The Teeth Time Podcast

021 | Why the Third Year of Dental School Has Me Busier Than Ever (I'm Back!!)

Stephen P. Ray

It has been almost a year since Stephen has produced an episode of The Teeth Time Podcast. Today, the silence is ended! Stephen is back to discuss his third year of dental school and how life in the fast lane has been treating him. In this episode Stephen discusses in detail the difficulties of D3 year including handling patients and their needs, maintaining progress in graduation requirements, balancing stuying, learning dentistry, and much more.

Stephen also dives into a detailed look at his newest love in the fitness space: weight training. He discusses his recent migration from strict distance running to a more muscle building focus in the gym getting into topics like time under tension, higher volume, and the mind muscle connection. 

Finally, Stephen updates you on his YouTube channel and his plans for the future. There is a year of material to cover in only around 30 minutes. Strap in! It's teeth time.