Expanding Your Divine Light!

Dreaming of Eden ... Soul Expressions Made Manifest

Season 4 Episode 7

How long has it been since you relinquished your dreams to society's incessant need to invalidate, undermine, or otherwise tell you that your dreams weren't possible?

Would you believe me if I told you - that happened because your dreams, the expressions of your soul, were too much for humanity to handle at the time?

I have good news!

The energetics of life as a human on planet Earth have shifted, and we are no longer restricted by the collective speed and frequency of humanity. 

This means the potential to actualize your dreams is increasing with each letter I type on this keyboard.

I invite you to listen in and receive the codes and activations that will assist you as you make the choice to reignite your abilities and bring your dreams into reality.

Anything is possible. 

I love you.

Thanks for listening!

Connect with me: https://www.facebook.com/debbie.j.hagedorn/

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To learn more about my universe: https://www.preciselyeden.com/

To learn more about the Quantum Energy Wellness Bed: https://www.precisionwellness.energy/

Hello dear ones. And welcome.  Today is Wednesday, August 28, 2024.  What a marvelous time to be alive. 

I'd like to dream with you a bit today. 

Dreams, not of the kind that occur while we're sleeping, but the dreams that are contained within your soul … the ones that you've carried with you - perhaps for eons, knowing that the day would come when your dreams could finally be shared without being nullified, vilified, or otherwise kicked to the corner. 

The dreams that you hold in your heart, the dreams that will insist that you keep going, because these are the dreams that you've carried with you … so you would now be able to build the new world. 

And I know this is true. I know this is true. I carry dreams within me, too. And for the longest time, I haven't been able to dream in this way. And I've learned that, energetically, humanity, the collective, the world, simply weren't ready to receive them with open arms. 

Dreams, these dreams that we carry to build the new world are high frequency, not meant for everyone. As far as I see it, who they're meant for doesn't matter. Because they're our dreams to build upon, if for no other reason than simply to express our soul, to allow our spirit to one day make its home within the world that we've created here together. 

And I believe these days are coming quickly where, perhaps, the dreams will simply start pouring out of us. Of course, one step at a time is the way.  Doing what's in front of you. 

There is plenty of time. (And, of course, the topic for another day - what is time after all?)

I know that one of my dreams is to create properties and create spaces within these properties to make them available to people who would choose to come into these properties to do the work … to remember, while interacting with nature, who they truly are. To learn to forage, to learn to allow, as opposed to control. To learn to visit with, to interact with, to converse with nature. To choose better foods, to recognize the importance that exists between the soils and the foods we choose to eat and our bodies. 

It's a beautiful balance. And over many, many years as I've grown many, many plants, vegetables, berries, trees, flowers … I know that  the plants that I bring into my space, the foods that they produce, I, I feel very strongly that they are responding according to my frequency.  That when I consume them - always giving thanks before harvesting, I'm blessing each one of them, be they cherry tomatoes or cucumbers, blueberries or apples, kale or broccoli - is that the foods that I've grown for myself are more supportive of my body than any other foods on this planet because we've been interacting together. They know, energetically, what my body needs. 

And I can meander my way through my yard, and I can eat a handful of berries in season, or I can add some kale to a smoothie, or pop a few cherry tomatoes into my mouth. These foods are very filling, very nurturing, very satiating, and I know they're supporting my best health. 

And I've watched many people feel really good about planting gardens. And then I watch them over the summer - stop tending to them, ignoring them, finding other things to do and  wondering why everything died. 

And I have felt for a long time that what happens within our landscape, our personal landscape, whether it is a balcony garden, or a yard, or a farm … whatever it looks like, it's very much a reflection of your inner energetic state. The more you feel the need to control things within your landscape, the more I encourage you to go within. And ask yourself why you feel such a need to control nature. 

And as to these properties that I mentioned, these would be spaces to create, to plant, to grow,  to harvest, to build good health, to move out of critical health into good health, and one day to move from good health into wellness. And to learn to optimize our bodies. 

I am an affiliate for a product called the Quantum Energy Wellness Bed.  And  I've used the bed.  I have friends who own them. I would incorporate these beds into my properties. For when you lay on them, and you immerse yourself, in the tracks of music that accompany them, the heat,  the vibration … what happens is that a quantum field is generated that is specific to you and while you lay on the bed, you are going to a buffet of resources, quantum resources … specifically designed for you, for your highest self, to choose from this buffet the very things that will help you take the very next steps on your path. 

And the truth is, none of us knows what we need most in this moment on that level. And it's just a surrender. For while I may go in and say, oh, my, my right foot is quite sore today - hopefully this will help - instead I would choose to surrender and receive on an energetic level that which serves my highest good. 

But all of these things are incorporated with my dream and I don't know how long, how many days, weeks, months, years, before these things are actualized.

I know the healing potential of my own property. I literally own two city lots, and I see what happens here. I feel the frequencies. I watch the plants flourish. I watch the creatures of the earth, be they insects, birds, chipmunks, squirrels, rabbits, what have you … make their homes here, and I don't shoosh them away. 

I choose to learn  to live together, meeting the ordinance requirements for mowing grass, of which I have actually very little. Over time I've watched trees plant themselves and grow to maturity. Everything in this space, as I've learned to relinquish control … and honestly, I, I, in 25 years, have watched myself morph into someone that 25 years ago would be unrecognizable.

I used to believe in tidy edges and weed trimmers and all of the things, but when I see what nature does when I allow her to simply be, uh, I recognize the space that I've created is Eden,  and I want this for others. Not my Eden, but your Eden. I want this for you, in your own unique way, and I'm, I'm certain, I know it requires this beautiful dance with nature. 

This is where your best health and wellness will be found. Within the dance, with the bare feet on the ground, with the wind blowing through your hair, with the rain running down your face,  with the dirty fingers and toes from having worked in the garden, with a nap on the grass … the vibrancy that comes through when you allow yourself to become one with nature, to remember who you truly are in this space. 

The time is coming for our dreams to be made manifest - without force - simply by surrendering all that you believed yourself to be. Opening your heart and opening your hands and allowing God to bless you immensely in every moment, in faith, and knowing that God's got your back … right here, right now, no matter what. 

And sometimes if you're not sure of the right next step and you ask, just know that if you're not receiving an answer right away, perhaps it's simply not quite the right time yet. But there will be an answer. 

Follow your dreams, the ones that originate in your heart space. This is where your magic will be made known here on Earth. 

Keep dreaming, dear one, and I will speak with you again in perfect time.