I'm Not Taco's

Kristie Stark Interview Melissa Marshall and Toni Stark

Kristie Stark Season 1 Episode 4

Kristie Stark Interview Melissa Marshall and Toni Stark. Toni (7 yr old) is just learning about the bible and Melissa wants to know what she has already learned with a series of questions, which ended with laughter. Kristie tells Melissa how her almost - two year old son Bodhi, will not give up his bottle, even if there is no milk in it. Melissa, who has multiple sclerosis, is trying out golfing again for the first time since her diagnosis. Melissa reminds Kristie of the time they were out to dinner with girlfriends in Los Angeles and ended up in Los Angeles Fire Station where Jamie Walters was a fireman. 

I'm Not Taco's Podcast is sponsored by: www.StarkStandard.com


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