In Touch with Tennessee

A History of Collaboration

January 11, 2023 Susan Robertson Season 2 Episode 1
A History of Collaboration
In Touch with Tennessee
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In Touch with Tennessee
A History of Collaboration
Jan 11, 2023 Season 2 Episode 1
Susan Robertson

The County Technical Assistance Service (CTAS) and the Tennessee  County Services Association (TCSA) work hand-in-hand to benefit the state's 95 counties. CTAS Executive Director Jon Walden, TCSA Director David Conner and TCSA Board president and Roane County Commissioner Ron Berry  discuss the CTAS and TCSA partnership through the years. 

Show Notes Transcript

The County Technical Assistance Service (CTAS) and the Tennessee  County Services Association (TCSA) work hand-in-hand to benefit the state's 95 counties. CTAS Executive Director Jon Walden, TCSA Director David Conner and TCSA Board president and Roane County Commissioner Ron Berry  discuss the CTAS and TCSA partnership through the years. 

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00:00:04 Susan Robertson

Hi and welcome to In touch with Tennessee, a podcast of the University of Tennessee Institute for Public Service.

00:00:12 Susan Robertson

Founded in 1954 and headquartered in Nashville, the Tennessee County Services Association, or TCSA is a nonpartisan, nonprofit public interest group representing counties before the Tennessee General Assembly and the state administration.

00:00:30 Susan Robertson

According to the bylaws of the organization, TCSA was created for the purpose of developing more efficient and economical functions of local government to promote the common welfare of the people.

00:00:46 Susan Robertson

TCSA is an umbrella organization made-up of three affiliate associations.

00:00:52 Susan Robertson

The Association of County Mayors.

00:00:54 Susan Robertson

The Tennessee County Commissioners Association and the Tennessee County Highway Officials Association.

00:01:02 Susan Robertson

This combined membership represents over 1,800 elected and appointed officials of both the executive and legislative branches of county government.

00:01:14 Susan Robertson

One of its most crucial partnerships is a long-standing relationship.

00:01:18 Susan Robertson

TCSA has with the University of Tennessee County Technical Assistance Service or CTAS.

00:01:26 Susan Robertson

The association works closely with CTAS in its mission to provide prompt, accurate technical assistance on a daily hands-on basis to tennessees 95 counties.

00:01:39 Susan Robertson

Joining us today to talk about TCSA, its work and the partnership with CTAS, are TCSA executive director, David Conner, current TCSA Board President Ron Berry, and County Technical Assistance Service Executive Director John Walden.

00:01:59 Susan Robertson

Welcome and thanks for being with us today.

00:02:03 David Conner

Thanks for having us.

00:02:04 Jon Walden

Thank you, Susan.

00:02:07 Susan Robertson

So David, let's start out by having you talk a little bit about the history of TCSA and and how it started.

00:02:15 David Conner

Yeah, it was as you mentioned in your intro, it was formed.

00:02:18 David Conner

In 1954

00:02:20 David Conner

Membership, organization of mayors, commissioners and highway.

00:02:24 David Conner

Officials really wanting to gather share information network together, learn from each other, but also have an organization to which they could speak on behalf of county governments in Nashville, with the General Assembly and the state administrations, we do a mixture of things as far as trying to do educational resources and.

00:02:45 David Conner

Programs and events for our members.

00:02:47 David Conner

We lobby and advocate on their behalf.

00:02:50 David Conner

We also, you know, programs to help with cost savings and other things like that to help keep county government efficient for the taxpayers.

00:02:57 David Conner

So been around for.

00:03:01 David Conner

Well, that's close to 70 years on our end, so.

00:03:05 Susan Robertson

Wow, wow and when did you become executive director?

00:03:09 David Conner

January of 2014

00:03:12 Susan Robertson


00:03:14 Susan Robertson

So David and Ron, I'll direct this question to both of you.

00:03:20 Susan Robertson

Can you tell us about some of the issues TCSA has worked with the General Assembly on and how that has benefited Tennessee counties.

00:03:33 Ron Berry

Do you want me to go first?

00:03:36 Ron Berry

OK, well Susan, thanks again for this for this recognition of CTAS what a great organization they've been.

