daughters, can motivate you to overcome body image issues and diet culture
  • How coaching can help uncover personal purpose beyond weight loss, leading to a more fulfilled life and the potential to inspire and support others
  • Becoming your own best friend to foster unconditional self-acceptance
  • Practical strategies for transforming self-critique into self-empowerment by reframing failures and treating oneself with compassion

Laura's Bio:

Laura specializes in guiding moms to lasting weight loss and self-acceptance. Her approach focuses on empowering her clients to balance their hunger hormones, rewire their brains, handle challenging emotions, take daily accountability, and become their own besties.

Through this work, Laura's clients are able to create positive legacies they want to create and the diet culture they want obliterate.

Featured on the Show: 

Click HERE to watch this video to learn The 3 Things to Avoid When Reading Self-Help Books

How to Connect with Lara:




Work with Lara:

Show Notes Transcript

Have you ever felt this weird internal turmoil when you absolutely know that you have to take care of your body as you're aging then suddenly you feel guilty that you're not loving your body as much and you're not body positive?

In this episode, we're finally going find out if you should love your body or lose the weight. Together with Laura Conley we're going to have an intimate conversation on embracing body positivity and taking of your body at the same time after motherhood.

Join us for this transformative episode that promises not just to inform but to reshape your perspective on body image, self-love, and the pursuit of a fulfilling life.

What you'll learn in this episode:  

  • The complex emotions new mothers face regarding body image and the struggle to balance self-love with the desire to lose postpartum weight
  • How setting a positive example for children, especially daughters, can motivate you to overcome body image issues and diet culture
  • How coaching can help uncover personal purpose beyond weight loss, leading to a more fulfilled life and the potential to inspire and support others
  • Becoming your own best friend to foster unconditional self-acceptance
  • Practical strategies for transforming self-critique into self-empowerment by reframing failures and treating oneself with compassion

Laura's Bio:

Laura specializes in guiding moms to lasting weight loss and self-acceptance. Her approach focuses on empowering her clients to balance their hunger hormones, rewire their brains, handle challenging emotions, take daily accountability, and become their own besties.

Through this work, Laura's clients are able to create positive legacies they want to create and the diet culture they want obliterate.

Featured on the Show: 

Click HERE to watch this video to learn The 3 Things to Avoid When Reading Self-Help Books

How to Connect with Lara:




Work with Lara:

Welcome to the Mom On Purpose podcast. I'm Lara Johnson, and I'm here to teach you how to get out of your funk, be in a better mood, play more with your kids, manage your home better, get your to do list done and live your life on purpose. With my proven method, this is possible for you, and I'll show you how.

You're not alone anymore. We're in this together.


Hello, welcome to the Mom On Purpose podcast. This is a very, very special episode with the brilliant Laura, and I'm not just talking about myself, I'm talking about Laura Conley and I'm going to have her introduce herself in just a second. But what you need to know about Laura Conley is that she has the most beautiful smile and it's contagious. Just know that I'm sitting here looking at her with this beautiful, beautiful grin, and that's one thing. Every time I talk with her, you just automatically feel more uplifted in your day because she has such a wonderful spirit about her. 

So, what we're talking about today is if you should love your body or lose the weight, and as I was talking with Laura right before, you know, we got on and started recording this, I find that so many of you have some kind of narrative in your mind that you can't reach your goals because you haven't reached your ideal weight. 

But then there's like this weird, like internal turmoil that we feel that if we start to lose or focus on our weight, then we are counteracting, like the diet culture healing that we've been trying to do, and then we can start fighting with ourselves on like, no, we do actually want to lose the weight because we've had babies and we're aging and we want to take care of our bodies as we're aging and we're aging and we want to take care of our bodies as we're aging, but then you feel guilty that you're not loving your body as much and you're not body positive, especially if you have daughters and you're very, very careful around that. So that's what we're talking about today. So, I'm going to have Laura introduce herself and then we are going to dive into this conversation because I think it's such an important one. So welcome, Laura. 


Thank you, Laura. This is so fun. I'm so excited to be here. You gave me the best intro. I can't top that, but I'll try. So, my name is Laura Conley. 

