The Wealthy Wellness Business Podcast

How to foster high performance in your team without micromanaging

Dr Andy + Dr Jacinta Season 3 Episode 14

Want three GAME-CHANGING strategies to help you BREAK FREE from Micromanaging your team? Dyingggg to take a 10 day holiday without needing to be contacted?

We’ve got you covered in this week's episode of The Wealthy Wellness Business Podcast.

From learning how to TRUST and give your team members more FREEDOM, we’ll give you the tools and perspective shifts so you can start experiencing a true freedom based business!

With some small tweaks to your management style, we know that YOU can create a high-performing, freedom-based practice, that actually allows you to take time off when you need it AND gives you the spaciousness to work ON your practice and not IN it.

Here's a sneak peek of the main topics we dive into in this episode:

  • Importance of Delegation and Team Collaboration
  • Recognizing your Micromanagement Behaviours and how to move into an inspirational leader instead
  • Knowing When to Step In as a Leader and when to ‘let go’ 
  • Creating a Freedom-Based Practice
  • Strategies for Inspiring Team Motivation towards your practice mission

If you are here because you want to hire your next super star team member, without the fear of ‘getting it wrong’ or hiring someone who doesn’t align with your culture, our pre-hire template is for you! No matter if this is your first hire, or 100th … this template is designed to ensure you attract the perfect fit. You can download your FREE Pre-hire template HERE

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A + J x

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