00:03:45 Ron Berry

CSA benefits greatly on a great relationship with our legislators, and we rely  on them listening to us as they as they pass.

00:03:57 Ron Berry


00:04:00 Ron Berry

Some of the biggest things were the Internet sales tax that they passed, allowing us to gain revenue from the Internet sales tax across the state and getting the counties their local share that was.

00:04:13 Ron Berry

That was really a big plus for us unfunded mandates in the past years.

00:04:19 Ron Berry

They would pass legislation that would end up costing the counties money and and we've worked really closely with them over the years and David and his staff, Charlie Carr and all and Charlie have worked really hard to make sure that we get no unfunded mandates any longer.

00:04:37 Ron Berry

And another big part of our relationship with them was over the years trying to get equal funding for our schools and and we worked closely with them to foster the BEP program and get that started and now we will be transferring the BEP funding on to another organization so.

00:04:57 Ron Berry

They've been really helpful and and we couldn't.

00:05:01 Ron Berry

We couldn't do what we do without a close relationship with our legislature.

00:05:07 David Conner

Yeah, and just to add on a few things.

00:05:09 David Conner

I mean like Ron mentioned, some of.

00:05:10 David Conner

The big ones there.

00:05:13 David Conner

Revenue sources overall for counties, but also things like education, funding and how that formula is laid out and distributes funds across the state.

00:05:21 David Conner

We are working and hope to work with the administration this next year on transportation funding and infrastructure needs.

00:05:28 David Conner

Highway departments are one of the areas that.

00:05:31 David Conner

Really, definitely lost revenue during the pandemic and now what they're facing in terms of inflationary costs and difficulty and being able to keep people hired and the cost of construction and materials and all of that, they certainly are having a lot of needs there that we're working on next year.

00:05:49 David Conner

W were involved in the improve act back in 2017 supporting that when the state passed that under the Haslam administration to try to enhance transportation funding.

00:06:00 David Conner

But we're already seeing that's getting stretched thin.

00:06:02 David Conner

Again, some other topics we've dealt with are things like the opioid settlements and the.

00:06:08 David Conner

The opioid crisis in the state and how those revenues can be used to help communities address their addiction problems.

00:06:16 David Conner

And we work on criminal justice issues as well, so it's just kind of across the gamut in terms of local government.

00:06:24 Susan Robertson


00:06:25 Susan Robertson

That's interesting, Ron.

00:06:27 Susan Robertson

You're a Commissioner in Roane County can you talk about how 

00:06:33 Susan Robertson

TCSA assists, county commissioners and counties in general.

00:06:40 Ron Berry

Wow Susan, I really don't know how we would function without them they provide so much information to us.

00:06:50 Ron Berry

We we have a representative for each county so that we know who our representative is and can go to them for help on on situations they've they've served in.

00:06:58 Ron Berry

Valuable information.

00:07:00 Ron Berry

To us for education over the years, to try to keep us informed of what's going on.

00:07:05 Ron Berry

Training is invaluable to commissioners we end.

00:07:10 Ron Berry

Up with about 35.

00:07:12 Ron Berry

Percent turnover of county commissioners every four years, about 39 percent of our mayors turn over every four years.

00:07:20 Ron Berry

So you can see without a smooth transition, where county governments would be, CTAS provides that kind of information that kind of.

00:07:27 Ron Berry

Training they have training for new commissioners for new county mayors at to begin their  years of service.

00:07:34 Ron Berry

They provide training at any request.

00:07:37 Ron Berry

Research just unbelievable amounts of research that they do for us and it would be I I can't imagine  trying to be an effective Commissioner without knowing that.

00:07:47 Ron Berry

CTAS had my back.

00:07:49 Susan Robertson

Great, well let's jump in then and talk to Jon Walden about CTAS

Can you discuss the relationship between CTAS and TCSA?

00:07:59 Jon Walden

Thanks, Susan for having me on the podcast.

00:08:01 Jon Walden

Yes, there would be no CTAS without TCSA. In 1973 county officials wanted an organization that could help them with their day-to-day work activities in their office and understanding what new legislation came about.