I live outside of Boulder, Colorado. I have a six-year-old daughter and a four-year-old son and a 41-year-old husband and got into this work right after I had my daughter because I had struggled with diet drama and yo-yo dieting. I was always gaining or losing. I was always trying to have contests with my friends and green juice cleanses, and you name it, I was doing it. And green juice cleanses, and you name it, I was doing it. And it wasn't until I was six weeks postpartum with my daughter Luna. 

I had just gotten out of a rare shower at the time, and I caught myself berating myself for not being like back in my pre-baby jeans, which was just atrocious, like it's embarrassing to even admit. But it was my wake-up call and in that moment, I was like it was kind of like an out-of-body experience. I was like, oh, if I don't stop this now, she's going to inherit this. Like, even if I know all the right things to do and say she's going to inherit it because I really believe our children like have you ever heard the saying? I'm sure you have as a mom? Like our children's inner voices are the way that we speak to them. But I also think it goes a step deeper. It's like the way that our inner voices are the way that we talk to ourselves becomes the way that our kids speak to themselves, so we don't even have to say anything to screw them up when it comes to body love and body positivity and relationship with food and dieting. It could be, you know the way, that I look at myself in the mirror and then she sees that she can see a little disgust and she inherits that. Or she overhears me complaining to my husband getting dressed for an event, or whatever. She sees me trying on eight different outfits, or she notices that I am going to the gym two times a day, or whatever. 

I knew that I was going to pass it down to her at that moment. So, it was like I have to solve this, like it was the thing that I had accepted defeat around. I was like this is just going to be my thing. You know what? Whatever, I'm always going to struggle with it. I'm always going to be either gaining or losing or whatever and always complaining and always trying the next new thing. But when I hit her, I was like no, over my dead body, am I going to pass this down? Like I'm either die or solve this. And so, I still actually kind of can't believe that I solved it. 

Like, while I think it's a practice, I do feel like I heal my relationship with my body and with food and do feel like I heal my relationship with my body and with food and like, am I going to do it perfectly? Am I going to raise her to like have zero issue with body and food? Probably not, because we still live in a culture that is super focused on all of that. But it is that she is my kind of muse. It is that she is my kind of muse, and I had the same sort of calling or out of body. Like I have to do this. 

Once I solved it for myself. I have to help the other moms, because it's sort of like I had this, had this image one time of all the moms in the pool, and then I saw like all these moms on the chaise lounges at the pools and it was like as if they were handcuffed to the chaise lounges, like they're not in the pool with their kids because they can't right, they can't muster up, like they don't want to take off the cover up or whatever. And I was like God, we have to free the moms. Like we have to free the moms from the like chaise lounges or whatever, like it's just metaphor, right, but I just I'm on this like maniacal mission to free the moms, you know, one at a time. 

And to get into your question about like, do we love our bodies or lose the weight? I mean, I struggled with this question for so long and I don't think it's black and white, I don't think it's and or so. I lived in Los Angeles for 15 years and was a yoga teacher and a coach at the time, and so in la they're well, I think, everywhere in la it's like the yoga teacher image was kind of like this stick, thin, wavy yoga teacher, and this is before I had kids, and. But I'm also supposed to be this wavy, thin yoga teacher, but I'm also supposed to be very evolved and like love myself as a yoga teacher, right. 

There's a lot, yeah, so I was like okay, so I'm supposed to be a wave, but I'm supposed to love myself, but I but I was like okay, so I'm supposed to be awake, but I'm supposed to love myself, but I but I'm like, so I felt so much shame for not loving my body, even though which I think, is okay. So, this is how I like to articulate it. It’s like we think that if we admit to ourselves that we want to lose weight, that that means we don't love ourselves. 


Yes ourselves. 


Yes, and I wouldn't admit it to myself. I kept trying to talk myself into loving my body, but it was fake. The other ironic thing is that I didn't weigh what I wanted to weigh. The extra weight on my body was from me not loving myself, was from me eating my feelings, was from me doing things that weren't rooted in love. And so, when I finally admitted to myself, hey, Laura, you do actually want to lose weight, it was like I was listening to a desire within that was coming from love, because when I actually listened to it, I went on this healing journey. That was like the it's the most loving thing I've ever done. Right, and I always tell my clients I'm like I'm so glad there isn't a magic pill. I mean, there kind of is a magic pill. 

