Expanding Your Divine Light!

EVERY Experience Offers Growth and Expansion

Debbie Hagedorn Season 4 Episode 4

The old way insists that every experience is good or bad, useful or not useful, right or wrong, happy or sad, etc.

All of these words - labels - are judgments that come from the programming contained within our individual systems. This is why people see and recall things, such as an automobile accident, differently. Our programming creates our perspective.

That said, once you make the choice to walk your path into the new world, you will begin to see things differently.

As you continue to do the work to remove the programming that isn't you from your system, you will be able to let go of the need to label ... anything.

You will be able to recognize that everything simply is.

Listen in and allow yourself to receive the codes and activations that are available to you right now ... that will assist you in opening yourself up to new, higher dimensional perspectives.

You've got this, dear one. I love you.

Thanks for listening!

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You and only you are the creator of your life experience. Everything is energy, and your life experience is a direct result of the energy frequencies you carry within your own personal energetic system. If you're ready to do the work to upgrade your life and expand your divine light, stay with me.

My name is Debbie Hagedorn, and my words carry the codes, the activations, and the upgrades that you will use to upgrade your own energetic system. Receive these words each time you listen to any of my podcast recordings. Allow them to percolate through your system, helping you create aha moments and the awareness you need to let go of all that no longer serves your highest good.

Right now, remember who you are: a divine being of light, here during these unprecedented times. As we work to raise human consciousness and bring forth heaven on earth, each in our own unique and individual way, you've got this.

Hello, dear ones, and welcome. Today is Thursday, July 18, 2024. I'd like to ask you to consider the experiences you've had across your lifetime, this lifetime.

I'd also like to ask you to contemplate where you are regarding your expressions, reactions, and responses following these experiences. These might be things you went through as a child, things you're going through in your marriage, things that have happened to you at work, or as you're traveling through town. Experiences as a whole—everything in your life is an experience. Our tendency is to label these experiences as good or bad, right or wrong, useful or not useful.

I used to see them in those same lights, until one day I didn't. It's been a number of years, and someone I consider to be a mentor—though we've never worked together in person or online, no one-on-ones, no forms of money exchanged—shared from her heart as I do here. Within her words, as within my words, there are codes and activations that are shared.

She said in one of her most likely livestream videos that every experience is the love of God seeking to expand itself. I remember being so moved by that single sentence that I wrote it down on paper. If you were to walk into my kitchen on this very day, that piece of paper is still affixed in a spot I look at daily.

This statement, as she offered it, has been percolating within my system for a number of years. I didn't fully comprehend what it meant when it first came into my awareness. But it's percolated, and I've continued taking steps on my journey. I keep walking my path the best I can, reminding myself that every experience is the love of God seeking to expand itself.

Where I am on my path right now, as I sit here and share with you, is to see that every experience need not be labeled nor judged. Not one shooting, not one death, not one car accident, not one argument, not one criticism, not one birth, not one celebration is meant to be judged as anything but an experience that allows for one's expansion.

That is, after all, as I see it, the point of being here on Earth: to grow and expand as a consciousness. We are given the gift of human form on a planet that creates these magnificent challenges. We can grow and expand as a consciousness, or we can stagnate—that is a choice here. Perhaps it's you, perhaps it's people you know, but there will be people who choose to keep looping over and over. Who refuse to change their opinion on things. Who refuse to see that there are other options outside of their current beliefs. Who choose to continue to slander, to slaughter with their words. To undermine the things they either cannot comprehend or choose not to comprehend. To stay, to remain ignorant.

I see clearly there are absolutely no gray areas anymore. People have chosen their figurative side of the fence. Many are allowing the light of God to fill in the empty spaces that are created as they continue to do the work. To let go. And some are not.

It is a choice: growth and expansion or stagnation. Growth and expansion is living, is life here on earth. Stagnation, in my opinion, how is it better than death? The inability to see that we all are allowed our choices. We will never all agree on the same thing, and that's okay.

We came here to work together as one in building a new world, one that is built on a foundation of truth and integrity, of kindness and compassion, of love. Forgiving ourselves for all that we didn't know in past days and years.

I highly recommend forgiving yourself right now. Consider all those things you berate yourself for and take the time to see them as growth points in your own life. Bring them into your current awareness. See the mistakes you've made and know that you can choose differently.

Receive that experience into your awareness and love on it like you've loved on nothing as much as you are loving on yourself right now with this practice. Forgive yourself for what you didn't know. Choose growth and expansion. These are the ways you move forward on your path into the new world.

Every experience is the love of God seeking to expand itself. And it's up to you and me and we and all of us and them to choose. Are we going to react, or are we going to respond? Are we going to pause for just a moment and take a breath, or two, or ten, and remind ourselves that this too is a chance for us to learn and grow? What is the right next step in this moment, the one that serves the highest good? For me, I choose to walk my highest path.

I ask for help to ensure that every choice I make serves the highest good—not only for myself but for humanity. I make mistakes because I'm human. But I know, just like anyone who's watched a child learn to walk, play sports, write letters, or sing songs, it all takes practice. We all make mistakes. It's part of being human.

When we're willing to move beyond the judgment of ourselves, beyond the judgment of others, to recognize that we're all allowed our own unique journey, lots of space is made within our system. Lots of space is made to receive in the light of God and to remember more of who you truly are. And I will remind you if you're doing the work to cleanse, to clear, to dissolve, to let go within your system, upon doing so, remember to fill in the empty spaces with the light of God. This is to ensure the purity of your work.

Amen. For the space will be filled in, and it's wise to choose to fill it in with that which you know serves your highest good. Every experience is the love of God seeking to expand itself.

I promise you, if you keep doing the work, you will come to a point where every experience allows you to feel the joy and the love within it. Knowing that you created this experience for yourself. There is a highest version of you that knows, because they've already been. And they're willing to help. So when you need help, remember to ask. Ask to be shown the right next step.

As an FYI, and certainly on a personal note, sometimes the right next step is to do nothing for now. To rest, to be, to play, to do that which makes you happy in the moment. This is, by following that guidance, how you move into deeper levels of faith. Faith in knowing that every experience is exactly what is needed in that moment. That every experience is indeed the love of God seeking to expand itself.

For some, these are turbulent times. For others, including myself, the turbulence goes on outside of our existence. Something to be seen if chosen, but nothing that affects the outcome of our life experiences. The journey to becoming the calm in the center of the storm. If you're there, I invite you to remain there. Now, more than ever, anchor in the light and the love that you are. Remain steadfast in your faith. Know that good things are happening, and better days are here.

We're doing this together, dear ones. I thank you for being with me here right now. I love you so much, and I will speak with you again in perfect time.