The Birth Visionary Podcast

Living in Authenticity with Kim Summer

Jennifer Dunatov Season 1 Episode 9

Kim Summer is a Southern California Full Spectrum Doula, writer, International Cesarean Awareness Network chapter leader, placenta specialist, and activist. A mother to three, she holds degrees in Behavioral Science and Anthropology. She is currently working on multiple books, and pursuing her IBCLC licensure at UCSD. She can almost always be found drinking coffee and chasing the sun.  Connect with Kim at and @mamathreebirds

In this episode we talk about Kim's work as a hospital-focused doula and what she thinks every doula needs to be an effective advocate in the hospital.   We touch on Kim's move from California to Wisconsin and back again, grief and connection to "home."  We also cover Kim's time serving in the U.S. Army and how it informs the work she does today.