There kind of is a magic pill. 

But I mean, if you get into like Ozempic and semaglutide and all that, I don't have like big judgments or opinions. I just think if you're going to do it, you have to pair it with what I teach, which is like the mindset, work and the emotion and all that. So, so if you have that deep desire and you're ignoring it, that is you not loving you maybe, but for me it was me not loving it because I kept trying to squash it down and when I listened to myself and I was like, hey, you do want to lose this extra weight because you don't feel like yourself when you have this extra weight. You don't feel like your best self. You don't want to. 

I mean, now, if I had that extra weight, I wouldn't want to dance with my kids, I wouldn't want to get into the pool with my kids because they felt heavy. 

I felt kind of gross. But it wasn't because I was fueling my body, it was because I was eating my emotions and I was, like you know, doing all these little things like just eating at night basically is what I was doing, and it wasn't a big. It was never a big overeat for me. I never like identified as a binger or an overeater. It was just like, you know, half a bar of dark chocolate and then a couple of bites of ice cream and then some little bit of peanut butter with honey or whatever I came up with. And so, when I finally listened to that, it led me down the most healing, loving journey that I've been on. And again, that's why I say to my patients, my I'm like getting into them. But when I say to my clients, like I don't want to give you a magic pill, because this is the most loving thing that you can do for yourself If you do it in the way that you know, you and I teach, I think so. 


One I love. We have to free the moms, because I can tell you like I am a very curvaceous person. I have always been that way. I grew up wearing shorts with my swimsuit, from the time that I was a very young kid I mean, I was probably eight years old by the time I started, like, wearing shorts and I can still to this day, remember the first time I got into the water without shorts on and I was only with women. 

Like there were, like we were, we were at a hotel or something, we were hot tubbing and I got. I like I took all of it off. And it was not all of it, we weren't skipping, jumping together, but like I took my covers off and I was the first one to do it. And what was so interesting is, as soon as I did it, every single woman did it, every single one. It was like this beautiful acceptance even though we all loved each other and there was no judgment at all, even though we all loved each other and there was no judgment at all, we were so accustomed to covering ourselves when we got water, and I just will always go back to that. So, I love that you said that. Like we have to free the moms, because that for me was such a really, really hard thing because I, my body looked very different than a lot of people I grew up with, so that was really hard for me. 


Yeah. I bet it was. I mean it kind of breaks my heart because I know everyone listening right now has 10 stories like that. Like it's seared in our minds because our culture puts so much pressure and put so much priority, and like it's like the Barbie monologue, right, it's like you know you have to be thin, but you can't want to be thin you know you have to be thin, but you can't want to be thin. 


Yes, I'll share briefly my story and then we'll kind of dive into, you know, some questions about it. So I recognized that after each one of my kids I was always trying to lose the weight and it was I had like, and it was always in like a healthy way. But I started to look back and realized that it didn't matter what size I was. I hated my body. It didn't matter how much weight I had lost. I always it was never enough, it was never good enough and I never really got back down to like my pre weight in my twenties. But it was always this like judgment that I still had the extra you know. So ever, however many pounds. And then I got pregnant with the next kid. 

My daughter would be considered overweight. She has a lot of neurodivergencies. She eats healthier than her brothers, hands down, and probably 85% of the kids that I know she is healthier than. But her body carries it very, very differently. And as I, as I step back and I look at how hard I was like putting pressure on myself, you know, going back to what you're saying, like the inner monologue she was. I know she was picking up on from not only me, from extended family, from neighbors, from, you know, family, friends, all of it. 

And what I finally realized was I had to take a break for me from trying to lose the weight so I could actually heal. Now I'm like to the point where you know I'm, however, many years down this road and I'm like I can't wait to lose weight now because this is the most loving next step for me, because I did take time to just heal and I am. It was a very. I didn't ever think that would be my process, but that's where you know. Going back to our very beginning topic, like, should you lose the weight, should you love your body? I love that. You said it's not one or the other, it's very much both and I think I think for every single one of us it's really that deep down desire, and that deep down desire for me at that time was to actually love my body in all of its beautiful curves and postpartumness. 