00:08:20 Jon Walden

So Tennessee County Services in 1973 went to bat and helped create CTAS and then CTAS was actually introduced to county officials the first time at the TCSA

00:08:32 Jon Walden

1973 Fall Conference and and the relationship has blossomed. Ever since TCSA handles the the lobbying aspect of it as David mentioned, and they help.

00:08:44 David Conner


00:08:45 Jon Walden

Provide training sessions and so forth and then CTAS provides the technical assistance and then in 2002 we also acquired the training program.

00:08:55 Jon Walden

The County Officials Certificate Training program, which moved to CTAS from the Center of Government training and that that partnership from 1970.

00:09:05 Jon Walden

83 and to now, which in 2023 CTAS will be celebrating 50 years of existence.

00:09:12 Susan Robertson


00:09:13 Jon Walden

But as I indicated, there would be no CTAS if it wasn't for TCSA

00:09:20 Susan Robertson

Right, and David can you?

00:09:21 Susan Robertson

Talk a little bit about your partnership with CTAS

00:09:25 David Conner

Yeah, it's tremendous.

00:09:27 David Conner

It's just fantastic working with Jon, but we've had a good relationship with all the executive directors and.

00:09:32 David Conner

You know it's kind of hand in glove and a lot of times their own members will confuse.

00:09:37 David Conner

They'll call our conferences a CTAS event, or they'll say something about a CTAS training that call it TCSA, but we try to work that closely together.

00:09:47 David Conner

There's certain, like Jon mentioned, there's certain lanes that we do.

00:09:50 David Conner

The lobbying and advocacy, and UT does not get involved in that.

00:09:54 David Conner

But then they're out there in the field doing tremendous work on a day-to-day basis, helping local officials do their jobs.

00:10:01 David Conner

On whether it's like coming up on one of our conferences, sitting down with some of the CTAS leadership, and talking about what are topics that they see out in the field that are needs for training, or things that we've seen that.

00:10:12 David Conner

We're asking them.

00:10:13 David Conner

To help us educate our officials about or communicating really during COVID, I think both organizations.

00:10:21 David Conner

Benefited from probably talking more frequently about what are we hearing out in the field.

00:10:25 David Conner

What am I hearing at the national level from organizations like the National Association of Counties and sharing that information back and forth?

00:10:34 David Conner

Even today we continue to have issues with some counties struggling with getting some of their certifications with US.

00:10:39 David Conner

Treasury up to date so they can draw the funds down, and it's something that I try to help out where I can as the field staff are reporting problems they're seeing out in counties and connecting people with folks either in Nashville or in DC to help them with their issues.

00:10:53 David Conner

So yeah, it's just.

00:10:56 David Conner

We're in the same building.

00:10:58 David Conner

Thankfully the main headquarters for both organizations, so we talk, if not on a daily basis, certainly on a weekly basis, but.

00:11:06 David Conner

Yeah, it's I can't imagine like Jon said CTAS  wouldn't exist without TCSA, but I don't know that TCSA would still be around anymore if it wasn't for all.

00:11:14 David Conner

The help we get from CTAS

00:11:17 Susan Robertson

Right now I know Ron mentioned training.

00:11:20 Susan Robertson

If you, David, and John if you can both touch a little bit on the County Officials Orientation Program (COOP) and you had one just recently.

00:11:31 Susan Robertson

Well back in August I guess where you bring in thousands of new county.

00:11:36 Susan Robertson

Officials and and can you talk about how you both organizations work on that?

00:11:45 Jon Walden

Well, as you mentioned that did happen in August and it happens every four years.

00:11:50 Jon Walden

Matter of fact, it really happens every two years.

00:11:53 Jon Walden

We have an off year election in which we call it mini COOP

00:11:56 Jon Walden

But for the larger COOP

00:11:59 Jon Walden

We have anywhere from 800 individuals to 1000 and mainly new elected officials. They get elected that first Thursday in August.

00:12:09 Jon Walden

We try to have this orientation program on a week and a half two weeks after that, prior to them going into office September the 1st and basically.

00:12:19 Jon Walden

Have a day and 1/2.

00:12:20 Jon Walden

Off of a lot of information that they get mainly from a legal aspect, some a legal requirements that they have to have that first week of taking office and what we're doing this time as we never really concentrate on doing it intentionally is looking at being in office.

