Livin' What You're Given

Numb Tongue Trials

Laura Padgett Season 4 Episode 7

In a rare presentation of a solo episode, I talk about my philosophy that we can indeed learn to love, speak and walk with dignity, even in a world where winning at all costs is everything. Pulling from real-life experience, I share a story from my 2018 publication "Jesus in Shorts: Twenty-five Short Stories of Life-Changing Jesus Moments."

The lead story in that collection of short stories is one about almost losing a life-long friend because of my insistence on being right.  While in the dentist's chair, I learned a valuable lesson about trying to talk intelligently with my tongue numbed. In short it is dangerous and harmful, not only to others but to myself as well.

Being led into God's Truth about the danger of an unbridled tongue, (James 3:8), I was also led to make an amends to someone I hurt, and accept her amends to me.  A lesson I share in hopes of helping others realize they are not perfect and sometimes we can hurt others. But there is redemption in the form of forgiveness in God’s love. That truth will help make us bold enough to ask forgiveness from one we may have hurt, and accept the amends of one who has hurt us.

For more of my short stories, please consider purchasing a copy of my first short story anthology (title listed above) which is available for purchase on my website or on Amazon.  You can also find short stories on my blog on my website at

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