Expanding Your Divine Light!

Oh, the Possibilities ... Simply Imagine Them!?!

Debbie Hagedorn Season 4 Episode 6

As I watched the movie IF last night, I was reminded that we are able to dream - for real, dream - again ... here on Earth, as our divine human self.

Phew! This is mind-blowing on so many levels!

I feel that so very many of us have reached a point in which all that we have been doing for work, to earn an income, to pay the bills, to put food on the table ... has come to a (screeching?) halt.

Yes, in some cases we continue because ... being responsible requires this. In other cases, like my own, I do continue in the creative arm of my income-producing activity, but I was called to walk away from the other more than two months ago. 

In either case, there is a whole lotta faith going on now that didn't exist even a year ago ... woohoo!

As we move through this space and what feels for me like a great pause, I invite you to listen in to this episode and hear more about what just now came through me as it regards imagination, our ability to dream, and possibilities in and for the new world.

Let's do this!

I love you.

Thanks for listening!

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Hello, dear ones, and welcome. Today is Thursday, August 15, 2024, and I'm called to see what comes through to share with you - the codes, the activations, the frequencies - as they pertain to dreams, imagination, and possibilities. 

To the best of my knowing, dreams have been put on the back burner, so to speak. Dreams that come from the pure frequency of who we truly are simply weren't possible … until now. 

Imagination. If you think back to when you were a child, if you think and consider how many children have incredibly vibrant imaginations. 

Recollection (in babies and toddlers) these days, but I, myself, at 55 years of age, I go back to when I was a kid. Kids, they upset so many people because they allow their creativity, that which is the pure frequency, the energetic creativity of their soul to come through. They don't care about what the outcome is. Somewhere within them, they still know it doesn't matter. But they allow their creative genius to come through. Mad scientists - I've referred to my own kids as little mad scientists when they were small. Trying this, doing that, and me doing my very best to give them the space to be who they truly are. 

I do consider imagination to be the source of our dreams. And in imagining, the possibilities that lie in front of us. I believe that it's time to open up to our own, each unique, individual possibilities via dreams. And I don't mean dreams while you're sleeping. I mean dreaming of what the new world looks like to you, dreaming what your role in the new world will be. 

Dreaming things into creation. Creating things that matter. I watched a movie last night on a streaming site - and perhaps you've seen it too - the movie is called IF. I F. I F … standing for Imaginary Friend.  And I really enjoyed it. It really, um, and I'm not going to give any details away in case you'd like to watch it for yourself, but it really sparked a joy within me. 

The joy and the knowing that I have, that even if my mind can't recollect, having had an imaginary friend as a child, that it is without question that I was always supported in the unseen ... as a child, as a young adult, as a big adult, an old adult, whatever it is that you would want to categorize me in … you and I, all of us, supported in the unseen. Imaginary friends, if you will,  who want nothing more than to support you on your journey, to bring joy to your hearts, to hear your laughter, to see the smiles on your face, to know that you feel safe, that you feel at peace, that you have the ability to remain calm. 

Are they really imaginary? 

Something to consider. 

I believe it is the makeup of us as multidimensional beings, that all these things may feel imaginary to our minds … that they are indeed very real. They are energy. They are frequency.  And as we continue to do the work, to shed all of the misbeliefs, misunderstandings … to shed the thoughts that we keep thinking over and over. 

To let go of all that we believed ourselves to be. To truly let go and let God in. 

That the day will come when we will be able to see what we once considered to be imaginary friends. 

Maybe they're fairies. Maybe they're unicorns. Maybe they're wizards. So many possibilities.  Dragons. I love the dragons. Fairies have always made me happy. I'm partial to pegasus. 

And I know, with all of my heart, by what's flowing through me right now, that these beings do exist, that they are real. 

And as we move away from the 3D reality that we've known for our entire life, we will become reacquainted with the magic that has always been intended for us to experience here in this life on Earth. 

Heaven on Earth, it won't look for you like it does for me, and that's okay.  Heaven on Earth is your own unique version of magic. 

And what is magic?  Dreaming your magic into existence.  Perhaps it's as simple as allowing yourself to remember who you truly are. 

Continue to do the work, to move through the challenges, with faith in your heart, like you've never known faith before. 

I believe, I know, I feel … I feel that anything is possible, in every facet of life. I believe there is wellness available to all who are unwell. I believe there is financial abundance (available) to all who yet feel lack in their lives. I believe there is a divine partnership for all who yet, have yet to move out of loneliness. 

I believe there is value to be created by all who are feeling empty in the work that they're doing right now. I know it's here, I know it's close. 

And for myself, on a personal level, I'm still in the middle of a pause. But there is no question I cannot go back. 

I reject the old world and all that it entails. I choose the new world. I choose to have faith. I know that I have everything I need to keep going. 

I choose to be a dreamer again. To dream into my life experience all that is of love and above. I choose to open up to the possibilities. I choose to allow my imagination to run wild. 

I choose these things because they make me feel childlike. I know I am a child of God and I know you are too. And it is indeed these children, the meek, who shall inherit the earth. 

I'm certainly not one who can recite you Bible verses. And I know there are certainly many misinterpretations within the Bible itself. But I believe that, at least to some extent, the wisdom that is shared in the Bible speaks very much so to what is being made available to us in the year 2024 … this, the beginning of the age of Aquarius. 

Now I know for all who choose it, the new world will not disappoint. So as you watch the world scene, recognize that everything has to crumble … because it's built on lies and corruption. It cannot function in the new world.  In faith, know that everything that is and is going to happen is okay. All is well. 

Our paths are unique, but we're not doing this alone. 

We're walking this journey together. 

I have a mentor who likes to say “no one is free until each is free and all are freeing each other.”

So shine your light as brightly as you know how to in every moment. In doing so you give permission to others to do the same. And so on and so forth. Truly it is time to be the change you wish to see in the world and I would invite you to, to invite in a new level of dreams. To open up your own imagination.  And to allow the possibilities to come through you. 

I love you so much, dear ones.  I look forward to speaking with you again in perfect time.