So, tell me and you can't. You can't lose the weight permanently unless you do it from love. And so, I always say to my clients like you want to lose weight, great, come on in. And they're like, okay, but how are we going to do it? And I tell them how, and one of the steps is through self-love. I call it becoming your own bestie. 

And they all cringe like nobody wants to learn to love themselves, like really unconditionally love themselves. They're like I just want to lose the weight and I'm like okay, but like we have to do this part. It's critical, otherwise it won't be permanent because you'll just end up gaining it back. And that's diet culture. When we're not losing weight from a place of love, we're doing it from a place of punishment and having to earn our worth by losing the weight. And so, I think again, it's not black and white, it's not and or. 

But if you are going to choose to lose the weight, you, you do have to, you really have to, you really have to love yourself. Like so in the Yummy Mummy, we teach self-love, but also body love and also the way my body looks love. So, it's like three different prongs to the overall love and it just it doesn't work unless we do it from this overarching, you know self-love piece. So, I will say that. But yeah, you, you can also just love your body and not want to lose weight, and that's also okay. I'm just here to be like whatever you want is totally great. Just decide and be honest with yourself about what it what it is, because I was trying to lie, lie to myself for so long and that just didn't work. 


And I love what you said on like, deep down, you actually know what you want. Yeah, that's the biggest thing right there, you know, as I come up with clients is, deep down, they, a lot of them, want to lose weight, but they're afraid to admit it, like you mentioned, because then they think they're betraying the body love mindset. So, here's a question for you, because I think we talk a lot about self-love. What does that actually look like and how can someone actually do that? 


Cause I think it's oh, it's so hard and it's the term just gets thrown, thrown around and it's like, well, what is first of all? What is it? And like, how do I practice that? And so, I just define self-love as like the way that you talk to yourself in your brain so you can put it through a filter, like would you say that to your best friend? I'm like the best friend you really love, not that best friend you've had since you were five that you have a love-hate relationship with. No, I'm just kidding. 


No frenemies here. We're not frenemies in our brain. 


Yeah, exactly, no frenemies. So put it through that filter. Would I say that? Would I say that? Would I say that, would I say that to her? And then can you gently shift it and change it and just catch yourself. And then don't beat yourself up when you catch yourself speaking non-lovingly to yourself either. Just be like, oh good, I'm so glad I caught that. Now I can shift it. 

Because when you start with your thoughts, then I mean you teach the model. So, when you thought, when you start with your thoughts, then the actions and the way you actually treat yourself will start to follow, slowly but surely. You can start with the actions too. Right, like what's well? You could make a list Like what's loving, what's not loving. Like I know a lot of women in our culture are people pleasers. Right, they will abandon themselves to do something for someone else. And I'm always like you have to be willing to disappoint other people in order to appoint your future self. Like if you want to be who you say you want to be, whether that's with your weight or writing your book or whatever. Like you're going to have to be willing to disappoint other people. So, you could make a list, like if you wanted to work on the A-line. We were talking about that before we hit record. You have kind of the strategy for your thoughts. It's like put it through the filter. But if you want a strategy for your actions, you can literally just make a list like what is loving, what is not loving and that goes back to my point about the extra weight that I had on my body when I decided to lose weight for the last time was put on, was put on my body by me feeding myself foods that didn't serve me, that weren't healthy for me. That was me mainly eating my emotions, and so, yeah, so you could like make a list what's loving, what's not loving. You could look at your day and look back on your day. What did I do today that was loving for myself, what? And there's always something that you can find and I really, I highly recommend that you make yourself find one thing that you've done that is in the name of love for yourself, because there's always one thing and then, when you can build on it, it's easier and then you can find the things that weren't so loving. Oh yeah, like I did say yes to the bake sale, and I really genuinely don't want to do that. And so, you can just again, don't beat yourself up Just say, oh my God, that's so good. I know that now. So, I do think to your point. 