00:12:40 Jon Walden

100 days 120 days and then trying to target some classes for those newly elected officials. After that time period.

00:12:49 Jon Walden

And I think one thing that David didn't mention, which I think is invaluable to this relationship.

00:12:56 Jon Walden

We've had a couple of executive directors at TCSA.

00:12:59 Jon Walden

There were former CTAS staff members as well and I and I think that plays a valuable part in the relationship between the two organizations.

00:13:10 Jon Walden

Because David in his case understands what we're going through, and we do our best to try to understand what they're going through, especially during the legislative period.

00:13:21 Jon Walden

But yeah, COOP is a big undertaking for us.

00:13:24 Jon Walden

We like to joke and say we have COOP to try to make sure we keep officials out of jail and if they follow what we asked them to do.

00:13:36 Jon Walden

That is the case.

00:13:39 David Conner

Yeah, it's and I like what John was talking about.

00:13:43 David Conner

Certainly COOP is there to kind of figure out how you get into office.

00:13:45 David Conner

How do you do so?

00:13:46 David Conner

Legally, how do we make sure that you're understanding requirements like the States, open meeting laws and public records and conflicts of interest and all of that so they hit them with a lot of information to hopefully keep them out of trouble there?

00:13:59 David Conner

1st 30 days, but I know Jon and I we had several conversations, kind of after that, because our annual conference was in October, so that's about.

00:14:06 David Conner

Six weeks later and it's like OK if they've gotten in office 6 weeks and gotten a little bit of experience under their feet, what should we follow up with?

00:14:16 David Conner

And I said one of the panels we did and then a couple of different CTAS staff members joined the Comptroller's office and the folks in the Department of Finance and Administration to talk about.

00:14:26 David Conner

All the federal funds counties received over the last few years. Because it is what Ron was mentioning with that level of turnover we had. If over 1/3 of county commissioners and county mayors in the state are new, they're all inheriting a work plan and responsibility for reporting for literally millions of dollars. Every county received from the federal government.

00:14:47 David Conner

So they've got to understand what were all the strings that came attached to that.

00:14:50 David Conner

How do they need to be responsible with it?

00:14:52 David Conner

And that was just one example of something.

00:14:54 David Conner

We're like.

00:14:55 David Conner

OK, we know.

00:14:56 David Conner

A few days or a few months or a few weeks into office, we need to follow up with these new officials quickly about that.

00:15:04 Susan Robertson

Right, right

00:15:05 Susan Robertson

Yeah, I can imagine six weeks in office.

00:15:07 Susan Robertson

You might have even more questions than you had when.

00:15:09 Susan Robertson

You started.

00:15:10 Ron Berry

Susan, one other thing that I think is is really valuable is.

00:15:16 Ron Berry

We came up with a program that requires county officials commissioners to have X number of hours training.

00:15:27 Ron Berry

I think it's like 12 hours a year of training so we put additional responsibilities over on CTASt to make sure that that they already had the.

00:15:33 Ron Berry

Training facilities available but,  that's been a, I think a an  invaluable thing for us to make sure that our that our county officials are receiving training.

00:15:45 Ron Berry

You know the the biggest responsibility that the County Commissioner has is passing the budget every year for their county.

00:15:52 Ron Berry

That's a huge undertaking and lots and lots of hours.

00:15:55 Ron Berry

Went to CTAS training to actually get you familiar with how budgets work and and your responsibilities in passing that so they've  been invaluable.

00:16:04 Ron Berry

They're helping us as we try to make our organization stronger.

00:16:09 Ron Berry

They're there to help us do that.

00:16:12 Susan Robertson

Right, right

00:16:14 Susan Robertson

So this question is for all three of you really the General Assembly will soon reconvene.

00:16:22 Susan Robertson

What is on the agenda for TCSA and for counties?

00:16:26 Susan Robertson

This upcoming session?

00:16:27 Susan Robertson

I know David.

00:16:28 Susan Robertson

You mentioned you know infrastructure, highways.

00:16:30 Susan Robertson

What are some of the other things that.

