The Wealthy Wellness Business Podcast

Spilling the Tea on our Business Partnership

Dr Andy + Dr Jacinta Season 3 Episode 15

This week we are spilling the TEA on the behind the scenes of our Business Partnership!!

We’ve been working together for over a decade now!!! —yes, we’ve officially survived the 10-year itch! 🙌

Whether you're in a partnership now or you are considering one, this week's episode on The Wealthy Wellness Business Podcast is PACKED with valuable lessons and insights that can help you thrive in your entrepreneurial journey too!

Here's a sneak peek of the main topics we dive into in this episode:

  • Building a Strong Business Relationship
  • Self-Responsibility and Happiness
  • Understanding Each Other's Work Styles
  • Testing the Relationship Before Partnership
  • Balancing Friendship and Business
  • The Importance of Not Taking Things Personally
  • The Value of a Solid Contract
  • What We Love and Find Challenging in Partnership
  • The Role of Mentorship in Business

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A + J x

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