Like self-love can be really elusive, and like what even is that? Especially because we have so many examples of other women not loving themselves in our culture. Like diet culture, right, I'll get clients like at the very beginning of my program and they'll like eat something that they didn't really want to eat, like a cupcake, and they'll like want me to like punish them or yell at them. They're like I just need a good beating and I'm like well, yeah, we're not sorry. They're so disappointed that I won't like that. I won't like wag my finger at them. 

No, actually, the first like, no, actually the first step here is like to love yourself. Because when we make a promise to ourselves or a commitment to ourselves, like losing weight, a lot of my clients will come in and we all make our own plans. Everybody gets their own plans that they design. I help them, but inevitably my client will not eat on her plan and then she will either want to beat the crap out of herself or throw her head in the sand, and that's what we're taught. With any commitment Like I'm working on not yelling at my kids, so I yell at my kids. I either want to just totally ignore myself, put my head in the sand, or I want to then berate myself for doing it. 

And no, there's a third option, which is the loving option. I call it look back with love. And looking back like hey, I love you so much. Like what happened there, like it's like our kids, right, my son is very physical, and he will like whack the crap out of my daughter and I'll have to go over there. If I'm being the parent I want to be and I'll have to go over there and I'll be like Phoenix. What is going on? Like something is up. I love you so much. Like it seems like you're really frustrated. She took your toy. Like it's totally okay to be frustrated. It's not okay to hit. 

And that's how I, when I'm being the person that I want to be, when I'm being loving to myself, that's how I talk to myself too, like, oh, Laura, like you said, you weren't going to eat the cupcake when you were feeling stressed. And you ate the cupcake. That's okay, of course, you ate the cupcake. That's what you've been taught to do. What was going on there? What did you really need there? Like, what were you really looking for? And then I saw for that, oh, I was really looking for some stress relief. Next time I can go in my room and scream or call my husband and I'm a huge verbal processor, like so that always helps me to just like talk it out. Oh, next time you can talk it out, oh, next time you can literally go outside. Fresh air always helps me. So, like little, tiny things. 

So, I think that's another act of loving yourself is like being willing to look at your mistakes and not make them mean anything about who you are as a person. Not making them mean anything that has to do with your value as a person or your worth in the world. It's just a mistake. As you know, we were just talking about skiing. It's like you had a skiing accident. Did it? Did it? Did you make it mean anything about your value? 


I might have for a moment but right. 


But like you're not in this shame spiral for an entire year, like I'll get, clients are like, oh, you know what? I just ate a whole entire carton of ice cream January 1st, 2024, 2025. I'll start then, right, and they'll just beat themselves up for the entire year and use food to soothe through the entire year. It's like I'm learning to, I'm trying to learn to do moguls, and I will fall down, and I'll eat it on the slopes and I just yeah, there's a little frustration, for sure, but I just like get back up, try again. Oh, I noticed, I like went on that part when I should have gone on that part. Same thing is how you should approach any mistake you make, whether it's you're writing your book or you're trying to lose weight or what you're trying to stop yelling at your kid. Use it as like fodder, like there's something to learn there, like don't miss out on that. 


So yeah, I, you know, talking about the skiing. It was really interesting. I could not figure out because I was learning how to ski. It was literally in my second lesson, and I couldn't figure out just like how to keep my body straight and move my knees, it's like. Well, like every time, my head and my whole body was like turning. So finally, I asked my instructor I'm like will you please take a video of me coming down, because I'm not seeing what I'm missing here? So, I love that you were talking about that on. Like you got to see what you're missing, like what is the thing that you actually need? What were you really looking for when you did the thing? 

You know, whatever that mistake was, and I think that's where you know I got to this point where I've reached a lot of goals in my life and now it's to the point where I'm like I have evidence that I reached goals. I do, I have evidence that I reach goals. Now, the most next loving step is to reach the goal in losing the weight that I want to lose. And it was just kind of like this aha, and like now I get to take all these other lessons and apply it to this area and it's actually fun, it can be enjoyable, and I like blew my mind. I'm like, well, what? And that's not to say like I'm perfect by any means, but that is to say like it's a very, very different experience now than it would have been five years ago had I started, you know, really, really pushing. 

