The Voice of Oregon's Workers

The Keep Oregon Workers Safe Act

Oregon AFL-CIO

On this episode of The Voice of Oregon’s Workers we talk with policy experts about Senate Bill 592, the Keep Oregon Workers Safe Act.  This legislation is vitally important to improving workplace safety in Oregon, and as you’ll hear on the episode will increase penalties for employers who don’t address unsafe working conditions as well as provide other critical improvements to workplace safety regulations.  Advocates from PCUN - Oregon’s farmworkers union, Oregon AFSCME, and the Oregon AFL-CIO discuss what dangers workers are facing on the job and how SB 592 will help increase safety in every workplace in our state. 


  • Catie Theisen. Political & Legislative Director for the Oregon AFL-CIO
  • Ira Cuello-Martinez, Policy Advocacy Director for PCUN, Oregon’s Farmworker Union 
  • Odalis Aguilar-Aguilar, Political Coordinator for Oregon AFSCME 

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