Expanding Your Divine Light!

Hello, Darkness ... My Old Friend?

Debbie Hagedorn Season 4 Episode 9

Yes, there is darkness in this world.

Yes, there is darkness in each one of us.

There are those who are afraid of the dark. Some refuse to look at it for fear they will become lost in it. Others believe they deserve the darkness that has enveloped them.

What if ...

darkness is, instead of the "enemy" we've been programmed to believe it is ... it is instead, and indeed, a blessed friend?

If we want to experience personal growth and expansion, we must be willing to immerse ourselves in the darkness. Doing so is a key example of feeling the fear and doing "it" anyway.

Listen in and receive the codes, activations, and upgrades that are being made available to you in this podcast episode right now. It's time to shine your light, dear one ... next level.

You are loved. You are love. You've got this.

Thanks for listening!

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Hello, dear ones, and welcome. Today is Tuesday, October 1st, 2024. 

And by the grace of God, I'm here to remind you to keep going … to keep going, no matter what. 

In my case, despite the failure of the power unit on my desktop computer - despite the fact that there is division and fighting amongst people who have chosen sides in the political landscape … to keep going - despite the fact that there are an unknown number of lives lost in the catastrophic destruction here in this country, the United States, in the eastern part of the United States, (and) in wars overseas. 

It doesn't matter where you live or where you look. And I encourage you to see - because within these spaces, these seemingly dark spaces, there are lessons for us to receive, so that we can grow in our light. Without the darkness, we cannot see our light. And there are some very dark spaces out there. 

To see them, to infuse your love within them, to hold space for the experience of the people  within these spaces, for the people who have lost their family and friends over choosing sides,  who have literally lost family members as waves of water came rushing through the mountains - who have lost their material goods, their homes, (and) their animals. 

So much is happening as we raise frequency. If you're willing to continue to do the work to raise your frequency, you will see these things. And you will find that you are filled with compassion without any sense of need for vengeance or rebuttal - without losing yourself in the sadness or the heartbreak of others. 

These tumultuous times, I encourage you to use them to receive the lessons - to not, not to look away … but to see what is happening, and to shine your light into these dark spaces, in whichever way you are called to.

I feel more and more every day that God, God's love, is moving through and into and out, again,  of the hearts of many. Good things are happening, and God is here with us all, no matter what is happening outside of us. 

And I heard a beautiful story that explains, in a pictorial sort of way … and it's something that I feel, but I wasn't certain how to put into words.  But I see these things happening. I realize they're happening in my country (and) In my world, however, it's not actually my reality. 

And this man explained in his way that it's almost as though there's a glass, a glass box. And you can see through the glass box. And you can send love and resource as you are called to. 

But the important work is to maintain your high frequency, to stay within the glass box, so that others who are looking through you, at you through the glass box, see the example of how to make their situation better. And the glass box, of course, is figurative. It's just a frequency difference. 

But for all who've been doing the work to hold your frequency, to realize there are many, many different stories out there. There are many, many different ways of reacting instead of responding. People that are filled with hatred - spewing words that are not kind. 

Many lies … untruths. It's all there and I believe the greater purpose is that these spaces of darkness must be seen by those who choose the light, by those who choose God. We must be willing to see into these dark spaces because without them, the light is not as visible. 

If you were to lose power in your home, you would seek the light, a flashlight, or whatever source of light - a candle - that you would choose during a power outage. 

I believe that we are reaching maximum darkness. The darkness need not affect you nor I. If we're willing to hold frequency, the highest frequency available to each one of us, to be the light in the darkness - to let others see there is another way. Without judgment, without condemnation, without insistence or force, but simply to be love, to hold space, to speak as we are called to, to share from our hearts, to lift each other up. 

And that means that you must come back to your own self, to go within, to listen to your body.  What does your body need to keep going?  What are the steps you can take on a daily basis to maintain your high frequency? 

Because the truth is that no matter the experience that someone is having in their life, whether we see it or whether we don't, at the core of every experience is the love of God seeking to expand itself. There isn't a soul on this planet that doesn't have a God spark hidden within their heart. Many are still locked away - unknowingly. 

And some of these people, one day will remember that they have the key to unlock the door to their heart. And they will choose to let the light in. And others won't, and that's okay. 

We don't get to decide what is right  or wrong for another person on their path. We may form beliefs and opinions; however, that keeps us small. And being small doesn't serve yours - nor my - highest good. 

The willingness to let go of all you believe to be true … the willingness to let go of all you believed yourself to be … the willingness to let go and let God. 

This is where I'm at. Each day it's easier for me to remain in faith. To choose my reality based on the knowing that is in my heart. As an example, I could choose to go out and get a job. But the reality that I feel in my heart isn't that of the old way. To generate income through my own creation - that is what feels right to me in my heart. And I don't  know what that path looks like in this moment. And I am okay with that.  

I will continue to choose my reality - to do what is in front of me in every moment. And I would invite you to do the same. There's never more than one thing in front of you in any moment. Your mind will tell you otherwise. 

And when you're unsure, simply close your eyes and place your hands on your high heart. And pause. And ask - what is the right next step for me to take right now?  And repeat this over and over. With practice on a daily basis - until it becomes second nature.

I hope you're spending lots of time in nature. All of the life - the creatures - on this planet, the plants - they've all since upgraded themselves. They're here to support us on our journeys. 

Getting the sun on your face and your skin, your feet, bare feet, on the ground. Playing in the water, if it's warm where you are. Walking in the forest, or on any trail out in nature. Listening to the birds, feeling the wind on your skin. 

Hugging a tree, leaning against one. Do what you need to to take care of you, because as we move forward, through the next six or eight weeks, we are going to arrive at a point in which our bodies will be asked to hold more of our consciousness. 

This is a time of preparation. This is not a waiting game. You are the creator of your reality in every moment. You decide. Find the discipline to make the choices that serve your highest good on a daily basis … no matter what. To be sovereign in all that you do. To support the new world in the way that you came here to - requires  a high level of discipline. 

If you ever have questions, don't hesitate to reach out to me. I will answer. 

I'll be sharing via my email newsletter, more plant music again this week and next - just a means for you to lean in, to tune in, to let go … and receive from the plant world. 

Everything I do, I'm doing for free because it doesn't matter to me that I receive anything. I'm giving because it feels like the right thing to do. 

And if you are so inclined and you receive benefit from either these podcast recordings or my plant music sharings, or anything that I do, please don't hesitate to include others. 

I love you so much, dear one. Take good care of you. Keep going, and I will speak with you again in perfect time.