At that point I think everything that you shared was so, so important is to like really look at those mistakes. But in overall, like the purpose of this podcast is for women to get out of their funks and like answer what that purpose is. And you learn so much about yourself If you decide to lose weight or if you decide to just focus on loving your body. Yeah, you look, you learn so much and then you apply that lesson to answering your purpose. 


Yeah, well, I know so good, Like so many of us. Well, you said like a million good things. First of all, the skiing analogy is so good for coaching. It's like why do you need a coach? Because you can't see what you can't see. Like that is the. You should use that. 


It's so good, I love it. This could be our next week's podcast. 


But your purpose, right, it's so many of my women. This could be our next week's podcast, but your purpose, right, it's so many of my women. Okay. So, and that is why the kind of underlying mission of the Yummy Mummy is free the moms, because, yes, I want them to lose the weight, but what I really want them to do is write the book or start that charity or get into the C-suite or just be present with their kids, whatever it is that they want. That's what I want. 

And the weight, the weight the physical, mental, emotional weight is in the way I used to do. Prior to this. I niched down, like six years ago when I had my daughter, but prior to that I did golden handcuff coaching, which is like purpose coaching, right? So, if you're not familiar with the golden handcuffs, it's like when you have a job that's very cushy, but you don't feel fulfilled. So, I would help people, same as you, find their purpose and take the golden handcuffs off and go get it. But I found so many women, to your point, can't see their purpose because they're so all consumed, right? And those are the testimonials that I love, the ones that come back and they're like I raised XYZ for this charity. I, you know, whatever I wrote the book, or I did the thing I always wanted to do, and for me, whether your goal is to love your body, or love yourself, or lose weight or both those, both of those can feel like Mount Everest. They can feel really, really hard. Like I said before, like I had accepted defeat, I was like there's no way I'm going to do it until I did it because I had to for my daughter. 

But I will tell you, I had this freak out moment where I lost the weight and I knew it was permanent, I knew I had healed it. Yes, it's a practice, like a marriage is a practice, right, because it's a relationship. It's like you got to brush your teeth every day, got to brush your teeth every day, got to brush your brain every day so you can have the health that you want, right. And so, I had this moment, and I was like, oh my God, if I can lose weight for the last time, I like I could do anything. What's kind of scary, right, like I had this yoga student once. 

She used to do like those 100-mile races, like those ultra marathons, and it was like that. I went up to her one day and I was like if you can run a hundred miles, you could do anything. Isn't that kind of like a mind that you know what? And she sort of just laughed it off. But that's what I feel like. It's like you prove to yourself that if you can do the one thing, the one thing you thought you couldn't do, that you feel like you quote unquote failed at so many times, then you know you can do everything. And again, those are the testimonials I like. It's like, yeah, I lost the weight, but the best thing I got was this knowing that I can do anything because I had the formula. 


Now, so it's just I remember having a woman this was probably like at the beginning of my coaching, so my sister, who's a nutritionist and personal trainer, and I would do like the mindset coaching and so she and I like teamed up together. We had so much fun. It was amazing. But I remember we had a consult at the very beginning. It was a woman who, I mean, she was probably in her late fifties, early sixties and she was just so frustrated that she just couldn't lose the weight. She couldn't lose the weight and I said, what, what would you think about if you had lost the weight? She's like what I was like. Well, like what, what would your mind do? Like if you weren't consumed about losing weight and you could do anything you want, and your mind was free? Like what would you think about? She's like I have no idea, yes, honestly, like it had been so all consuming. 

That for me, was like one of the biggest aha moments on like whoa. I have like the strongest belief that when women wake up to their calling, the entire world shifts. Like it is like what fuels me. That is my purpose, that is my mission is to like help women wake up, because I truly do believe that's how I, we make the world a better place. And if we're so consumed by the thoughts of losing weight and like what our body looks like, and we're not waking up to our purpose, we're not being able to do the work we're called to do. So, like that to me was like such an aha moment. 


