Expanding Your Divine Light!

Unraveling the Illusions: Steps to Building the New World

Debbie Hagedorn Season 4 Episode 5

We have all long been defined by ideas and beliefs that are not our own. 

That said, there are many who are doing the work to clear their energetic systems of these things - simply because they choose to remember who they actually, truly are.

There is a larger truth that goes along with doing the work. As we let go of all that no longer serves our highest good, we find we are unable to fit into the world that is familiar.

Instead, we choose to honor our path and commit to building the new world ... a better world.

What is this new world?

What does it look like?

How is it created?

These are topics of contemplation within this podcast episode. Listen in and receive the codes and activations that you are seeking that will assist you in expanding your own divine light.

You are loved. Keep going.

Thanks for listening!

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Hello, dear ones, and welcome. Today is Wednesday, July 31, 2024, and I'd like to speak with you about what it looks like to be creating the new world together. 

What is the new world? 

As I see it, the new world is living as our divine human on a planet in the manner that was originally intended on day one of Earth, and the new world is the frequencies of love and above, where there is no competition, there is no division, there is unity and community. There is recognizing that we are not alike, nor are we meant to be alike. We are all unique, and that is okay.  

We will never all believe the same things. We will never all want to do the same things, and that is okay. That each one of us is so unique, that when we choose to do the work, to let go of all that isn't who we truly are, that our frequency makes itself available to others, who as they have chosen to do the work, and let go of all that doesn't serve their purpose, of all that isn't their own unique frequency, we can come together in soul groups. Groups that are here to create what is new. What is better.  What serves every human, not only the select few. And exactly what this looks like is unknown to me. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to look into the games that are being played within our physical world right now, and it's clear to me that all of the systems that have been built on corruption, that are based on money and power, they're all crumbling. 

This includes financial, educational, medical, political ... all of them ... because all of our life, we've been living in the illusion of lies that were programmed into our systems. 

And that's okay. There's no need for guilt or blame or shame. Though if you experience these things, if these things come up for you, these are gifts for you to recognize that you have things yet to let go of within your system. 

We didn't know what we didn't know. I didn't know what I didn't know. And you didn't know what you didn't know. 

And one day, something happens and you realize what you thought was true isn't.  And this keeps happening over and over, at least in my experience. To which point I've learned that in those moments, I simply pause. And I accept who I am in that moment. And I forgive myself for what I didn't know. And I keep going. 

Without judgment. Without blame. I don't feel shame. I don't feel guilty. I just keep doing the work. 

To let go, to cleanse, to clear, to dissolve all of this old programming from my system. 

And in doing so, the frequency of me is made pure. 

And this allows others with whom I'm in conversation, through this podcast recording, people that I meet when I'm out at the stores or interact with online, that within my frequency they receive something that assists them, and vice versa.  
We all carry codes, bits of information. It's just that not everyone's codes and information are pure. And doing the work means you refine your ability to separate the wheat from the chaff, so to speak. 

And you learn within your own body what it feels like. What does a pure frequency, a high frequency feel like in your body?

And I was having a conversation with a friend just the other day, and in looking back, I knew that ... and it's absolute proof that our path is very convoluted in nature - it's certainly not a linear line ... but years ago I learned just how important daily discipline is. And I applied that to energy maintenance in my life. No different than my daughter who applies the discipline at the gym.

When you choose a path for yourself that feels right in your heart, it's your daily habits that will help you to keep going. Daily energy maintenance, energy management becomes energy mastery. There is no thought process for me anymore. I don't have to decide with my mind. 

I feel in my body. And I know, very, very much for sure that each step that I take is a step into creating the new world.  The new world is high frequency energies,  and they're not outside of us. They come through us.  We build the world, the new world, by doing the work to remember who we truly are. To let go of all that we thought was true, that isn't, and allow the pure frequency of each unique one of us to come through us. And together we rise in frequency. 

