Expanding Your Divine Light!

Next-level Discipline For This "Boots on the Ground" Mission

Season 4 Episode 3

It is a common belief that spirituality requires us to have our "head in the clouds."

The astral plane, knowledge of past lives, exotic meditational experiences ... while all of these things are of a spiritual nature, not one of these things are relevant to what is being asked of us right now ... 

to do the work that is necessary to walk this planet as our divine human self.

Many years ago, a quote came in front of me - "Discipline in my daily life is required to escape fine." (B. Burchard)

I know now that discipline in my daily life is a requirement to live the life that is my own unique version of Precisely Eden on Earth.

What do your daily habits look like on a scale of none to high-level discipline? Have you considered the possibility that there is another level of discipline that is available for you to choose right now?

Explore your own level of discipline in every facet of your life while you listen in to receive the codes, activations, and upgrades that will assist you as you continue to take one step at a time in your own "boots on the ground" journey.

Thanks for listening!

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You and only you are the creator of your life experience. Everything is energy, and your life experience is a direct result of the energy frequencies you carry within your own personal energetic system. If you're ready to do the work to upgrade your life, to expand your divine light, stay with me.

My name is Debbie Hagedorn. My words carry the codes, the activations, and the upgrades that you will use to upgrade your own energetic system. Receive these words each time you listen to any of my podcast recordings. Allow them to percolate through your system, helping you create aha moments and the awareness that you need to let go of all that is no longer serving your highest good.

Right now, remember who you are—a divine being of light. Here, during these unprecedented times, as we do the work to raise human consciousness and bring forth heaven on earth, each in our own unique and individual way, you've got this.

Hello, dear ones, and welcome. Today is Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024, and here in Wisconsin where I live, it's a beautiful, sunny, breezy, delightful summery day. And all is well.

I'm being asked to share with you a bit about this mission we came here for—something that I refer to as a boots-on-the-ground mission.

Much of spirituality has taught us to hang out up in the clouds, so to speak, in our visions, in our meditations, past life regressions, astral planes—all of these things that I can't share anything about because I've never spent any time there. Something that I'm certain is an intentional part of my path because all of these things aren't pertinent or relevant to what's happening here on Earth for us as humans right now. There have been many times, and still to this day, where I read the visions that others share, what they're experiencing outside of their human body, at their consciousness. Exquisite, extraordinary, but somehow not very relevant information, because in the unseen, what's happening with the energies—specifically, defining the energy, needing to know where the energies are at, how they're interacting with each other, how many of these energies are benevolent, how many of these energies are malevolent—here on Earth, it doesn't really matter. Now, of course, this is my opinion. This is me sharing what's coming through me.

But it doesn't really matter because it's not something that comes through me. It doesn't come through my heart. I can read and I can feel and I know truth simply by feeling it in my body. And I appreciate that and I keep going because if it's not for me to know, if it's not helping me walk my highest path, then it simply is, and that's it.

For me, my knowing is that my mission is a boots-on-the-ground mission, meaning I need to walk as my divine human. To be the example for all who choose to interact and receive the codes, the activations, the upgrades that are available from me in my field.

I choose daily to ensure that my energetic field is clean, free of clutter, contamination, and energies that are no longer serving my highest good. I choose this daily. I've been doing this daily for a very long time. The discipline required to walk as your divine human says that you too must consider what is your daily plan to keep your energetic field, your energetic bodies, pure for you, so that you carry with you only that which serves your highest good.

To become your divine human, you must ensure that all of your bodies contain the pure energies of you. We talked last week, last time, in the last episode anyway, about health and the importance of taking care of your physical body in a manner that it's asking you to. Not how your mind thinks it should, but how your body is asking you to. Because your physical body is designed to hold your divinity.

Going beyond that, all of your energetic bodies need your attention. This is a boots-on-the-ground mission. You have to be aware of the energies you carry outside of your physical body.

The word discipline continues to show up over and over again. Are you disciplined enough at this point in time to do the work in every moment? Are you disciplined enough to bless everything that you consume, be it food or drink? Are you disciplined enough to say no when you clearly receive the knowing in your body that it's not for you?

