Expanding Your Divine Light!

The Magnitude of Choice: What Are You Choosing?

Debbie Hagedorn Season 4 Episode 8

It is no secret that we are the creators of our life experience. 

I believe what we create has more to do with what we hold in our subconscious mind than with the thoughts that we think. 

That said, we all have our starting point, and becoming aware of the thoughts that we are having at any given point throughout the day is definitely a stepping stone on the path to choosing only that which serves our highest good.

Your choices are a significant component of your artistry - creating an experience of either heaven or hell on this planet. This is indeed the ART of living on eARTh.

Listen in and receive the codes and activations that you will use to upgrade your own process of creating YOUR life experience. 

Now is a good time to choose better - to do the work to upgrade your subconscious mind and upgrade your life. You've got this.

Thanks for listening!

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Hello dear ones. Welcome. Today is Thursday, September 12, 2024. It's an incredibly potent day of solar activity. 

We've had an X-flare this morning and consistent M-flares for the past several days. We have CMEs arriving as I speak. Geomagnetic storming is at high levels. This is the activity that brings in the Northern Lights, if you're in the Northern Hemisphere … Southern Lights, of course, if you're in the Southern Hemisphere.

Incredibly potent energies here on Earth today. I'm feeling them. My body is buzzing. I'm a little bit sleepy. The crown of my head is receiving.

All sorts of things going on. All in our favor. Consider them upgrades. Consider the sun to be your friend. And if you're affected by these things - and in some way I don't doubt that you are - go outside. Get your bare feet on the ground, the earth. Sit in the sun, sit in the shade. Swim in the ocean, swim in the lake, swim in the river. 

Drink lots of clean water.  And ask your body what you can do to support it. Perhaps it's movement, gentle stretching, perhaps it's sleep. 

There is no right or wrong. There only is that which serves your highest good. And you, your highest self, your body wisdom - you have everything you need to determine these things for yourself right now. And as we move through the next two (ish) months of time, I would invite you to ask your body what you can do to help strengthen it, to help support it, to help it prepare itself  for more of your consciousness. 

What can you do to elevate your ability to hold more of your consciousness, in this human body, here on earth, to become your divine human?

I've been contemplating these things for myself. There are things my mind interjects and would like to do, but my body has yet to agree. So, I make the choice to listen to my body. 

I have small things that I do everyday that I've been doing for months. And they include using the rebounder for a few minutes every morning to clear out my lymph system, my lymphatic system, to a series of push ups and sit ups and jumping jacks every day. And I started small.

I started with three push ups and ten sit ups and twelve jumping jacks. And I have increased those numbers over time. But there are still days when my body is feeling very tired. That I fall back down to the minimum for me … simply to honor my body's need for rest. 

And I also do one round of Zach Bush's 4-minute workout. And I will expand on these things as my body asks me to. Perhaps I will start a gym routine. Perhaps I'll go for more walks. Perhaps I'll use the recumbent bicycle I have in the basement. Not really sure. 

I don't need to know today what my body will ask me to do tomorrow. I don't know. And I'm learning this across all facets of my life, that I don't need to know today what God is going to share with me tomorrow, or next week, or next month. 

My mind wants to know today … and how. My mind wants to know what we're going to do for income in the month of October. As the growing season wraps up, and my outdoor income as a consultant supporting the growing of a golf course here in town, winds down, my mind wants to know.

And some days, this is hard for me. My mind can come up with all sorts of paths to take to bring in income, but in my heart I keep hearing no. And I realize I keep hearing no because my mind is still working with 3D old world ways of earning income. 

And I choose, I consciously choose, differently. I consciously choose to operate at the highest level of consciousness that is available to me right now. I consciously choose to create my income in a new way. 

I don't know what this looks like. And … same old story, my mind would like to know … tries to create things, but they don't bring joy to my heart. They don't light me up. They don't feel like play. The work that I do outside as a consultant to help create high frequency landscapes - to grow top shelf turf and flowers and trees, vegetables and fruits. That's my happy place. That is who I am. Nature flows through me and makes it easy for me to grow those things that support … in any environment. 

What does that look like when it's winter here in Wisconsin and everything's frozen? I simply don't know. But what I do know Is that if you believe, like I do, that we live in a multiverse, that there are infinite opportunities available to us, if we are willing to see, to receive, that I will know  in exactly the perfect moment for me. 

I've been watching a show that was recommended to me on Apple TV, of all places.  I had to borrow an iPad to do this. It's called Dark Matter. Incredibly powerful. Containing the codes and the activations to help your mind open up to what it is to live as a multidimensional being, to live in a multiverse, to know that there are many versions of you in parallel realities, and they all exist at once. 

For me, it all comes back to - this is my choice - in THIS life experience. And I realize there are other versions of me making other choices, but what am I going to choose in this lifetime, in the right here and right now, as Debbie Hagedorn? 

I choose this lifetime. I choose to create heaven on earth for myself. I choose to be an example of these things for everyone who cares to pay attention to what's going on in my life, so they are able to do the same in their own lives. And what I do know for certain is that my creations are based on my thoughts, and not only my thoughts, but the things that come through me in my heart, my subconscious existence.

And I've been doing the work for years now, several years, to ensure that my subconscious is in alignment with what my heart chooses, which is God's will. I've been doing the work to align my subconscious with my thoughts, so when I make choices, I make them knowing they serve my highest good. This is why we do the work. 

I see over and over many, many people across many, many facets of life finding God, choosing God, giving their love to God, recognizing they're not doing this alone. 

That said, just like I did, just like you've been doing, anyone who chooses to walk their highest path has to do the work. It's not just (a) snap of the fingers and everything's good again. You wake up one day and you say, “Huh.” I didn't know what I didn't know, but now I can see that things weren't as I thought they were. I'm choosing differently. 

And that's where the work begins. 

Choices, based on our innermost knowing, the connection that we have with our creator.  Choosing the highest, no matter what is happening outside of you. No matter what is happening on the world stage. No matter what is happening in your family dynamics. No matter what is happening in your child's school system … choose the highest path. 

You are eternally supported in the unseen. Because it is you who makes the choice to choose what serves the highest - that becomes then an example to those around you - spreading light  into some very dark spaces of our existence here on earth. 

Spreading light so we can see what's in these dark spaces … to know there is nothing that we need to be afraid of. As we do the work, we raise our frequency and these things that are of low frequency, they can no longer affect us. 

We can shine light on them, help others to see the truth about these things. And as more people see the truth the less dark spaces there are. And this can be applied to every facet - to  educational systems, financial systems, healthcare systems, or lack thereof, political systems.  

Everything. Everything has dark spaces. Everyone is playing the role that they came here to play. Each one, at their core, a child of God, helping us to remember who we truly are and what we came here  to be an example of. 

Good things are happening. Better things are to come. 

Keep your hope, keep your trust, find your faith - place your hands on your heart space, close your eyes and just breathe in love. And breathe out the love that you are in every experience  that you have, because every experience, behind every experience, is the love of God seeking to expand itself, no matter what. 

Keep going, dear ones. I know you've got this. I love you, and I will speak with you again in perfect time.