The new world will appear in front of you ... as if by magic. When you walk your highest path, when you choose to walk your highest path, you also make the choice to deepen your faith. And knowing that God's got your back. And as you choose to deepen your faith, the worries go away.  Lingering doubts disappear. And you can, with faith in your heart, keep taking steps forward. Knowing that, in exactly the perfect moment for you, exactly what you need to keep going will be provided for you. As if by magic. 

You see, the magic that is the new world lies within you. It comes through you via your high heart space. Within your high heart space, this is where your God spark lies. This is your connection to the entirety of your consciousness and all that is. 

I've been contemplating my desires, wishes, things that I feel in my heart. Trying to make sense of how these things are either alike or very separate from one another. And I know that when we make wishes, we give our power to these wishes. We can also unmake our wishes and claim our power back.  

Desires. I've been contemplating our desires. One component of free will? How do desires relate to God's will? These are, for me, these are substantial contemplations, not easily answered. 

And for now, I am choosing to let go of my desires, to claim my power back from any wishes that I may have made during any point in my lifetime, to simply allow the pure frequency of me to run through me. To have faith that I am walking my highest path in every moment. And to know by the feelings that I feel within my body, this which I call body wisdom, remind me, let me know, give me the proof that my human self needs that I am walking my highest path because ... the highest frequencies, those that will be made available to us as we walk and create this new world, they feel completely different. They will light you up. They will  move through your body via goosebumps and chills and tingles and all of the feelings. 

Sometimes it's a knowing, deep within your heart. Everyone receives differently.  Perhaps you see colors more vividly. Perhaps you see things you didn't really think were real. And if you see one, maybe it's a fairy, just say, thank you, and more please. 

Without force. Desires feel to me a bit like a force. And again, I don't have a definite answer for myself.  I choose God's will. I choose my highest path, because I know that is the new world, better than my mind could ever imagine. And I choose to remain true to the feelings in my heart. To love no matter what, no matter who, no matter where. 

To be the best version of me that I am able to be, in every moment. To ask that today me is a better version than that of yesterday me. 

I choose to be an example of what is possible when you're willing to do the work.  When you choose to say yes to the new world and in choosing, you're willing to let go of everything that is no longer serving your highest good. And I know so many are so afraid of letting go. But letting go doesn't mean giving up. 

Letting go doesn't mean loss. Letting go just means that you've loosened your grasp, understanding that if it's meant to be in your life, it will not be taken from you. 

I would invite you to make it a daily practice in some way to tend to your energy.  The energy of you, in all of your bodies, in all of the layers of your bodies, in your aura, in your field. And if you don't know what to do, just ask, say a prayer. 

But if you can commit to daily energy maintenance, which becomes energy mastery in time, your life will level up quickly. The energetics are such that it's simply not possible (to remain where you are currently at if you choose differently). I will say this: sometimes the best way to level up is to honor the pause. If it feels as though there's nothing in this moment that's in front of you to do, then honor the pause. Fill your time with things that feel good to you. 

Time outside is crucial. Whether it be observing, or feeling, or listening, or actively doing. Time outside is crucial. 

Tend to your virtual self. Watch a movie that gives you a ping in your heart. Play some video games. Learn from these things, not with your mind, but within your system. 

Honor that which is in front of you. 

Keep doing the work. Keep taking the small steps. Sometimes celebrate even the tiniest of wins. Be grateful when that someone pisses you off, that you now know  that you've been given another piece that needs to be, perhaps, looked at, or considered, so you can let it go, return it to the light of God, and ask that every empty space that is created within you be filled with the light of God. 

This is your highest path, not for your mind to know, but felt in your heart.  Purifying the frequency of you, allowing it to come through you. Being the example for those around you ... an example of what's possible in the new world.  The new world is here. And each day, things keep getting better and better. 

And if it doesn't feel that way to you right now, turn off the TV. Stop scrolling on social media. Give yourself a break from the noise, because there's a lot of it. And if you haven't worked out your daily energy maintenance, then do that for 7 days, or 14 days, or 21 days, and see where you're at. 

Allow yourself to be cleansed of all that is no longer serving your highest good. 

We're building the new world together. 

And I am honored to be walking and doing this with you.  I do love you, dear one. I look forward to speaking with you again in perfect time.