This applies to things you consume, interactions you have with other people, and experiences in your daily life, whether it's your job, going shopping, staying at home, sleeping late, or not sleeping late, or going to bed late. It doesn't matter. The level of discipline required to become your divine human is very high. Discipline in your food choices. Discipline in your sleeping habits. Discipline in your movement. Discipline in your relationships. Discipline in your job/career/business choices. Discipline in your travel. Discipline in your fun. And fun is extremely important.

Next level fun. What do these things look like for you? Where can you be more disciplined in your choices?

Absolutely, if you know it's not for you, it's imperative that you learn to say no. And if you know it's a yes for you, but you're worried about what everyone else will think, I would encourage you to do it anyway. Do it anyway, no matter what anyone else thinks. If you're called to do ten jumping jacks before you get into your car after a day at work, then do that. It doesn't matter what other people think.

If you wish to become your divine human, you have to learn to do what's best for you in every moment. Boots on the ground, your feet on this earth, walking your highest path as your divinity in a human body. This is the path to building your own unique version of heaven on earth, of entering Eden, and not only entering Eden, because that's possible for any of us right here and right now, but to live your life as such on a daily basis. Never having to leave the frequency of Eden.

Precisely Eden requires us to be pure in the energy that is us. To let go of all that we've collected over the years. All of the programming, the beliefs, the comfort zones. It's all gotta go. Things that are mediocre, things that are so-so, it's all gotta go, but it doesn't really have to go anywhere. You just have to let it go and know that if it's for you, it will still be available to you. But you do have to stop hanging on so tightly.

Practice opening your hands, fully extend your fingers, and just ask God to help you let go of the things you're still holding on to so tightly. Practice letting go daily. Let this be a part of your steps forward into more discipline in your life. Letting go.

And I know it's not easy. But this too is necessary if you wish to walk this earth as your divine human. Letting go. And letting God.

A practice that I use for myself each time that I do the work to clear out my energy fields, my energetic bodies, once the clearing is complete, to ensure that my highest self fills in every empty space with the light of God. For it will be filled with something, and I will be very intentional about filling it with the light of God.

And I'll be honest in saying, I used to think I knew better. And I asked for that space to be filled in with things like the wealthiest version of me. But that was me putting myself before God, thinking I knew better, and of course I didn't.

It's been a process of letting go and letting God over and over and over again. Finding my faith, everyday deepening my level of faith, and knowing that God's got my back. And knowing with all of my heart that God's got your back too.

If you can find a way to increase your level of discipline in all that you experience in your daily life, the time to start is now.

What I know to be true is there's always another level, no matter where you're at right now. If you're floundering, choose one thing, and start today. If you've been working on this for a while, and you think you've got it all figured out, then ask for your next level. This is an infinite game. There's always another level.

Dear God, help me to be a better version of myself today. What can I do today to become a better version of me right now?

I encourage you to have fun with it. Find out what lights you up in your heart when you are on your highest path. Is it joy? Is it peace? Is it calm? Is it giddiness? Find the thread that is the pure frequency of you and follow the guidance in your heart to keep walking your highest path with your feet on the ground, doing the work, doing what it takes to become your divine human.

And as I'm sure you know, it looks messy on the outside right now, and I don't expect it to get any better anytime soon. Stop looking there. Turn off the TV. Pay attention to you and what's in your heart. Because the mess on the outside doesn't matter.

Good things are happening. Better days are here. This is a game of frequencies. You can either continue to hang out in the low frequency vibe, or you can do the work to raise your frequency to that which is your pure frequency. The pure frequency of you. Put your own boots on the ground, become your own version of your own divine human, so that others around you receive activations and the codes that they need to do the same. You see, this is a very individual, very unique journey, but we're doing it together.

It's what has always been meant by "be the change you wish to see in the world," but it requires perseverance, discipline, and the willingness to keep going, the perseverance, the determination.

You are love, dear one. You came here for these marvelous times. Walk with me. Let's create heaven on earth together. I love you, and I will speak with you again in perfect time.