Yeah, yeah, yeah, it's exactly right, it's. It's why I feel like this coaching is actually so similar to some of the golden handcuffs coaching you can't, you can't see your purpose when you're so all consumed. I just had a mom who was relaying a story to me, and I shared it on my podcast, so I know I have her permission because I asked. But her daughter was like mom, you're so much more talkative, you're so much nicer, you're, you're so much more like. You just talk more. And my client her name is Laura too. She was like what do you think that's about? And her daughter's like I don't know. And she's like well, when do you think it started? 

and she's like, uh, maybe like six months ago you know around like Thanksgiving and Laura was like do you think it was when I started the Yummy Mummy? She's like yeah, I think so. And Laura was like it was weird that she used to be talkative. She's like but I'm more engaged because I'm not constantly in my head like calculating calories or like beating myself up because I just overate and how am I going to get a second workout in to like work it out? You know, she's like I'm just present now, which I mean it's also kind of, I think, part of the part of our purpose actually. 


It totally is. Yeah, it is. That's like I got chills as you're talking about that, like it's so cool, because, like we have so much to offer and I think you know, going back to like the title of it, should you love your body, should you lose the weight? It doesn't matter. The biggest thing is that, like, you are living your purpose and that is just like a vehicle for you to live. Beyond that, you're just learning different tools, you're learning your mind in the process and once you know that, like the whole world opens up to you and you can learn it in so many different ways. 


I think to that point too. It's like I always have my clients and I'm sure you do something similar figure out why, like, why do they want to lose weight? Like, what is their compelling reason? We call it ravenous reasons, but like why, you know, and my main reason day after day is like I just want to feel good in my body. 

When I don't feel good in my body, I can't hear my intuition, I can't hear my gut, and those are the, those are the tools that your body gives you to lead you towards your purpose. Right? It's not. It's not just neck up, like if you bring your body back online and you feel good in your body and you're in a relationship with your body and you love it and you trust it, you can hear your purpose loud and clear and know those next steps. And so that's why that's always like some of my clients will be like I just want to look good in a bathing suit. I'm like fine, whatever, I don't care what your reasons are, but more and more as you journey on, it's like I just want to feel really like light and alive and zesty in my body, because if I don't, I can't live out my purpose. 


Yes, oh, I love that. I zesty bodies. That's what we're going for. 


Yes, oh, I love that. I zesty bodies. 


That's what we're going for Changing the name of the podcast is zesty bodies. I love it. I love it. Okay, well, tell everybody how they can find you. Give us your information so everybody listening to this can also hear your podcast. No more Yummy Mummy. 


So, I run the Yummy Mummy experience. It's a six-month group coaching and course it guarantees you lose weight. For the last time there's a community component involved, which is everybody's favorite. Not at the beginning. Everyone's like freaked out, but then everybody loves it. Everyone it's kind of like, kind of becomes like a sisterhood. So, we do it through hunger, hormone balance, mindset, emotional work, all that fun stuff. We do it through, like I said, becoming your own bestie and daily accountability. So, you can go to Laura Conley L-A-U-R-A-C-O-N-L-E-Y, and you can get more information or sign up for our next cohort there. You can go to Laura Conley coaching on Instagram so that's just my handle at Laura Conley coaching and you can go to Laura Conley coaching on Instagram so that's just my handle at Laura Conley coaching and you can listen to the Yummy Mummy podcast with Laura Conley. So that's pretty much. 


And we'll make a link at the bottom. So, the show hey perfect. 


I will give you guys a link, if you want it, Laura, so that they can get the perfect weight loss plan PDF. It's usually $37, but if you want to give them the link, I'll give it to you, your listeners, for free. 


Yeah, okay, I hope everybody heard that you get something for free, this amazing pdf that is going to be. It's really like an eBook. 


It's really like a whole eBook. It's how to create your perfect weight loss plan and you can email me if you have questions or whatever. But we'll give it to you guys for free and it's just kind of a no pun intended little taste of the Yummy Mummy inside. 


So yeah, so we can all have the zesty bodies. 


Yes, I love that. 


I love, I just love you. All right, well thank you so much for being here. It's been amazing and we thanks everybody for listening and we'll see you next week. 

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