00:16:32 Susan Robertson

That you all will be focused on.

00:16:36 David Conner

Yeah, those are certainly topics we think are going to be discussed and addressed.

00:16:42 David Conner

Something we heard a lot from and and our new director of County Mayors, Association of County mayors is Anthony Holt.

00:16:48 David Conner

He just retired from being the Sumner County executive for.

00:16:51 David Conner

The last four terms.

00:16:52 David Conner

And he held a series of regional meetings this fall, and one of the things that.

00:16:56 David Conner

Is sort of a newer issue that we traditionally haven't dealt with a lot, but.

00:17:00 David Conner

We heard from a number of communities across the state about issues around housing, whether that be counties in Middle Tennessee that are struggling to keep up with the growth in residential housing and the impact on the school system or parts of the state.

00:17:14 David Conner

We heard from some folks in East Tennessee about affordable housing and how the cost is going up, and they aren't.

00:17:19 David Conner

There's not a.

00:17:21 David Conner

The rental income or the rental costs are going up.

00:17:23 David Conner

Housing costs are going up West Tennessee.

00:17:27 David Conner

Obviously they're impacted by Blue Oval City and a lot of those communities are trying to plan for.



00:17:32 David Conner

How do we get the infrastructure in place for all the growth that's coming so?

00:17:35 David Conner

Housing and affordable housing.

00:17:37 David Conner

Supportive housing.

00:17:39 David Conner

All of those.

00:17:40 David Conner

There's  another big area that we haven't traditionally been involved in, but we're certainly starting to hear about and think there may be legislation coming up related to that.

00:17:53 Susan Robertson

Right and Ron?

00:17:54 Susan Robertson

Can you talk a little bit about that from the county perspective?

00:17:58 Ron Berry

Yeah, well, one of the things that that is really going to be important is our fuel tax with all the electric vehicles coming on.

00:18:08 Ron Berry

The loss of of the fuel tax and how do we?

00:18:11 Ron Berry

How do we?

00:18:12 Ron Berry

How do we recoup that and?

00:18:14 Ron Berry

And they're actually.

00:18:15 Ron Berry

I think they're having meetings and things now to try to determine.

00:18:19 Ron Berry

How that's going to affect the new funding for education is going to be huge.

00:18:25 Ron Berry

For statist, A is A is a new formula that would be coming about and again as these new things come.

00:18:32 Ron Berry

Board CTAS will be there holding seminars across the state, giving us that information, sending us information and that's how the Commissioners can work with their school board members with information.

00:18:47 Ron Berry

Because we're getting the same information now through CTAS as our school board members are getting through their organizations.

00:18:55 Ron Berry

So, so those are.

00:18:56 Ron Berry

Those are some big things.

00:18:58 Ron Berry

How we are we dealing with jail population?

00:19:01 Ron Berry

Is is going to be is another key issue?

00:19:04 Ron Berry

All of these things are huge to counties and and thank goodness we have CTAS there to help us gather the information and data that we need.

00:19:14 Ron Berry

So we'll be watching for these different things.

00:19:18 Jon Walden

And Susan CTAS, as we indicated earlier, we, don't get into the lobbying aspect.

00:19:25 Susan Robertson


00:19:25 Jon Walden

But how we help TCSA in that role is?

00:19:30 Jon Walden

Some of the research on things that they need research for real quick so that they can make conversation with the members of the General Assembly or and then also our attorneys will look at some of the legislation that's coming across and have conversations with  David and his team so that we can hopefully help them.

00:19:50 Jon Walden

Combat any situation that they may need information on.

00:19:57 Jon Walden

And then we're here just for sounding board form so that they can bounce stuff off of us to see if they're understanding it the way they think they understand it.

00:20:06 Jon Walden

And so we have those conversations back and forth on occasion as well.

00:20:11 Susan Robertson

Right, right

00:20:14 Susan Robertson

Well, thank you all for joining us today.

00:20:16 Susan Robertson

This has been very informative.

00:20:18 Susan Robertson

And you know, I'm sure most county residents don't realize what goes on behind the scenes at the TCSA and CTAS levels.

00:20:28 Susan Robertson

And thank you listeners.

00:20:29 Susan Robertson

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